Vulture Programmes Manager
Jovan Andevski was born in Skopje, Macedonia, and studied Biology there. His first working experience was as a project assistant on a vulture conservation project in Macedonia (2003). Since 2008 he is working as the coordinator for the Balkan Vulture Action Plan, firstly for the Black Vulture Conservation Foundation, then for the Frankfurt Zoological Society and since 2013 for the Vulture Conservation Foundation. During the last 15 years he worked on vulture research and conservation, project management and coordination in the Balkan region and Spain, and has also been involved in the Black Vulture reintroduction project in France and the Griffon Vulture reintroduction project in Bulgaria and Sardinia and also involved in actions against poisoning. He was also involved in the preparation of the Multi-species Action Plan to conserve African-Eurasian Vultures (Vulture MsAP), Cinereous Vulture Flyway Action Plan and the European Species Action Plan for the Cinereous Vultures.