Save the date: The Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2024 and LIFE GYPRESCUE Seminar in Corsica

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As the Bearded Vultures prepare for a new breeding season this November, those who look after them will gather in Corsica to discuss their work at the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2024 and the LIFE GypRescue seminar.

Save the Date: The Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2024 and LIFE GYPRESCUE Seminar in Corsica

Event details

Event Schedule

  • LIFE GypRescue Seminar: 7 November (full day) and 8 November (morning session)
  • Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting: 8 November (afternoon) and 9 November (full day)
  • Field visit: 10 November 2024

Present your work

Our research team is developing an exciting programme featuring different regions and fields of Bearded Vulture projects. If you are interested in presenting your conservation or research work on the Bearded Vulture, please contact Franziska at

Travel information

Please note that there are limited flights to Corsica, and most routes require a connection through an airport in France. We recommend planning your travel arrangements early to ensure a smooth journey.

Stay updated

In the coming weeks, we will share the registration form and provide details about accommodation, conference rooms, travel information, and the programme. To receive updates as soon as they are available, sign up for our email list or follow us on FacebookLinkedInX.

About the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting

For decades, this meeting has brought together partners involved in the reintroduction of the Bearded Vulture in the Alps and now includes various projects from across Europe and beyond. The goal is to discuss the latest conservation and research efforts, exchange best practices, and stay updated on the actions and outcomes of related projects. All Bearded Vulture experts and enthusiasts are welcome to join the meeting to share and learn about the latest insights on the conservation and research of the species.

About the LIFE GypRescue Project

Led by Parc naturel régional de Corse, in collaboration with Ligue pour la Protection des OiseauxDirection des systèmes énergétiques insulairesFédération des Chasseurs de la Corse du Sud and us at the Vulture Conservation Foundation, the LIFE GYPRESCUE project (LIFE20 NAT/FR/001553) came to life in 2021 to prevent the extinction of the Bearded Vulture in Corsica. The project team strives to increase the population through restocking actions, improve the natural reproduction and boost the island’s nesting capacity for the species, while preventing human-related disturbance and mitigating threats to reduce mortality.

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