After an internet vote in which the public voted for the name of the Egyptian vulture carrying a tag in Oman (Tayeh التائه , the wanderer, was the winner!), we have been following his movements.
Tayeh – one of 13 Egyptian vultires captured and tagged by Dr. Mike McGrady last January in Oman – seems to spend quite a lot of his time in the hills south of the village of Jaslut جحلوت, (see maps, one with his movements since January and the other with the movements in the last week). Considering his (restricted) movements, it maybe that Tayeh is a resident bird and not a migrant, these normally range far and wider, particularly now that the spring migration season is starting.
Oman holds an important resident population of Egyptian vultures and is also a crucial wintering area for many individuals of this species migrating from Eastern Europe. Dr. Mike McGrady has been tracking Egyptian vultures in Oman via GPS transmitters since 2015, working with the Environment Society of Oman and volunteers. Tayeh is carrying a tag provided by the VCF, with funding from MAVA.
If you want to know more about the movements and ecology of Tayeh or any other tagged vulture, visit our Egyptian vulture online maps, and follow the movements of the birds on a daily basis. You should also visit Mike McGrady’s blog.
Photo: Mike McGrady