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  • Watch directly from the nest the Bearded Vulture pair from Valsavarenche during this breeding period

Watch directly from the nest the Bearded Vulture pair from Valsavarenche during this breeding period

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The pair at the nest (c) Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso

For the second season in a row, a special webcam installed by the park rangers of Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso films the Bearded Vulture pair from Valsavarenche during their breeding period! 

The pair laid two eggs!

The pair had a successful breeding season last year – their chick, named Avrì, hatched and fledged. 

This year, the pair laid their first egg on 23 January, almost the same date as last year.

Then, on the night of 28 January, during a snowstorm, the female remained guarding the nest. And in the morning, there was a fantastic surprise – a second egg! Once the female leaves, the male immediately arrives to replace her and begins his incubating duties


Let’s hope for a successful breeding season ahead for this pair. We will be sharing the video updates from Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso.

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