The first newsletter of the LIFE GYPHELP has just been published – please download it below.
The LIFE GYPHELP project, in which the VCF is a partner, focus on reducing the main threats to the populations of bearded vultures in the French alps, namely the collisions against cables, intoxication/poisoning (particularly lead poisoning), and disturbance of the breeding sites by human activities
The Project, which started in the summer of 2014, is led by Asters (Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels de Haute-Savoie) and has as partners two national parks in the French Alps (Vanoise & Mercantour), the Observatoire des Galliformes de Montagnes, the local hunting association (FDC74) and the VCF, and it is funded by the EU LIFE fund.
During the project, many ski lifts and electricity power lines are being fit with anti-collision systems, while an enhanced monitoring and prevention system against poisoning will be carried out. Disturbance at sensitive nesting areas is also promoted through policy and voluntary agreements with different stakeholders.
The newsletter now published (in French) gives you a flavour of all the work done so far in this first year of the project.
LIFE GYPHELP – newsletter number 1 Newsletter 1 Gypaète.pdf Adobe Acrobat Document 3.5 MB Download