life safe for vultures

First step to the restoration of the vulture guild in Sardinia

LIFE Safe for Vultures logo
Project period1 January 2021 to 31 December 2026
Project areaSardinia
Target speciesGriffon Vulture

The Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus), a key species in the natural cycle of Sardinia, faced a significant decline in numbers, threatening its survival. Concentrated in northwest Sardinia, the population was at risk until the LIFE Under Griffon Wings project (LIFE14 NAT/IT/000484) successfully increased the population from around 100 individuals in 2015 to about 250 in 2020. Building on this success, the LIFE Safe for Vultures project (LIFE19 NAT/IT/000732) aims to ensure the long-term survival of Griffon Vultures in Sardinia.

Funded by the EU’s LIFE Programme and running until 2028, the LIFE Safe for Vultures project targets expanding the vultures' distribution range, enhancing carrying capacity, and mitigating major threats such as poisoning and interactions with energy infrastructure. By extending conservation actions to central-eastern and southern Sardinia, the project aims to restore the vulture population to its historical distribution areas, ensuring a stable and thriving population that contributes to the island's ecological balance.


The project team not only targets immediate threats but through comprehensive conservation strategies, it also aims to create a foundation for the long-term recovery and expansion of Griffon Vultures across their historical ranges.

With funding from the European Union’s LIFE programme, the LIFE Safe for Vultures team will implement releases promoting distribution expansion, anti-poison measures, boost of food availability, promotion of lead-free ammunition, and energy infrastructure safety initiatives.


The project will expand the distribution area and increase the carrying capacity of Griffon Vultures by creating a network of feeding stations in livestock farms across eastern and southern Sardinia. Additionally, a new nucleus of vultures will be established in southern Sardinia through a restocking program and the activation of a centralized feeding station. The objective is to support population growth and facilitate the recolonization of historical ranges.

Asinara National Park. The selected area for the feeding station to be built. ground is covered in mediterranean shrubs. There is LIFE Safe For Vultures in the background.
The area selected to build the feeding station in Asinara National PArk (Sardinia - Italy) © LIFE Safe For Vultures


To combat the threat of poisoning, the project will establish new anti-poison dog units trained to detect and prevent the illegal use of poison baits. These units will operate across key areas, working closely with law enforcement to prosecute offenders. 

anti-poison dog unit sardinia_The efforts against wildlife poisoning in Sardinia expand to the whole island


The project will promote the use of lead-free ammunition among hunters, reducing the risk of lead poisoning in Griffon Vultures and other wildlife. This will be achieved through awareness campaigns, educational programs, and collaboration with hunting associations. The goal is to minimize the ingestion of lead particles from hunted carcasses, ensuring a safer food supply for vultures and enhancing overall ecosystem health.



To reduce mortality risks from interactions with energy infrastructures, the project will secure 20 km of power lines in the vultures’ distribution areas. E-Distribuzione will implement safety measures, such as insulation and visibility enhancements, to prevent collisions and electrocutions. By creating a safer environment for Griffon Vultures, the goal is to decrease fatalities linked to energy infrastructures and support population stability.

Minimising the risk of electrocution for Griffon Vultures in Sardinia
Mitigating the threat of electrocution in Sardinia © Antonio Varcasia/ LIFE Safe for Vultures

LIFE Safe for Vultures is a project co-financed by the EU’s LIFE Programme, acting as the first step to the restoration of the vulture guild in Sardinia. The University of Sassari leads the project in collaboration with Agenzia Regionale ForestasSardegna Corpo ForestaleE-Distribuzione and the Vulture Conservation Foundation.

For more information, visit the LIFE Safe for Vultures website.


LIFE SAFE for VULTURES project partner funder logos

The LIFE Safe for Vultures project (LIFE19 NAT/IT/000732) is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union. The project duration is 6 years, from January 2021 to December 2026. The total budget is €3,196,851, with the European Union contributing €1,876,992.

The opinions expressed in the news are those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the grant provider can be held responsible for them.

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