The latest Info Gipeto (n. 38) news bulletin, available in English and Italian, delves into the main activities implemented and outcomes achieved in 2021 as part of the international Bearded Vulture reintroduction efforts. The ultimate objective is to achieve a sustainable restoration of the species’ European metapopulation – something that requires extensive planning and coordination and includes actions such as captive breeding, research insights and monitoring activities.
Raising awareness about Bearded Vulture reintroduction efforts
This Bulletin, issued by our Italian partners ERSAF – Direzione Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio and Aree Protette Alpi Marittime, acts as an awareness tool for disseminating information regarding the many aspects of the international Bearded Vulture reintroduction project in the Alps and beyond. Info Gipeto successfully combines rigorous science with a simple type of communication directed to a wide audience of readers. It keeps researchers, experts and also ornithologists, birdwatchers and nature lovers up to date with the species and its conservation. It has become the voice of the International Bearded Vulture Monitoring Network (IBM), representing all the partners who work nonstop for the comeback of the species in the Alps, Grands Causses, Corsica, Andalusia and the Pyrenees.
Info Gipeto issue number 38
With many original articles and contributions from several partners across Europe, the latest issue shares the 2021 highlights of the Bearded Vulture reintroduction projects. It covers all the scientific details: the reproduction of the breeding pairs in the wild, the results of the breeding in captivity and the consequent releases in the wild, telemetry and genetic results, threat and risk factors such as lead poisoning, and an overview of the LIFE GypConnect project and a synthesis of the last reproductive season in each breeding nucleus and country.
Read and download the new issue of Info Gipeto (n. 38)
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