If you are a vulture fan that wants to spend a day observing Bearded Vultures while helping conservation efforts that favour the species, we have the perfect event for you! The International Observation Days (IOD) for Bearded Vultures will once again bring together hundreds of volunteers and experts for the 16th consecutive year in a row to search the skies for Europe’s rarest vulture. We ask vulture fans to join us to help us estimate the population of the species in Europe.
Get Involved
The IOD is an ambitious conservation initiative that cannot be achieved without the help of the public! The observation points cover seven countries in the following regions: the Alps, the Massif Central in France, Aude in the French Pyrenees, Andalusia in Spain and Bulgaria. This year’s simultaneous count is on Saturday, 2 October 2021 (in case of bad weather, the focus day will be postponed to Saturday, 9 October). We are inviting people to get involved, pick up a pair of binoculars, spend the day in the mountains, help us look for Bearded Vultures and get counting.
Through our network of organizations and IBM partners, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. Please contact the regional coordinators below if you are interested in participating or contact us for any other questions:
Nationalpark Hohe Tauern: bartgeier@hohetauern.at
Green Balkans: smarin@greenbalkans.org
Asters Haute-Savoie Conservatory of Natural Areas: etienne.marle@asters.asso.fr
Le Parc national du Mercantour
Ubaye: francois.breton@mercantour-parcnational.fr
Verdon: verdon@mercantour-parcnational.fr
Haut Var: varcians@mercantour-parcnational.fr
Tinée: tinee@mercantour-parcnational.fr
Vésubie: vesubie@mercantour-parcnational.fr
Roya Bevera: royabevera@mercantour-parcnational.fr
Parc national de la Vanoise: jerome.cavailhes@vanoise-parcnational.fr
Envergures Alpines: envergures.alpines@gmail.com; Dauphiné: christian.couloumy@gmail.com
Parc naturel régional des Grands Causses: noemie.ziletti@lpo.fr
Parc naturel régional du Vercors: life.gypaete@pnr-vercors.fr
Vautours en Baronnies: gypaete@vautoursenbaronnies.com
Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio: enrico.bassi76@gmail.com
Aosta: c.chioso@regione.vda.it
Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime: fabiano.sartirana@parcoalpimarittime.it
Junta de Andalusia (Andalusia and Castilla y León): enrique.avila@juntadeandalucia.es
Stiftung Pro Bartgeier
Central Switzerland: franziska.loercher@swild.ch
Eastern Switzerland (Graubünden) jenny.d@compunet.ch
Southern Switzerland (Tessin): roberto.lardelli@gmail.com
North-Western Switzerland (Bern) marco.orni@gmail.com
South-Western Switzerland (Valais + Western Switzerland): juliawildi@bluewin.ch
ZnAlp & LBV (NP Berchtesgaden, Allgäu): henning.werth@reg-schw.bayern.de and toni.wegscheider@lbv.de
Use #CountingBeardedVultures on social media and help raise awareness about this magnificent species!
The International Observation Days (IOD) for Bearded Vultures started in 2006 and are organised by the International Bearded Vulture Monitoring Network (IBM), coordinated by us here at the Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF). This year the IOD has also received a financial contribution from Parco Natura Viva and the ARCA Foundation!
International Bearded Vulture Monitoring Network (IBM)
The International Bearded Vulture Monitoring Network (IBM) is a unique international collaboration led by the Vulture Conservation Foundation between national & natural parks and non-governmental organisations to coordinate the monitoring activities for European Bearded Vulture populations. Through this network, data about the Bearded Vulture in Europe is collected, shared and made available to everyone working for the conservation of the species. The IBM-network also uses this data and comes together to discuss conservation strategies and priorities for this species on an international level. There are currently 18 partners and two associated organisations part of the IBM-network.
If you have any Bearded Vulture observations and photographs in the Alps, please report them here.