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Latest news from the Maestrazgo bearded vulture reintroduction project

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Alòs seen in the Pico d 'Urbión in November
Alòs seen in the Pico d ‘Urbión in November

We last caught up with Alos and Amic back in October and as we share the latest news from the Maestrazgo reintroduction project it seems that these two young bearded vultures continue to get to grips with life in the wild.


Out of the two young bearded vultures, it is Amic who has stayed close to the release site unlike the more adventurous Alòs. However, over the last month Amic has been going further afield. Amic left the release area and traveled to Terol then north 100km to Serra de Cucalón spending a few days in the surrounding areas west of Bordó. It wasnt long though before he returned to the release site and exploring the Naturals Parks of Tinença de Benifassà and dels Ports and caught on camera at a feeding station. 


Alòs seen with an adult bearded vulture
Alòs seen with an adult bearded vulture

After heading south and being sighted in the Rioja region of Andalucia, it seems Alòs has headed back north and observed in early October in the province of Guadalajara and aruond Segòvia before heading 232km further north to the mountain range of Picos d ‘Urbión where they have stayed for the last month. 

At the Pico d ‘Urbión it seems Alos met some other reintroduced bearded vultures, Seprona a females released in Andalucia and Cenarbe from the Pyrenees. The first encounter with the vultures of the area was quite something as they were seen mobbing a cinereous vulture. After this altercation it seems Alòs is quite content in the company of the other bearded vultures in  the area. 

Setting up supplementary feeding stations in the Parc Natural dels Ports

The Generalitat de Catalunya and the Parc Natural dels Ports have been working together to create two supplementary feeding stations in Tortosa and Horta de Sant Joan.  Coordinating with Aragon and Valencia, 20 and 30 km from the release areas, these two stations will help create a feeding network of points which covers the territory of the three autonomous communities. Each week  around 10 kg of limbs of sheep coming from the municipal slaughterhouses of Horta de Sant Joan and Tortosa will be deposited. Even though they have both visited the area, Alos and Amic have not been seen at the stations but it’s hoped they will. 

October update Download Newsletter no. 5 October 2018 (Spanish) Gaseta del Crebalòs N5_Octubre18_val.pdf Adobe Acrobat Document 3.7 MB Download

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