Programme unveiled for the International Bearded Vulture Meeting 2024 

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The eagerly awaited International Bearded Vulture Meeting and LIFE GYPRESCUE Seminar will once again bring together leading experts, researchers, and conservationists to discuss the latest advancements in the protection of this majestic species. This year, attendees will have the opportunity to explore cutting-edge conservation strategies, share experiences, and discuss pressing challenges facing the Bearded Vulture. The recently released draft programme outlines an exciting agenda, promising an in-depth exploration of the latest research and conservation efforts. 

A tradition of collaboration and conservation 

The International Bearded Vulture Meeting has long served as a key platform for sharing knowledge about the Bearded Vulture. This majestic bird, one of Europe’s most endangered raptors, has benefited from decades of dedicated conservation work. By bringing together stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, the meeting fosters an environment where innovative ideas and successful conservation stories can be exchanged. 

LIFE GypRescue seminar 

Running alongside the International Bearded Vulture Meeting is the LIFE GypRescue seminar, organised by the Parc Naturel Régional du Corse, a part of the gathering that will spotlight the latest achievements and lessons learned from the LIFE GypRescue project. The project, launched in 2021, aims to prevent the extinction of the Bearded Vulture in Corsica by enhancing the natural reproduction rates, boosting the island’s carrying capacity for the species, restocking with captive bred birds and implementing measures to reduce mortality. This year’s seminar will cover a range of topics, from the genetic dynamics of the population to practical conservation efforts like the reduction of threats from power lines and the testing of lead-free ammunition. 

Seminar highlights 

The programme for the LIFE GypRescue seminar provides a glimpse into the comprehensive agenda set for 7-8 November. Sessions will include for example: 

  • Genetic studies and threat analysis: Presentations will delve into the genetic makeup of the Corsican Bearded Vulture population, current threats, and limiting factors impacting their survival. 
  • Feeding stations and bioacoustic scaring techniques: Experts will discuss the management of feeding stations and innovative methods like bioacoustic scaring to protect feeding areas from Common Ravens. 
  • Conservation communication: The seminar will address strategies for improving public awareness and stakeholder engagement, showcasing new communication tools. 

The seminar will also include a premiere screening of the documentary “L’Altore – Bearded Vulture – Corsica” by filmmaker Martin Van Boone, providing an artistic perspective on the conservation journey. 

Please note that this preliminary version of the programme is still subject to change. 

International Bearded Vulture Meeting 

Bearded Vulture (c) Bruno Berthemy
Bearded Vulture (c) Bruno Berthemy

The International Bearded Vulture Meeting will take place from 8-10 November, following the LIFE GypRescue seminar. The programme includes presentations on various topics, such as: 

  • Captive-breeding programmes: Results from recent breeding efforts and the significance of natural chick rearing will be discussed by experts like Alex Llopis Dell from Vallcalent and Hans Frey from RFZ Breeding Centres. 
  • Regional monitoring: Updates on monitoring efforts in the Alps and plans for current future releases across Europe will be highlighted. 
  • Innovative research: Presentations will cover the latest findings in Bearded Vulture diet, habitat use, and the genetics of populations in the Alps and beyond. 

Please note that this preliminary version of the programme is still subject to change. 

Join the conversation 

Registration for the International Bearded Vulture Meeting 2024 and the LIFE GypRescue seminar is open until 31 October 2024. Whether you are a seasoned expert or simply passionate about bird conservation, the event promises a valuable opportunity to contribute to the ongoing recovery of the Bearded Vulture in Europe. 

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