Diclofenac in Europe – the battle rages on!

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Some progress, some setbacks, some plans. The VCF is continuing to lead the battle to ban veterinary diclofenac in Europe – this drug, who has decimated almost all of Indian´s vultures, and is now banned on the Indian subcontinent, is now legally sold in Europe (Spain & Italy). While we found out that the drug is also legally available in Slovenia, we are continuing to engage with the EU Union. Following our formal request for DG Sanco to start a revaluation process leading to the ban of diclofenac , under Article 35 of the Veterinary Medicines Directive, they referred the issue to the Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures – Veterinary (CMDv),  which is now discussing it. New articles have appeared in the European press, while a new letter in Science alerts to the dangers of this new threat to vultures. None of the 12 EU governments we have contacted has yet decided to formally start the referral process, but a few have expressed they are worried about the situation and may act. In the meantime we have again written to Commissioner Borg, and more than 20,500 people have signed the on-line petition. There is only logical and sensible way – please ban this vulture killing drug from the EU! See more details by clicking on the link to the right!

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