The VCF has produced a poster about the remarkable results of the griffon vulture reintroduction project in Bulgaria.(LIFE08 NAT/BG278), led by Bulgarian NGO Green Balkans, and in which the VCF has also participated.
The poster has been produced in English and Spanish and will be distributed among all the institutions that have provided griffon vultures for release in Bulgaria, among which more than 10 European zoos breeding this species in captivity, and 20 wildlife rehabilitation centers from most of the Spanish Autonomous Regions, the Spanish government and France, that regularly receive injured or exhausted griffons and then keep them for release in the Balkans, under agreements and conventions established with the VCF.
More than 170 Griffon Vultures have been transported from Spain and France, and released in Bulgaria since 2010. The first breeding attempt in the release site already happened last year, with 5 pairs breeding this year.
The production of this poster was possible due to a donation from Dresden zoo.