Discover the newly launched LIFE Aegypius Return website 

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Introducing the newly launched LIFE Aegypius Return website – your one-stop destination for all information related to consolidating the Cinereous Vulture population in Portugal and Western Spain.  

Explore the LIFE Aegypius Return website 

Our website is designed to provide visitors with comprehensive information about the LIFE Aegypius Return project. Explore our website to learn more about the LIFE Aegypius Return project, its objectives, and the ten Natura 2000 sites along the Spanish-Portuguese border where targeted conservation efforts are taking place. Discover the history and background of the Cinereous Vulture in Portugal and Spain, key facts and figures about the species, and why vultures are crucial for ecosystem balance. You can also stay up-to-date with project news, events, and progress results, and access downloadable resources and deliverables. 

Report Wildlife Crime 

You can help us protect the Cinereous Vulture. Our website includes a critical section dedicated to reporting wildlife crime, including illegal shooting, poisoning, disturbance of nests, and forest fires. If you come across any wildlife crimes in Portugal and Spain, please report them and join us in protecting the Cinereous Vulture. 

Help us spread the word 

Our newly launched LIFE Aegypius Return website is the perfect platform for Cinereous Vulture fans to stay informed and show their support. Help us spread the word about the importance of conserving this species by sharing our project news and updates on social media. We’re also organizing various events aimed at engaging different stakeholders with the project, from the European Vulture Conference 2023 targeting scientists to education activities for local communities. All these events will be uploaded on our website, so be sure to check them out and attend the ones you are interested in. 

Join us in our conservation efforts and learn more about the LIFE Aegypius Return project by exploring our website at 

LIFE Aegypius Return 

LIFE Aegypius Return project Logo

LIFE Aegypius Return project has ambitious yet attainable goals to secure the comeback of the Cinereous Vulture in Portugal and western Spain. Until the end of the project in 2027, the team aims to double the breeding population in Portugal, encourage connectivity between colonies and downgrade the national conservation status from Critically Endangered to Endangered.   

It is a 3.7 million project, co-financed by the European Union’s LIFE Programme, whose success relies on the involvement of all relevant stakeholders and the extensive collaboration of the leading project partner, the Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF), com todos os parceiros locais: Palombar – Conservação da Natureza e do Património RuralHerdade da ContendaSociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das AvesLiga para a Protecção da NaturezaAssociação Transumância e NaturezaFundación Naturaleza y HombreGuarda Nacional Republicana Associação Nacional de Proprietários Rurais Gestão Cinegética e Biodiversidade.   

Logos LIFE Aegypius Return

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