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Insights from the workshop on combating illegal killing and trade of migratory birds in the Balkans  

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From 2 to 4 September 2024, a workshop on developing, implementing, and monitoring National Action Plans (NAPs) for combating the illegal killing, taking, and trade of migratory birds (IKB) was held in Podgorica, Montenegro. Organized by the CMS Secretariat on behalf of the Intergovernmental Task Force on Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in the Mediterranean (MIKT) and in collaboration with the Montenegrin Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, and Northern Development, the event brought together experts from across the Balkans to strengthen regional efforts in tackling IKB. 

The workshop welcomed delegates and NGOs from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia, who came together to share knowledge and experience. The event focused on advancing the objectives of the Rome Strategic Plan 2020-2030, particularly its goal to eradicate illegal killing, taking, and trade of wild birds in Europe and the Mediterranean region through the development of comprehensive National IKB Action Plans. 

CMS/MIKT Workshop in Montenegro
© CZIP/Birdlife Montenegro 

Key outcomes  

Throughout the workshop, participants engaged in productive discussions and breakout sessions aimed at devising strategies for the effective development, implementation, and monitoring of IKB National Action Plans. These plans are crucial to aligning national efforts with the Rome Strategic Plan, ensuring that each country’s specific needs and priorities are met while contributing to a broader regional strategy against IKB. 

Experts from various countries and governmental representatives shared their experiences and best practices in Action Plan development and stakeholder engagement. This exchange of knowledge and expertise aims to equip participants with the tools and skills necessary to return to their home countries and facilitate the adoption and implementation of their respective Action Plans. 

CMS/MIKT Workshop in Montenegro
© CZIP/Birdlife Montenegro 

The role of BalkanDetox and the Wildlife Crime Academy 

The vital role of initiatives like BalkanDetox and the Wildlife Crime Academy in building capacity and fostering collaboration with government agencies also became apparent in the workshop.  

BalkanDetox, in particular, has been instrumental in developing national roadmaps against wildlife poisoning, a process closely aligned with the objectives of the National IKB Action Plans. Similarly, the Wildlife Crime Academy continues to serve as a crucial platform for enhancing the skills of government agencies in investigating wildlife crime, including illegal bird killing and trade. These initiatives have proven effective in promoting a collaborative approach to wildlife crime prevention and enforcement, which was reinforced during the workshop. 

Aligning with the Rome Strategic Plan and MIKT Objectives 

The Rome Strategic Plan emphasizes the importance of regional collaboration and the development of National IKB Action Plans tailored to the specific needs of each country. The workshop helped realize this vision by facilitating dialogue, fostering partnerships, and encouraging shared learning among Balkan countries. 

Moreover, the workshop supported the implementation of Action d of the Rome Strategic Plan, which calls for regional workshops to assist in the development and implementation of National Action Plans by 2024. By creating an opportunity for diverse stakeholders to come together and discuss the best approaches, the workshop contributed to building a foundation for effective, coordinated action against IKB across the region. 

Looking ahead 

The knowledge gained and the connections made during the workshop will support the development of robust National Action Plans, fostering greater ownership and engagement from all actors involved in combating IKB in the Balkans. 

VCF remains dedicated to supporting these efforts as observers in MIKT and through initiatives like BalkanDetox, and Wildlife Crime Academy. We look forward to seeing the progress that emerges from this workshop and continuing to work closely with our partners across the region to protect migratory birds and preserve biodiversity for future generations. 

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