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Cinereous Vulture Maps

A GPS transmitter weighs only a few grams, and yet it provides invaluable information that helps inform more accurate conservation actions. Equipping vultures with GPS transmitters enables us to closely monitor their movements and behaviour, understand their foraging ranges and habits, and detect when individuals are no longer moving and potentially injured to act accordingly. The data also reveals any threats vultures face, providing insights that allow us to carry out actions to mitigate risks and help support the species comeback.

As part of different conservation projects, we monitor several Cinereous Vultures across Bulgaria, France, Mallorca and Portugal. You can also follow their lives by checking out these online maps that are open to the public!

Cinereous Vultures GPS-tagged in Portugal

Bruma - juvenile Cinereous Vulture rehabilitated and tagged in Portugal 2021

Lechuga - juvenile black vulture tagged in the Douro 2020

Chaparrito - juvenile black vulture tagged in Contenda 2020

Rias - juvenile black vulture recovered in Portugal and re-released



Vide Andre

Cinereous Vultures GPS-tagged in France

Bouriette - juvenile black vulture recovered and re-released in Quillan, France

Cinereous Vultures GPS-tagged in Bulgaria within the Vultures Back to LIFE project

Boyan - hatched and raised in Riga Zoo, released in Bulgaria

Riga - hatched and raised in Riga Zoo, released in Bulgaria

VCF_Know-how - wild origin in Spain and translocated to Bulgaria

Extremadura - wild origin in Spain and translocated to Bulgaria

Cinereous Vultures GPS-tagged in Mallorca

Mallorca1 - captured and marked on Mallorca

Mallorca2 - captured and marked on Mallorca

Mallorca3 - captured and marked on Mallorca



Cinereous Vulture GPS-tagged in Israel

Oshra - captured and marked in Israel

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