Guidelines and recommendations for the captive breeding of bearded vulture – 2nd edition Guidelines housing BV in captivity 2nd e Adobe Acrobat Document 3.2 MB Download
The VCF has just revised and considerably improved the guidelines for captive breeding of bearded vultures – the new document, upgraded with many photos, can be downloaded from
The VCF coordinates the bearded vulture EEP (European Endangered Species Programme) on behalf of EAZA, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria. This network includes over 30 Zoos and specialized captive breeding stations that have with bearded vultures, most of which are owned by the VCF.
This captive breeding network is at the basis of the successful reintroduction projects in the Alps (where there are now 30 breeding pairs in the wild), the Grands Causses (started in 2010) and Andalusia (started in 2006).
Participating zoos and captive breeding stations have now a technical document in their hands with the most recent knowledge on the best husbandry practices, in order to give these magnificent birds the perfect conditions for breeding in captivity, and thus increase the number of young that can be released in the near future.