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  • The website of our latest LIFE project in Cyprus, LIFE with Vultures, is now available for the public!

The website of our latest LIFE project in Cyprus, LIFE with Vultures, is now available for the public!

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Griffon Vulture flying near Episkopi Cliffs (c) Oliver Burton

LIFE With Vultures is a collaborative project among BirdLife Cyprus, the Game and Fauna Service, Terra Cypria-The Cyprus Conservation Foundation and us here at the Vulture Conservation Foundation aiming to prevent the extinction of the Griffon Vulture in Cyprus. The website for the project is now available for the public!

LIFE With Vultures

Today, the species is on the brink of extinction in Cyprus with only about 20 birds remaining in the wild. The threats they are facing are all caused by human activity and are predominantly preventable. Through concrete conservation actions, we will address these threats in an attempt to preserve the species and promote a sustainable population.

BirdLife Cyprus, in cooperation with Game and Fauna ServiceTerra Cypria and us here at the Vulture Conservation Foundation, are implementing LIFE with Vultures, a conservation project funded by the EU’s LIFE Programme. The project “Saving Griffon Vultures in Cyprus through concrete conservation actions” will address the main threats the species face such as poisoning, lack of safe food, collisions with power lines while also restocking the Griffon Vulture population to the island by transporting birds from Spain. 

LIFE With Vultures website

The new website allows visitors to learn more about the Griffon Vultures, biggest and most endangered raptor in Cyprus, and details the importance of the species for the ecosystem, the threats it faces and how the project will tackle these through targeted conservation measures. You can also follow the movements of Ikaros and Nefeli, the first two vultures that were tagged within the project with GPS tags provided by the VCF. 

The project emphasises the need to raise awareness to the public and important stakeholders about saving the Griffon Vultures and the impact that poison bait use has on wildlife but also human health. The website is only one of the many communication and awareness-raising actions that the project will undertake and will be regularly updated.

 Visit the website and learn more:

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