Rupis – the subadult Egyptian vulture which was captured and tagged in the framework of the project LIFE Rupis three weeks ago, is currently west of Salamanca, not very far away from the Portuguese border (see map).
The capturing site was close to Miranda do Douro in the Douro canyon, but Rupis soon started to explore a wider área, first going north, and then south (see map). After west of Salamanca, Rupis made a tour to the north yesterday and is heading south again. The detailed movements of Rupis are very useful to identify suitable foraging áreas and preferred feeding sites for the species in the region.
Rupis will most likely spend the next few weeks still in Spain and Portugal, and after that migrate south to spend the winter in Africa. You can follow its movement here: http://www.4vultures.org/our-work/monitoring/egyptian-vulture-online-maps/