The young female griffon vultures that have been released the 9th of March in the framework of the LIFE project “LIFE Under Griffon Wings – Implementation of best practices to rescue griffon vultures in Sardinia” have done what it is expected from teenagers – moving around! In three months, they have explored the whole area of the project LIFE Under Griffon Wings, giving us precious information on their movements. After being released, they stopped for few days in two different breeding sites. Then they started visiting the feeding area, and allowed us to confirm that the area chosen for the implementation of the small-scale farm feeding stations is the one regularly visited by the vultures.
Jana and Tempestosa spend most of their time in the historic roosts between Badde Orca and Monte Mannu in Bosa, but they regularly visit the areas of Bosa, Campeda and Alghero. Tempestosa also visited Ittiri, in the northern of Sardinia, while Jana flew to the south of Bosa reaching Sagama (see maps). They have an almost overlapping feeding area, and they may have fed on the same carcass at least once.
Their movements also followed by the monitoring team, who observe weekly the nests of the Bosa’s colony. Thanks to the social networks, the Sardinian population follow with attention the updates on Jana and Tempestosa: the video of their release has gained over 7.500 views!
The overall aims of LIFE UNDER GRIFFON WINGS is to rescue the Sardinian griffon population from a critical demographic situation (around 130 individuals are currently living in Sardinia) by mitigating the main threats limiting its viability. The main actions foresee to:
– create a network of feeding stations, which will guarantee enough food supply to the vulture population;
– create an anti-poison dog unit and developing a communication actions to raise awareness on the threat caused by the illegal use of poisoned baits;
– restocking program: the liberation of 60 griffon vultures from Spain to resolve the critical demographic situation of the population;
– mitigate human disturbance in the reproductive sites;
– reinforce the local wildlife rescue centre by equipping it with the facilities needed for the rehabilitation of large vultures.
The VCF supports this important conservation project which was developed by the University of Sassari in partnership with the Municipality of Bosa, the Forestry Agency and the Corpo Forestale di Vigilanza Ambientale. The project is implemented in collaboration with the regional Departments of Environmental Protection and Health, the Regional Natural Park of Porto Conte and the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale of Sardinia, the Junta de Andalucia and the VCF.
The VCF provides technical expertise and advice, while at the same time securing and transporting the griffon vultures that will be released in Sardinia. 41 vultures have already been transported to Sardinia and are waiting release.
Photos: LIFE Griffone