The young male bearded vulture – named Larzac – that left the Grands Causses several weeks ago to make a complete tour of the Netherlands has disappeared in northern Germany.
After spending some time in the Netherlands and Belgium, Larzac flew to northern Germany on the 2nd of July. He reached the island of Fehman before he turned around and flew back to the mainland. The last data from his GPS tag was received on the 4th of July.
Local birders checked the place of the last GPS position, but they could not find Larzac, nor the transmitter. Hence, we do not know where he went next.
If you happen see Larzac – please find enclosed am image of his wing markings – let us know! We hope it is just a technical failure from his GPS tag.
Flying great distances and exploring new areas is normal for young bearded vultures. To fly all the way to the north is not that common, but it happens every now and then, usually in Spring. This summer bearded vultures have already been seen in Belgium, the UK, Denmark, and Poland-Ukraine.
The normal home of bearded vultures are the mountainous regions of Europe, Asia and Africa. There they find the perfect conditions for flying, steep walls for breeding & open landscape to search for bones to feed on. Let’s hope Larzac finds the way back to the mountains!
The VCF is reintroducing bearded vultures in three mountain ranges – the Alps, Andalusia, and in the Massif Central-Grands Causses – the latter project is locally managed by LPO, and is now financed by an EU LIFE grant – LIFE GYPCONNECT – see
Photo: Hans Pohlmann & Jaap Denee