Tizón – the Egyptian vulture tagged on the 24th September in the Sierra de Hornachos (Extremadura, Spain) – decided to spend Xmas in Senegal. After a foray into Burkina Faso, Tizón had returned to its familiar spot on the Mauritania-Mali border, but it has now moved further west.
Tizón was found disoriented and suffering malnutrition last August in Extremadura. After a short period of rehabilitation it was released with a tag, set up by the Junta de Extremadura, AMUS and the VCF. The Egyptian Vulture is a globally endangered species, and Spain is one of its strongholds – between 1300 and 1500 pairs breed there, of which 170 in Extremadura.
Tizón has quickly migrated through Morocco and Mauritania but then spent three weeks in October on the Mauritania-Mali border. He has then toured around, almost reaching Bamako, Mali´s capital, and also flew east, into Burkina Faso, before returning west to the Mali-Mauritania border, and now into Senegal.
To be continued!