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Sign the petition to help protect Egyptian Vultures in Aragon (Spain)

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Egyptian Vulture in flight (c) Bruno Berthemy

The construction and imminent commissioning of a wind farm in the Cinco Villas region of Zaragoza poses a severe threat to the population of Egyptian Vultures and other birds of prey in this area. Several of the wind turbines are even less than 1 km from the main Egyptian Vulture roost in the Ebro Valley.

 Failures in the environmental impact study

The Government of Aragon has authorised the project after receiving a favourable report from the Aragonese Institute of Environmental Management – INAGA, which has inexplicably validated the environmental impact assessment studies carried out by the consulting company (Quality and Environment, and TYPSA). The assessment ignored various scientific reports and those of the Regional Administration itself, which pointed to the presence of the most important and well-known Egyptian Vulture roosting site in the whole of Ebro Valley as well as other raptor species.

The complaints and writings presented by scientists and ecologists since August 2019 in local and national media and before the Regional Administration have not obtained any response from the Government of Aragon. Complaints have also been directed to the Justice of Aragon and the European Commission, but construction is still underway with closest wind turbines to the roosting site are already being installed.

This is a serious neglect that threatens a very sensitive species and one that is considered globally endangered. You can voice your support by joining over 50,000 others who have signed the petition calling to halt the project.

Sign the petition

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