Tizón does a left turn – he is now on the border with Burkina Faso!
Tizón – the Egyptian vulture tagged on the 24th September in the Sierra de Hornachos (Extremadura, Spain) – continues to surprise us. After spending some weeks on the Mauritania-Mali border, the young Egyptian vulture had continued its journey south and on the 12th November he had almost reached Bamako, Mali´s capital. Now suddenly he has veered East, crossed the Niger river, and in 8-9 days flew over 600km – this weekend the GSM tag he is carrying gave a signal right on the Mali-Burkina Faso border.
Tizón had been found in August in Extremadura, disoriented and suffering malnutrition, and after rehabilitation was released by the Junta de Extremadura, AMUS and the VCF with a tag. The Egyptian Vulture is globally Endangered, and Spain is one of its strongholds.
Where will be his next stop? To be continued…