The Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF) together with GREFA organized the Cinereous Vulture Meeting in 2014 to better coordinate reintroduction projects for the species.
The primary objectives were:
- To facilitate and enhance communication between different stakeholders.
- To map out the current and planned reintroduction projects on black vultures in order to detail the number of birds needed & the timing of the requests.
- Agree roles and responsibilities among all NGOs active on reintroduction projects relative to the projects, the Spanish Ministry and the regional administrations (Juntas) in Spain.

Coordination meeting for Cinereous Vulture reintroduction projects in Europe
Coordination meeting for black vulture reintroduction projects in Europe
Black vulture meeting – introduction
Actions of FWFF in Kresna Gorge, Bulgaria
Conclusions Operationalise the coordination agreed in Madrid
Potential new project in Croatia – Goran Susic
Restoration of the populations of Large European vultures in Bulgaria
Obtaining chicks at wild nests-min
Black vulture reintroduction Pyrenees GREFA
New project sistema ibérico GREFA