BalkanDetox LIFE Project Coordinator
Uroš Pantović is a Serbian biologist, whose fascination and interest for birds has followed him since
high-school and finally throughout his studies in Belgrade and Novi Sad. Following his interest in
birds, Uroš volunteered in the Black Vulture Conservation Foundation in Mallorca for several months,
where he got his first opportunity to experience vulture conservation and practical work with
vultures, which have fascinated him ever since. Through his close association with BirdLife Serbia,
Uroš gained experience relevant to conservation of various groups of birds and in dealing with bird
crime issues, such as poaching and poisoning.
Uroš is working on improving the situation with vultures and wildlife poisoning
in the Balkan region,
firstly through the Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project (BAPP), and currently through the BalkanDetox LIFE
project. Uroš joined VCF in 2018 and is keen on contributing to VCF’s overall mission to protect and
conserve vultures across Europe.