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  • The Bearded Vultures in the Grands Causses are travelling further and further

The Bearded Vultures in the Grands Causses are travelling further and further

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Cévennes in flight (c) Bruno Berthémy

The three young Bearded Vultures released in the Grands Causses under LIFE GypConnect are embarking on longer trips and are becoming more and more confident in their flights!

Releasing the young vultures

This year, five out of nine young Bearded Vultures from LIFE GypConnect were released at the Parc naturel régional des Grands Causses. Europe, Lausa and Monna launched this year’s Bearded Vulture Release Season on 6 May, and Buisson and Cévennes closed the project’s release season on 3 June. Unfortunately, two of the birds met tragic ends. Buisson died from electrocution and Monna from a deadly fall that is still under investigation. The good news is that the other three birds seem to be doing well, are adapting in the wild, and are travelling further and further.

Updates from the three vultures released at the Grand Causses

Lausa (c) Florian Durand

The three birds Europe, Lausa and Cévennes are doing very well and make many flights every day and seem more and more confident. They even started travelling!

Europe has made an excursion in the Cantal and even went to Clermont-Ferrand and spent three nights there!

Cévennes followed Europe during an excursion in Aveyron to the Cavalry, then went to Gorges du Tarn and Mende.

Lausa travelled the from West to East, between Aubrac and Villefort.

But these youngsters are not the only Bearded Vultures in the area. AdonisLayrou and Arcana also settled in the Grands Causses and often go to the Lozérien release site, taking the opportunity to land and eat some of the food left for the three young vultures.

Update 10/09/2019

Lausa made an excursion in Cantal and even went as far as Clermont-Ferrand and Limoges, then she returned to Cantal and spent a few days around Lioran.

Europe joined Lausa during the week in Cantal after going to Genolhac.

Meanwhile, Cévennes remained around the release site even though it is gradually epxloring more ground.

AdonisLayrou and Arcana keep visiting the release site and took the opportunity to land and feed on bones deposited for our three young.


Led by the League pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO), the LIFE GYPCONNECT project aims to establish a breeding population of Bearded Vultures in the Massif Central and Department of the Drôme. Releasing captive-bred Bearded Vultures into the wild at sites such as the Parc Naturel Régional des Grands Causses,  Parc Naturel Régional des Baronnies Provençales and Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors will create a core population that will connect the two populations of the species in the Alps and Pyrenees. To facilitate movements between the new population and the Alpine and Pyrenean populations the LIFE GYPCONNECT team is creating a network of supplementary feeding stations, and tackling threats such as poisoning, and collision and electrocution with the electricity infrastructure.

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