As part of the LIFE RUPIS project to help the Egyptian vulture in the Douro Canyon, three vulture supplementary feeding sites that had fallen inactive and dilapidated have now been restored and are starting to operate. These are located in Almofala (Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo), Poiares (Freixo de Espada à Cinta), both managed by the local NGO ATN, while the third is in Bruçó (Mogadouro) and will be managed by the NGO Palombar. These three supplementary feeding sites, together with 5 others existing in Spain (Parque Natural de los Arribes del Duero), will be key to the implementation of the supplementary feeding strategy for Egyptian vultures, in an attempt to improve the breeding productivity of this species in the area.
The new supplementary feeding points are starting to attract Egyptian vultures (see photo). The sites will be monitored through remote cameras. Later in the project three new feeding points will be created on the Portuguese side of the canyon.
For more information about this project visit
Photos Palombar