Rei del Causse returned to his ”kingdom” in Grands Causses, France

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The famous adventurer, a Bearded Vulture called Rei del Causse, has finally returned to his “kingdom” at Tarn canyon in Southern France. After an extensive journey that captivated birdwatchers and conservationists alike, the three-year-old vulture is ready to soar once more in the wild landscapes of Grands Causses. 

Rei del Causse Bearded vulture
Bearded Vulture “Rei del Causse” (c) Pascal Orabi

Fearless adventurer

Rei del Causse first made headlines in 2023 when he flew to the Netherlands and then to Germany. There, he needed to be rescued and transported back to Grands Causses National Park in France, where he had been released in 2022. Not even one year later, a rescue mission was needed once again, but this time in Poland.  

In May 2024, Rei del Causse was spotted in the city of Poznan. On 28 May 2024, a local resident was surprised to find Rei at his apartment window. The video of this encounter quickly went viral, making Rei a celebrity in Poland. However, the thunderstorms that brought Rei to Poznan also left him exhausted. By 30 May, he was found weak and unable to fly by the Warta River. 

Our Polish colleagues swiftly came to Rei’s aid and they transported the exhausted bird to the Poznan Zoo. There, he received hydration, nourishment, and medical care, gradually regaining his strength. Last week, his weight was measured as 5.9kg, which is considered very healthy.  

“Rei del Causse” in Poznan Zoo @ Poznan Zoo
“Rei del Causse” in Poznan Zoo, Poland (c) Poznan Zoo

Safe return back to France

After extensive research, organization and considering several factors about the bird and its conditions, the decision was finally made to return Rei del Causse back to his home in France. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Embassy of France, LPO,  Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska, Poznan Zoo, VCF and the company MileInAir, Rei was able to be safely transported back to France. He flew by plane to Marseille and then returned to the Grands Causses, where he once again embraced the wild. The GypACT team did great work to make the transition for Rei as smooth as possible and released him into freedom.

Importance of international cooperation

Rei del Causse’s rescue in Poland highlights the importance of international cooperation in wildlife conservation. Young Bearded Vultures like Rei often venture far from their mountain homes, facing numerous threats along the way, including food scarcity and human-made dangers. Through GPS tracking and swift rescue efforts, conservationists can monitor and protect these majestic birds. 

Rei del Causse’s story is a testament to resilience and the spirit of adventure. As he returns to his kingdom in the Grands Causses, we can only hope that he continues to thrive and leaves his “adventurous days” behind, never having to be rescued and recaptured again.  

We are very thankful to all who have been involved in rescuing Rei del Causse and releasing him back in the wild. 

For those visiting the Grands Causses, keep an eye on the skies – you might just catch a glimpse of the “king” himself, soaring majestically above the rugged landscape. 

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