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- The Griffon Vultures of Sardinia and their precious yet overlooked ecosystem services
- Wool and food for the Bearded Vultures in Corsica
- Lead ammunition: A lethal threat to vulture populations
- Meet Kajazo: The imprinted Bearded Vulture male who is an exceptional foster father
- Young Bearded Vulture “Veleta” returns back into the wild after being rescued
- LIFE project highlights from 2024
- A year of progress: Milestones of the LIFE Aegypius Return project in 2024
- Tackling wildlife poisoning in the Balkans: 2024 milestones of the BalkanDetox LIFE project
- Year of impact: Our contribution to vulture conservation in 2024
- Albania establishes new environmental crime police unit
- There are already 22 artificial nests for Cinereous Vultures to nest in Douro International
- The long-awaited new pair arrives at the Green Balkans Bearded Vulture Breeding Unit
- First eggs of the Bearded Vulture Captive Breeding season laid in two Captive Breeding Centres on the same day
- LIFE Aegypius Return promotes good practices in the management of supplementary feeding for vultures
- What to do when encountering suspected poisoning incidents in the Balkans – BalkanDetox LIFE
- Are the European wintering populations of Griffon Vultures increasing in the south of Spain?
- New animation video: Securing the Cinereous Vulture’s future in Portugal and Western Spain
- Exploring Bearded Vulture vision to reduce collisions
- Sardinia Griffon Vultures population welcomes 30 new individuals
- New documentary sheds light on the remarkable comeback of Europe’s Vultures
- The most participated census in the history of ornithology in Sardinia
- Cinereous vulture increases to more than 108 nesting pairs in Portugal
- LIFE Rhodope Vultures Project is officially launched
- Young Bearded Vulture “Piuma” returns to the wild in Corsica after being rescued
- Explore global insights in vulture conservation: Watch the European Vulture Conference 2023 recordings
- Recent training courses in Serbia share best practices in wildlife crime investigation
- The return of a giant: Introducing the new LIFE Aegypius Return animation video
- Recap of International Bearded Vulture Meeting 2024
- Pioneer stem-cell treatment against arthritis for Bernard, the cinereous vulture
- Highlights from the LIFE GypRescue Seminar: Protecting the Bearded Vulture in Corsica
- Bulgaria takes step forward in combating wildlife crime with national police training course
- Man arrested in Spain for fatal shooting of Endangered Bearded Vulture
- Cinereous Vultures soft released to freedom in Douro International, Portugal
- Celebrating 50 years of Vultures conservation in Sardinia
- Vultures: pop culture icons or the curse of bad PR?
- Balancing Energy Production and Vulture Conservation
- The Egyptian Vulture in Kazakhstan: Current situation and conservation concerns
- Programme unveiled for the International Bearded Vulture Meeting 2024
- Standard Operational Protocol for wildlife poisoning cases officially adopted in North Macedonia
- There are at least two suspected cases of wildlife poisoning per month in Portugal
- Young French conservationists visit Vallcalent Bearded Vulture Breeding Centre
- 22 Griffon Vultures released in southern Sardinia – LIFE Safe for Vultures
- Wind farm developments in Thrace threaten iconic vulture species
- The (mis)adventures of Grif, the young Griffon Vulture mascot of LIFE SUPport
- Workshop on artificial incubation and rearing of Bearded Vulture chicks took place in France
- Car accident highlights the power of collaboration in vulture conservation
- Behind the scenes at the Bearded Vulture Captive Breeding Centre in Guadalentín
- The power of reporting: How a citizen’s holiday discovery uncovered the fate of a young vulture
- Man sentenced to prison and fined for poisoning protected wildlife in Czech Republic
- Are you becoming a creature of habit with age? You’re aging fine like a Griffon Vulture!
- When vultures doodle: Raia’s GPS flight path art
- Another Rüppell’s Vulture was tagged in Morocco with a VCF device
- “Expert Week”: VCF team answers pressing questions on vulture conservation
- “LIFE Rhodope Vultures”: the new project to protect Cinereous Vultures in the Balkans kicks off in September
- A record number of nesting Griffon Vulture pairs in Croatia
- How many Bearded Vultures are there in Europe and how can you help them?
- How can bird mortality be reduced along the electricity grid?
- Insights from the workshop on combating illegal killing and trade of migratory birds in the Balkans
- Join us for a guided tour at the Bearded Vulture Captive Breeding Centre of Guadalentín in Jaén, Spain
- Debunking myths and uncovering truths about vultures
- Unexpected visitor: A young Griffon Vulture lands in a city centre in Sardinia
- Technology and monitoring in the service of Cinereous Vulture conservation
- Battling illegal wildlife poisoning: Insights from Spain’s approach
- Join us: International Vulture Awareness Day is one week away
- Two more Griffon Vultures electrocuted on Cyprus power lines
- Meet Bulgaria’s Cinereous Vulture chicks of 2024
- The beloved wandering Cinereous Vulture “Fremuth” was shot in Romania
- Three young Bearded Vultures Gaia, Paradiso, and Aurora are thriving in the Swiss Alps
- A golden summer for Egyptian Vultures in the Balkans
- Juvenile Cinereous Vultures tagged in Central Asia for the first time
- Join us for International Vulture Awareness Day (IVAD) 2024
- LIFE Aegypius Return: 34 Cinereous Vulture chicks already tagged
- Cinereous Vulture tagged in Georgia
- Registration is open for the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2024
- Three new Cinereous Vulture chicks tagged in Douro International, the most fragile breeding colony in Portugal
- Rei del Causse returned to his ”kingdom” in Grands Causses, France
- Vulture decline in India linked to death of 500,000 people, study suggests
- Nestflix: Watch live a Bearded Vulture pair’s breeding season in South Africa
- Releasing Cinereous Vultures in Bulgaria – An unexpected ‘love story’
- New Cinereous Vulture breeding colony discovered in Portugal
- A Pyrenean Bearded Vulture fairytale in EEP breeding programme
- Bearded Vulture Season 2024 Recap – Record number of Bearded Vulture chicks hatched and released
- Egyptian Vulture milestone in Bulgaria! A captive-bred female breeds successfully in the wild for the first time
- Triumphs and trials of Bearded Vulture releases in Cazorla, Spain
- Bearded Vulture “Veleta” released in Sierra Nevada National Park, Spain
- Rare Rüppell’s Vulture, tagged with a GPS transmitter, crosses Gibraltar and explores Iberia
- Cinereous Vultures set a new breeding season record in Bulgaria
- Consultancy opportunity for Ecosystem Services Expert
- Exceptional Bearded Vulture captive breeding success continues at Guadalentín Centre in Spain
- Animation videos: understanding ecosystem services and the role of vultures
- Four Bearded Vultures released in Grands Causses, France
- Two Bearded Vultures “Piuma” and “Culomba” started their life in the wild in Corsica
- Reintroduced Bearded Vulture killed by wind turbine collision in Spain
- Supporting Griffon Vultures in Asinara National Park
- Celebrating the return of Bearded Vultures in Sierra Nevada
- Historical moment for Europe’s Nature – EU ministers approve landmark Nature Restoration Law
- Griffon Vulture Palina – an unhoped-for return!
- Three female Bearded Vultures released in Maestrazgo, Spain
- Cinereous Vulture conservation joins stakeholdersin Tejo Internacional, the largest breeding colony in Portugal
- Griffon Vultures soaring high above Cres Island
- Bearded Vultures released in the Swiss Alps after a delay due to heavy snowfall
- Fighting wildlife crime in Sardinia: international training events and working toward new regional law
- Bearded Vultures released in the Bavarian Alps for the fourth year in a row: Meet “Wiggerl” from Finland and “Vinzenz” from Austria
- A fresh start for 22 Griffon Vultures in south Sardinia
- New Bearded Vulture reintroduction site in Spain: Sierra Nevada National Park
- Adventurous Bearded Vulture “Rei del Cause” was rescued in Poland
- International conference on wildlife crime in Cyprus
- Releasing Bearded Vultures in Vercors, France, for the 10th time
- Four Cinereous Vultures inaugurate pioneering conservation programme in Portugal
- Tewes the Cinereous Vulture globe-trotter
- Save the date: The Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2024 and LIFE GYPRESCUE Seminar in Corsica
- A Visual journey through the Cork Oak Savannas shows the special Vulture habitats in Portugal and Spain
- No longer missing: Bearded Vulture Flysch-Vigo identified again four years after her UK visit
- One month later: how the newly released Griffon Vultures are doing in southern Sardinia
- First releases of captive-bred Bearded Vultures in Europe kick off in Southern France
- Best practices for EU sanitary regulations to benefit vultures
- Electricity poles in Cyprus become serial killers of the threatened Griffon Vulture
- Report 2022-2023: Cinereous Vulture Reintroduction in the Balkan Mountains, Bulgaria
- Griffon Vulture crosses 373 km over the sea from Sardinia to Sicily
- GPS transmitters give us a glimpse inside two Cinereous Vulture nests in Bulgaria
- Why do vultures and other large migratory birds die?
- Transfer of 21 birds boosts Griffon Vulture repopulation efforts in Southern Sardinia
- Transboundary cooperation to protect the Cinereous Vulture breeding colony at Herdade da Contenda, southern Portugal
- Record numbers of Cinereous Vulture and Griffon Vulture pairs observed in Bulgaria since conservation efforts began
- We are hiring a Project Assistant
- Optimistic developments in Portugal’s most vulnerable Cinereous Vulture breeding colony
- Latest Griffon Vulture census in Sardinia reveals population trends, breeding success, and more
- Rare observation of Bearded Vulture in unfrequented region
- Portuguese stakeholders strengthen cooperation for the conservation of the Cinereous Vulture
- Griffon Vulture prevails over near-fatal electrocution in Sardinia
- It looks like Cinereous Vulture chicks will hatch again in Bulgaria
- Why did the Egyptian Vulture pair choose to nest in Sardina? New study provides answers
- Filmmaker needed for LIFE Aegypius Return documentary in Portugal and Western Spain
- Vultures have personality too – in life and death
- Technical guidelines for maximizing Bearded Vulture captive-breeding results
- Meet the first Bearded Vulture chick of 2024 hatched in captivity
- A Bearded Vulture in Norway?
- Wild Bearded Vultures in Corsica building the nest – LIFE GypRescue
- Bearded Vulture LIFE: project website recently launched
- Griffon Vulture decline in Kazakhstan
- We’re hiring a Communications Officer – Join our flock!
- Another 49 police officers trained in rescuing and handling Cinereous Vultures in Portugal – LIFE Aegypius Return
- The “cloacal kiss” of Bearded Vultures
- Egyptian Vulture: technical guidelines for captive-breeding and release
- A sad Goodbye to Roc Genèse, the first wild-hatched Bearded Vulture tagged in the French Pyrenees
- Safer nests and new nesting platforms for Cinereous Vultures in Portugal – LIFE Aegypius Return
- Griffon Vulture in the Balkans: insights from the 2023 Census
- What is the future of vulture conservation? Insights from vulture experts
- 2023 in review: our work 4 Vultures
- “Zeal and great determination”: the incredible story of the first Cinereous Vultures born in Portugal after extinction
- “The weight of lead” and its dreadful impacts: key takeaways of the National Conference in Italy
- Bearded Vulture: preliminary results of the 2023 International Observation Days
- European Vulture Conference 2023 Takeaways: What are the latest updates on vulture conservation and research in Europe and beyond?
- Cyprus: 15 Griffon Vultures travelled from Spain to strengthen the Critically Endangered local population
- Watch Bearded Vulture Marie Antoinette laying her first egg of this season at Vallcalent
- Serbia: First National Anti-Poisoning Training Course with the BalkanDetox LIFE project
- How bright does the future look for Rüppell’s Vultures in Europe?
- Winners of the Vultures in Focus – Photography Contest
- Which Bearded Vulture pair laid the first egg of this new breeding season?
- Poster Insights from the European Vulture Conference 2023
- Day 3 Insights from the European Vulture Conference 2023
- Day 2 Insights from the European Vulture Conference 2023
- Day 1 insights from the European Vulture Conference 2023
- Cinereous Vultures in Portugal: nine artificial nests installed in Douro International Nature Park
- Conservation without borders: European Vulture Conference takes flight in Cáceres
- We are hiring – Research Officer
- Showcasing Exhibitor stands at the European Vulture Conference 2023
- Discovering Cáceres with a cultural visit during the European Vulture Conference 2023
- Griffon Vulture population in the Eastern Alps: growing and expanding to new territories
- Will Bearded Vultures Perea and Aïnat bond?
- European Vulture Conference: Unveiling the Full Programme
- Installing feeding stations in Sardinian farms to boost the Endangered Griffon Vulture population – LIFE Safe for Vultures
- New video and study: The hidden health dangers of misusing pesticides
- Year one of LIFE Aegypius Return brings hope for Cinereous Vulture recovery in Portugal
- Exploring the birds of Extremadura: Field trips at the European Vulture Conference 2023
- Preventing bird collisions with wind turbines: innovative detection system will be tested in the Netherlands
- Pairing Bearded Vultures in captivity: adult male transferred from Bulgaria to be paired in Vallcalent, Spain
- Seven Griffon Vultures released in Cyprus to boost the endangered population – LIFE with Vultures
- Bearded Vulture fatally collides with a helicopter in Switzerland
- 3D-printed prosthetic legs to rehabilitate “irreparable” bird injuries in Bulgaria
- Joining forces for Bearded Vulture conservation in Spain: technical meeting gathers NGOs and regional governments in Gredos
- Conservation themes and insights from Keynote Speakers at the European Vulture Conference 2023
- Egyptian Vulture Buoux is back in Africa
- The unexpected incursion of a juvenile Griffon Vulture in Southeastern Sardinia – LIFE Safe for Vultures
- Volunteers needed: join the Bearded Vulture International Observation Days 2023 (IOD)
- A new life for (four) Griffon Vultures in Croatia – LIFE SUPport
- Movement ecology perspective on conservation for migratory vultures by Pascual López López
- After being rescued from the nest, Cinereous Vulture “Aquis” is back in the wild – LIFE Aegypius Return
- Uncovering the challenges of Neotropical Vultures by Sergio Lambertucci
- The Story of the Bearded Vulture, by Lizzie Daly
- Missing: Help us find Bearded Vulture Eglazine
- Is there hope for Cinereous Vulture “Esperança”?
- Exploring the fascinating Cosmetic Behaviour of Bearded Vultures
- Unveiling Egyptian Vultures’ Summertime 2023
- Bearded Vulture in Europe: Join the International Observation Days 2023 and recap 2022’s results
- Vultures, predators, and the stories they share with humans by Dr. Marcos Moleón
- Take fun vulture quiz and join our giveaway: International Vulture Awareness Day
- Navigating the skies: The eventful journey of inexperienced Bearded Vulture Sargas
- Sardinia sea rescue: Young Griffon Vulture boosts data-driven conservation
- Dr. Darcy Ogada: Unveiling the complex web of vulture poisoning in Africa and Europe
- New milestone for Bearded Vulture conservation in Europe
- Vultures in Focus – Photography Contest
- Where are Zimbro and Gerês, the Cinereous Vultures released in Portugal?
- Alpi Marittime welcomes a new Bearded Vulture fledgling in the wild
- Farewell to an extraordinary Bearded Vulture: Hanneke, the captive-bred legend
- Fresh news from the Andalusian Bearded Vulture population
- Celebrate International Vulture Awareness Day 2023 in two weeks
- Cinereous Vulture “Gerês” released in Portugal after recovery from a gunshot wound
- Can insularity influence nestling sex ratio variation in Egyptian Vultures?
- Tagging Cinereous Vultures in the nest, step by step
- Doubling success: a breeding record for Austrian Bearded Vultures
- How Rewilding Spain is bringing the Cinereous Vulture back to the Iberian Highlands
- Where are the Bearded Vultures released in Maestrazgo?
- Griffon Vulture in Cyprus: breeding failure accentuates the species’ vulnerability
- Egyptian Vulture pair returns to Sardinia and breeds successfully again!
- “Life for the Bearded Vulture”: new project to bring the species back from extinction in Bulgaria
- Pair bonding within the Bearded Vulture Captive-Breeding Network
- Cinereous Vulture breeding season in Portugal with promising results: 15 chicks were GPS-tagged
- Griffon Vultures GPS-tagged in France: a “proactive monitoring system” to reduce Bearded Vulture mortality
- Last chance for early bird registration: Join us at the European Vulture Conference 2023
- When “she” becomes “he”: surprising news from Bearded Vultures Obwaldera and Marco
- Training police officers in Portugal on rescuing and handling Cinereous Vultures – LIFE Aegypius Return
- The first case of Bearded Vulture mortality potentially associated with pentobarbital intoxication
- Back in the wild after rehabilitation in Sicily: the story Zappa, a French wild-hatched Cinereous Vulture
- Wildlife Crime in France: a man will be prosecuted for fatally shooting a Bearded Vulture and a Cinereous Vulture
- Do vultures choose what they eat? A study reveals how vulture culture influences individual dietary variation
- The first Hooded Vulture ringed in Morocco is visiting Spain
- French Bearded Vulture “Rei del Causse” rescued in Germany
- LIFE Aegypius Return: tagging the first wild-hatched Cinereous Vulture chicks in Portugal and the results of the second partners’ meeting
- The social costs of Vulture Collapse in India
- Two Bearded Vultures flying, two just arriving: updates from LIFE Gyp’Act at the Grands Causses
- One more Cinereous Vulture collides with wind turbine in Thrace, Greece, highlighting growing concerns
- Best practices for mitigating electrocution and collision risk -International Conference in Sardinia
- Bearded Vultures “Serafín” and “Ángeles” released in Andalusia
- How release strategies affect survival and home range stability: a study with Griffon Vultures translocated to Sardinia
- Strengthening the Alpine Bearded Vulture populations: the last releases of this season
- European Vulture Conference 2023 update: New website and Abstract Submission deadline extension
- The science of vulture conservation: What you can expect at the European Vulture Conference 2023
- Bearded Vulture dies after colliding with wind turbine in the Netherlands
- Deadline approaching: Last chance to submit abstracts for the European Vulture Conference 2023
- Three juvenile Bearded Vultures released in Maestrazgo, Spain
- World Environment Day: Tackling poison and pollutants that affect vulture populations and human well-being
- Egyptian Vulture Mogadouro is back in Europe
- Strengthening environmental protection: Bulgaria establishes new police sector to combat wildlife crimes
- Following the movements of the Bearded Vultures released in Maestrazgo
- EAZA Best Practice Guidelines for Cinereous Vulture
- Goodbye, Winnie. One of the first Bearded Vultures released in the Alps died
- Captive-bred Bearded Vultures released in Berchtesgaden National Park in Germany: meet “Sisi” and “Nepomuk”
- LIFE Aegypius Return: the first Cinereous Vulture chicks hatched, and one new nest was confirmed in Malcata Nature Reserve (Portugal)
- Joining forces: The importance of academic and non-academic conservationists working together for vulture conservation
- LIFE GypAct: the first four captive-bred Bearded Vultures arrived in France
- Tackling the threat of West Nile Virus within the Bearded Vulture Captive Breeding Network
- Griffon Vulture repopulation initiative in South Sardinia gains momentum
- Banning lead ammunition in Portugal: Conference organised by the LIFE Aegypius Return project partners at the largest hunting fair in the country
- Suspected mass poisoning claims lives of wolves and Griffon Vultures in the Central Apennines
- New breeding record in the Balkan Mountains helps to secure the future of Cinereous Vultures in Bulgaria
- New BalkanDetox LIFE video vividly illustrates the vicious cycle of illegal wildlife poisoning
- Collision with power line takes the life of a Spanish Griffon Vulture released in Cyprus
- European Vulture Conference 2023: Spain is a key player in vulture conservation and research
- Necropsy unveils life and death of wild Bearded Vulture Mojo, killed by train in the Netherlands
- Protecting Griffon Vultures from electrocution in Croatia
- The incredible journey of a Griffon Vulture from Spain to the Balkans and back
- The first Bearded Vulture releases in 2023
- Bearded Vulture Mojo killed today in the Netherlands by a train
- Discover the newly launched LIFE Aegypius Return website
- Mitigating threats and mortality causes for vultures in France
- Latest newsletter of the IUCN’s Vulture Specialist Group (April 2023)
- Transforming conservation: Wildlife Crime Academy’s groundbreaking training raises the bar in wildlife crime prosecution
- Earth Day 2023: How vultures contribute to a healthier planet
- 4 years in prison for fatally poisoning 50 vultures in Guinea-Bissau: the first environmental crime conviction in the country
- The successful reintroduction of Griffon Vultures in the Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park, Bulgaria
- New project LIFE SUPport: Securing a future for Griffon Vultures in Croatia
- Registrations are open for the International Conference “Best practices for mitigating electrocution and collision risk”
- Updates on breeding results from all four vulture species in France
- From Sardinia to Corsica: Griffon Vulture Caniga explores new territories
- Hatching hope: A record-breaking Bearded Vulture captive breeding season
- Four Bearded Vulture chicks hatched in Austria: the first chick in East-Tyrol in 100 years
- Griffon Vulture collides with a truck and ends up in the co-pilot seat
- From Germany to France: The new travels of Bearded Vulture Eglazine
- Updates from Guadalentín captive breeding centre: 8 Bearded Vulture chicks hatched this season!
- European Vulture Conference 2023: Abstract Submission and Registration now open!
- GPS Monitoring and Rescue Operation saves the life of a trapped Griffon Vulture in Cyprus
- Meet Zimbro: The first Cinereous Vulture released within the LIFE Aegypius Return project
- Morocco: will Griffon Vultures fledge in the wild this year?
- Back from extinction: First results from the Cinereous Vulture reintroduction and release programme in Bulgaria
- Telemetry study reveals the challenges and possibilities of creating Vulture Safe Zones in Africa
- A new Cinereous Vulture breeding pair confirmed at Herdade da Contenda during the LIFE Aegypius Return auditor visit
- Restocking the Griffon Vulture guild in Sardinia: 12 juveniles from Spain have just arrived
- New dates for the European Vulture Conference 2023
- 29.000 years-old Bearded Vulture nesting site found in Portugal
- Vultures in Asia: Updates from the SAVE Open Day 2023
- LIFE Aegypius Return: How many Cinereous Vulture pairs started breeding in Southern Portugal this season?
- 14 Spanish Griffon Vultures arrive in Cyprus to help save the critically endangered local population
- LIFE Gyp’Act Project: restoring the Bearded Vulture metapopulation between the Alps and the Pyrenees
- World Wildlife Day: Celebrating partnerships for conservation and 50 years of CITES
- From hatching to adoption: Meet the newest Bearded Vulture chick at our Vallcalent breeding unit
- Change of dates for the European Vulture Conference 2023
- The new breeding season starts for reintroduced Griffon and Cinereous Vultures in Bulgaria
- Greece: Electric fences to save vultures from unintentional poisoning
- EU bans the use of lead ammunition in wetlands
- The breeding season started for Cinereous Vultures in the International Douro Valley, Portugal | LIFE Aegypius Return
- GPS-tagged African White-backed Vulture vastly explores the Iberian Peninsula
- Bearded Vulture Eglazine winters in Germany
- Journey of wandering Cinereous Vulture suddenly ends in Iran
- Egyptian Vulture in Italy: restocking efforts and an unfortunate death by electrocution
- Update on the Bearded Vulture reintroduction project in Maestrazgo
- Recapping the movements of Cinereous Vulture Monsanto | LIFE Aegypius Return
- The first Bearded Vulture chick of the new season has hatched
- Shocking cases of illegal shooting with Griffon Vultures
- First maintenances of Cinereous Vulture nests in Portugal bring promising results | LIFE Aegypius Return
- Pyrenees and Alps: 99 Bearded Vultures fledged in 2022
- A first for Cyprus: €21,000 fine imposed for illegal wildlife poisoning
- Cinereous Vulture reintroduced in Bulgaria dead in Greece
- Michel Terrasse (1938-2023)
- BalkanDetox LIFE Animation video: It’s time to stop illegal wildlife poisoning
- Two captive-bred Griffon Vultures from Holland released in Sardinia
- Hunters prosecuted in Hungary for wildlife crime
- Vulture conservation achievements 2022
- Griffon Vulture numbers continue to grow in Sardinia
- BalkanDetox LIFE key achievements of 2022
- LIFE Aegypius Return: New project to consolidate the return of a threatened vulture species along the Portuguese and Spanish border
- LIFE Aegypius Return: Consolidar o regresso de uma espécie de abutre ameaçada, ao longo da fronteira portuguesa e espanhola
- The first Bearded Vulture egg of the new breeding season is already here
- An inside look into the start of the Bearded Vulture breeding season in captivity
- This #GivingTuesday, please help Cinereous Vultures
- Cinereous Vultures in Extremadura already started rebuilding nests burned by summer fire
- Key takeaways from the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2022
- Update on the recently released Spanish Griffon Vultures in Cyprus
- The Cinereous Vulture Captive Breeding Network (EEP) produced positive results in 2022
- Final Programme of the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2022
- Releasing captive-bred mouflons to boost Bearded Vulture survival in Corsica
- Latest newsletter of the IUCN’s Vulture Specialist Group (October 2022)
- Public Presentation Session for LIFE Aegypius return
- Boni: The first Andalusian Bearded Vulture to cross the Strait of Gibraltar
- One of the last remaining ‘founder’ Bearded Vultures has died
- New decision in Greece a step forward toward combating illegal wildlife poisoning
- Sara and her family left their nest
- Recent GPS movements of the Bearded Vultures we track in Europe (August 2022)
- Ambitious initiative boosts capacities in 13 countries to effectively prosecute wildlife crime
- How did the massive fire in Dadia, Greece, impact key vulture colonies?
- Releasing the first Spanish Griffon Vultures in Cyprus
- International workshop on supplementary feeding stations for vultures in Sardinia
- A globally endangered Egyptian Vulture that visited 22 countries was illegally killed in Bulgaria
- New record of Bearded Vulture fledglings achieved in the Alps
- First captive-bred Egyptian Vulture successfully rears two chicks in the wild
- Registration is open for the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2022
- International Observation Days for Bearded Vultures 2022: Help count Europe’s rarest vulture
- Last Cinereous Vultures released in Bulgaria
- The Egyptian Vulture autumn migration resumes!
- New report on vulture population estimates in Europe is now available
- Vultures are spectacular. Here are 9 fascinating vulture facts that prove it
- Bearded Vulture fledges in Vercors for the first time in at least 150 years
- The International Vulture Awareness Day 2022
- The Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2022 is approaching
- For the first time in the Balkans, a captive-bred Egyptian Vulture forms a pair in the wild
- Over 150 vultures deliberately poisoned to death in South Africa and Botswana
- Info Gipeto 38: The latest news bulletin of the Bearded Vulture reintroduction project
- Successfully marking the second wild-hatched Cinereous Vulture in Bulgaria
- NO to poison baits: Targeted Educational and awareness activities in Greece
- Adult Cinereous Vulture fatally collides with a wind turbine in the Rhodopes
- Bearded Vultures released in the Bavarian Alps for the second time
- The Vulture Conservation Foundation has three new job opportunities
- Releasing Bearded Vultures in Corsica within LIFE GYPRESCUE
- Wildlife Crime Academy-inspired seminar bolsters capacities in Cyprus
- Two captive-bred Bearded Vultures released into the wild in Baronnies, France
- Bearded Vulture Eglazine returns to the Netherlands – a first for the species
- Six Egyptian Vultures released in Bulgaria to reinforce population
- Four captive-bred Bearded Vultures reintroduced in Cazorla and Castril (Andalusia)
- Egyptian Vulture Buoux explores unusual corners of Europe
- Missing Bearded Vulture Wally found dead
- Nine Spanish Cinereous Vultures recently released in Bulgaria’s wild
- Research review: High long-term survival and asymmetric movements in a reintroduced metapopulation of Cinereous Vultures
- Conservation on the ground: training Guinea-Bissau officials on anti-poisoning response
- Two more Bearded Vultures released in Parc Natural de la Tinença de Benifassà
- Vote LIFE RE-Vultures for the LIFE Citizens’ Prize Award and support vulture recovery
- The First Bearded Vulture releases of 2022 already took place
- Mortality event causes a huge blow to the Griffon Vulture population in Cyprus
- Natural recolonization: Bearded Vulture pair attempts to breed in La Rioja, Spain, 70 years after extinction
- The first Bearded Vulture releases of 2022 are just around the corner
- Transferring Spanish Cinereous Vultures to Bulgaria for the last time
- Electrocution takes the life of Griffon Vulture Nepheli in Cyprus
- How many Bearded Vulture chicks hatched in captivity this year?
- Illegal wildlife poisoning depletes Balkan biodiversity yet only 1% of cases reach court
- The ‘guirre’ Egyptian Vulture population in the Canary Islands exceeds 400 individuals
- Captive-bred and reintroduced Cinereous Vulture Riga settles down in Greece
- Confirmed for the first time in Europe: A captive-bred Egyptian Vulture forms a pair in the wild
- Research review: A Global Review of Causes of Morbidity and Mortality in Free-Living Vultures
- Conservation milestone: Reintroduced Cinereous Vulture pair hatches the first chick in Bulgaria’s Western Balkan Mountains
- One more Cinereous Vulture in Portugal becomes part of important monitoring activities
- New video illustrates the progress of the LIFE GypConnect project
- The Vultures Back to LIFE project is a finalist for the European Commission’s Natura 2000 awards
- International Observation Days 2021: Bearded Vulture population estimates and more insights
- 100 protected vultures killed in Assam, India – Officials suspect poisoning incident targeting dogs
- Serious poisoning incident causes mass mortality of protected birds in Serbia
- One of the recent poisoning victims in Bulgaria was a female Cinereous Vulture with an egg
- Years of reintroduction efforts compromised: Four Cinereous Vultures illegally poisoned in Bulgaria
- Introducing LIFE GYPRESCUE: Preventing the extinction of the Bearded Vulture in Corsica
- Reintroducing Cinereous Vultures in the Balkan Mountains, Bulgaria – 2021 overview
- Esperanza, the first wild-hatched Bearded Vulture in Andalusia since reintroduction project, builds its first nest
- Releasing captive-bred Egyptian Vultures to the wild in Israel – is the reintroduction project working?
- First Bearded Vulture egg-laying in Vercors since 1870
- Our Andalusian centre welcomes the first Bearded Vulture chick of 2022
- Cinereous Vulture population tripled in Mallorca in the last decade
- Watch the presentations of the 27th ‘Vautours’ meeting online
- Reintroducing the Griffon Vulture in the Kresna Gorge, Bulgaria – 2021 overview
- Breeding and rearing the first Bearded Vulture chick of 2022 in our specialized centre
- Past and present: A video about the phenomenon of wildlife poisoning in Albania
- Sinite Kamani National Park in Bulgaria: Recent releases of Griffon Vultures and new pair formed in the wild
- Saving Bearded Vultures in Southern Africa through a captive breeding programme – the success of 2021
- Veterinarians save Bearded Vulture that swallowed a knife in Georgia
- Assessing the role of African vultures as biomonitors and umbrella species
- A newly trained working-dog joins the anti-poison dog unit in Thrace, Greece
- Andalusian captive breeding centre welcomes all-time record of Bearded Vulture eggs
- Cinereous Vulture reintroduced in Bulgaria chooses to winter in Romania
- LIFE GypConnect Layman’s Report: Strengthening the Bearded Vulture population in France
- Reaching the best Cinereous Vulture breeding results at Herdade da Contenda in Portugal since 2015
- Griffon Vulture restocking in Sardinia: How an international collaboration helps reinforce the local population
- Welcoming Europe’s first Bearded Vulture chick of the new captive breeding season
- Raising awareness about illegal wildlife poisoning in Albania’s hotspots to help change attitudes
- Bird collisions: Identifying and securing dangerous power lines to help safeguard the threatened Griffon Vulture in Cyprus
- Reintroduced Bearded Vulture recaptured badly injured in the Swiss Alps
- An elder Griffon Vulture pair inaugurates the breeding season in Sardinia
- The tenth edition of La Plume du Life, the LIFE GypConnect newsletter, released
- First African White-backed Vulture fitted with GPS transmitter in Spain and Europe
- Guadalentín: Progress of the new Bearded Vulture captive breeding season
- Meet Juanita – an adult Rüppell’s Vulture that calls Europe her permanent home
- Results from releasing captive-bred Egyptian Vultures in the Eastern Rhodopes in 2021
- Latest survey demonstrates population boom for the Griffon Vulture in Sardinia
- Disabled Cinereous Vulture pair gets new chance to contribute to the species conservation
- Vulture conservation and the VCF in 2022 – a forecast
- The new Bearded Vulture breeding season kicks off in Andalusia
- Establishing efficient conservation actions for the Bearded Vulture population in Southern Africa: synthesis of a 20-year research program
- Vulture conservation achievements 2021
- Highlights 2021: Bearded Vulture conservation
- Highlights 2021: Griffon Vulture conservation
- Highlights 2021: Egyptian Vulture conservation
- Highlights 2021: Cinereous Vulture conservation
- Results from the wolf and hunting dog interaction study in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park and adjacent areas
- Update: The Rüppell’s Vulture Vouzela is male and is doing well in Africa
- Appropriate response to poisoning incident prevents mass mortality of 18 Griffon Vultures in North Macedonia
- What happened to the five Egyptian Vultures released in Italy this summer
- Reintroduced Cinereous Vulture Kutelka performs impressive travels and finds a partner
- Update on the movements of released captive-bred Bearded Vultures in Maestrazgo
- Tagging and releasing rescued Griffon Vultures in Croatia
- Progress review: The first year of BalkanDetox LIFE
- Discovery of yet another new Cinereous Vulture nest in Bulgaria
- The Bearded Vulture egg-laying season in captivity started very early on this time!
- The efforts against wildlife poisoning in Sardinia expand to the whole island
- Overview of the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2021
- Overview of the Final LIFE GypConnect Seminar
- First Rüppell’s Vulture GPS-tagged in Portugal already travelled to Africa
- Every captive Bearded Vulture counts: Remodelling aviary to meet Flamadel’s needs
- The first Spanish Griffon Vultures are arriving in Cyprus
- Wildlife Crime Academy: Advanced Course equips participants to improve forensic and police investigation on poisoning incidents in the Balkans and beyond
- Bearded Vulture pairs in captivity are already busy with the new breeding season
- Vulture conservation works: Status of Bearded Vulture and Egyptian Vulture in Europe improves
- LIFE Safe For Vultures makes Sardinia more and more a land of Griffon Vultures
- Two impressive collisions involving vultures highlight the increasing conflict between transport infrastructure and bird conservation in Spain
- Educational workshops about poisoning in Bosnia and Herzegovina raise awareness about the issues in hotspots to help preserve wildlife
- First Rüppell’s Vulture and two more Cinereous Vultures tagged and released in Portugal
- Poisoned! Mass mortality event of Griffon Vultures in Israel causes significant blow to vulnerable population
- Announcing the draft programme of the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2021 and the Final LIFE GypConnect Seminar
- Educational initiatives among key local communities on vultures and poisoning in the Republic of North Macedonia
- Reintroduced Bearded Vulture Eglazine leaves the Netherlands after six months being away from ‘home
- After wintering in Sicily every year, the Egyptian Vulture Diego migrated to Africa for the first time
- Griffon Vultures in the Alps: the results from the 2021 annual summer census are here
- Extensive wildlife crime investigation in Andalusia reveals what caused the mysterious death of three Bearded Vultures
- First wildlife poisoning stakeholder meeting in Croatia generates key insights from the perspective of target groups
- INFOGRAPHIC: Vultures and Sanitary Regulations in the European Union
- Reintroduction success: first Cinereous Vulture fledges in Bulgaria
- Understanding the perception of wildlife poisoning in Albania and raising awareness about the problem
- Minimising the risk of electrocution for Griffon Vultures in Sardinia
- Extremely rare Cinereous Vulture poisoned to death in Bulgaria
- Our consultation response to ECHA towards restricting the use of lead ammunition for the sake of vultures, nature and people!
- WATCH – Anti-Poisoning Dog Units: how working dogs help combat illegal wildlife poisoning
- Following Egyptian Vulture Sara’s GPS movements for 6 years – fourth migration from Italy to Niger a success
- Join us for the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2021 and the Final LIFE GypConnect Seminar
- Most recent Bearded Vulture GPS movements of 60 individuals across seven important European regions (August 2021)
- International Observation Days: Volunteers needed to help monitor the European Bearded Vulture population on Saturday 2 October 2021
- The only Bearded Vulture in Álava (Spain) dies
- In 2021 we released 24 Bearded Vultures in Europe as part of reintroduction and restocking projects
- Juvenile Egyptian Vulture migrating to Africa disappears above Malta, likely shot
- Egyptian Vultures in Italy: Captive breeding and release season a success
- BalkanDetoxLIFE: Tackling the problem of animal poisoning in Serbia
- Bearded Vultures in the Alps break their record once again, producing the highest-ever known number of fledglings
- Second vulture-safe veterinary anti-inflammatory drug identified!
- Cinereous Vulture died from plastic ingestion overdose
- The Egyptian Vulture autumn migration has already started!
- Electrocuted Griffon Vulture causes wildfire in Spain: dangerous pylons are a real problem for wildlife
- Birds of prey and vultures in France continue being illegally shot
- Five ways you can help vultures next Saturday on International Vulture Awareness Day
- From captivity to the wild: the reintroduction story of Bearded Vulture Pradines
- The Bearded Vulture reintroduction project in Andalusia sees a record number of wild-hatched fledglings
- International Vulture Awareness Day 2021 is two weeks away
- Research Review: Study provides new insight into the vocal repertoire of Griffon Vultures
- One of only two tagged Cinereous Vultures from the Douro returns home
- 2021 marks another successful Bearded Vulture release season in Andalusia
- Record number of Cinereous Vultures spotted for the Balkans outside the breeding colony of the Eastern Rhodopes
- Can captive breeding prevent the extinction of a migratory vulture population?
- The Vulture Conservation Foundation is hiring a Part-Time Financial Assistant
- Getting ready to monitor the future movements of the first Cinereous Vulture chick that hatched in Bulgaria’s wild in nearly three decades!
- Running club fundraises to support our Bearded Vulture reintroduction efforts in Andalusia
- A Cinereous Vulture pair successfully nest on rocks instead of treetops in Mallorca
- Griffon Vultures return to a historic colony in Greece after 30 years!
- LIFE Rupis: Layman’s report and project films now available
- After exploring the Balkans for over two months, the ‘Italian’ Egyptian Vulture reached Hungary and Austria!
- Young Bearded Vulture Bavaria and Wally successfully take their first flight into the Bavarian Alps
- Grands Causses welcomes one more Bearded Vulture as part of the LIFE GypConnect reintroduction project
- The spread of misinformation as a new challenge for vulture conservation
- Wildlife Crime Academy: using CSI and forensic science to solve wildlife crimes across 9 countries
- Donna Elvira and BelArosa recently became the 50th and 51st Bearded Vultures reintroduced in the Swiss Alps
- Cáceres Farmer receives a hefty penalty for intentionally poisoning sheep to kill vultures
- DEAD OR DYING: Nearly 100 vultures fall victim to suspected mass poisoning in Castilla y León (Spain)
- LIFE RE-Vultures: Joint efforts successfully conserve vultures in the Eastern Rhodopes
- Wildlife Crime Academy: first training starts in one week
- Research review: What are the economic benefits of avian scavenger-based tourism in Spain?
- Raptor interactions: Golden Eagle predates Griffon Vulture chick
- Tinença de Benifassà natural park welcomed three new Bearded Vultures
- First Egyptian Vulture observation in the UK in 150 years
- Livestock breeders and conservationists increase safe food sources for three vulture species in the Meteora of the North
- Research review: Understanding the links between landscape anthropization and stress in Griffon Vultures
- Bearded Vultures “Bavaria” and “Wally” successfully released in the Berchtesgaden National Park in Germany
- Why are we releasing Bearded Vultures in Germany for the first time ever tomorrow?
- Cinereous Vulture illegally poisoned in Bulgaria less than one month following her reintroduction into the wild
- Vultures: allies in the ecosystem, with added financial benefits
- The first Bearded Vultures were reintroduced in the Swiss Alps 30 years ago today
- Seven young Griffon Vultures of different backgrounds successfully freed into Croatia’s wild
- Necropsy results shed light on the first Bearded Vulture fatality caused by wind turbine collision in Europe
- The M7 Partnership is hiring a part-time Fundraising Consultant
- Bulgaria’s Rhodope Mountains welcomed many Griffon Vulture chicks this year again
- A limited-edition Bearded Vulture themed water bottle by Quechua supports the species’ conservation
- Two more captive-bred Bearded Vultures released in Vercors as part of our reintroduction project
- Corsica welcomes two more captive-bred Bearded Vultures to restock the wild population
- The BalkanDetox LIFE Project Team Finally Met in Person: 1st NEEMO Monitor Visit and 2nd Partnership Meeting
- Late hatching of Bearded Vulture baby brings this captive breeding season to a close
- First in Europe: reintroduced Bearded Vulture that wandered in the Netherlands killed by wind farm
- LIFE Safe for Vultures: new project reinforces Griffon Vulture population in Sardinia
- Investigation in the Canary Islands reveals the threat of electrocution to birds like the endangered Egyptian Vulture
- Discovery of Griffon Vulture pair nesting on a tree — first record in Portugal
- BREAKING NEWS: Cinereous Vultures are breeding again in Bulgaria’s wild years after their extinction
- Griffon Vulture Sunchica that needed rescuing twice embarked on an impressive return trip
- Lead ammunition is a problem for eagles and vultures
- A wind farm in Navarre kills one vulture every three days
- Habitat modelling helps assess risk of wind farms for Bearded Vultures in the Alps
- Andalusian authorities identify suspect in regards to the fatal poisoning of three Bearded Vultures thanks to an appropriate investigative response
- Reintroduced Bearded Vulture Eglazine crosses France and embarks on an adventure in the Netherlands
- Egyptian Vulture Alvor successfully released in Tejo Internacional (Portugal)
- Check out the newly launched website of the BalkanDetox LIFE project
- A GPS-tagged Griffon Vulture originating from Crete wanders alongside the Cypriot coastline
- Save the date: GypConnect Seminar and Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2021
- Diego returned to his Italian spring-summer base, but soon after made a surprise excursion
- A Spanish Cinereous Vulture, GPS-tagged and reintroduced in Bulgaria, was probably shot in Hungary
- Three more Griffon Vultures tagged and released in Messolonghi will help combat illegal wildlife poisoning in the Balkans
- Launch of new Bearded Vulture release season: Two young and captive-bred brothers reintroduced in the Grands Causses, France
- More Cinereous Vultures enter acclimatisation aviary to get ready for eventual release in the Bulgarian wild
- Bearded Vulture chick hatches and doing well after three facilities work together to secure the future of the egg produced
- Significant blow to vulture conservation: Largest mass vulture mortality event reported from Nepal severely impacts Endangered Species
- Remembering Nick Williams — a raptor conservation groundbreaker and an inspiration to all of us at the VCF
- Discovery of a rare Egyptian Vulture nest in Cape Verde
- Most recent GPS movements of 58 Bearded Vultures across seven important European regions (March 2021)
- Award-winning author released her new children’s adventure book with a vulture conservation theme
- Nature heroes: Dog and human team up to search and remove poison from Bulgaria’s countryside
- Alpine Bearded Vultures pairs have already produced several chicks during this breeding season
- Discovery of the oldest wild Egyptian Vulture
- The reintroduced Cinereous Vulture Riga finally returns to Bulgaria after a long absence
- The ninth edition of La Plume du Life, the LIFE GYPCONNECT’s newsletter, released
- A Cinereous Vulture “love triangle” in Bulgaria: Who will Montana choose?
- Egyptian Vulture Sara carries out incredible migration journey from Niger to Italy
- Bearded Vulture Flamadel returns home after 15 months of receiving challenging veterinary treatment
- First evidence of a vulture killed by veterinary diclofenac in Spain – will the Spanish government and the EU act after this smoking gun?
- Significant blow to the Cinereous Vulture breeding population in Turkey – 7 birds found dead, probably poisoned
- New issue of the Bulletin “infoGIPETO” now available
- Two adult Egyptian Vultures from Bulgaria will not return to their breeding grounds this spring
- New research reveals when, where, and why Egyptian Vultures are dying
- Bearded Vulture chick travels to a new facility to be adopted by experienced foster parents
- Second proven case of fatal lead poisoning for a Griffon Vulture in Bulgaria
- Achieving a world-record: Guadalentín centre in Andalusia hatched the highest-ever number of Bearded Vulture chicks produced in a single breeding season
- Express rescue mission rehabilitates, tags and releases Cinereous Vulture breeding adult in Salamanca (Spain)
- Cinereous Vultures are demonstrating breeding behaviour in Bulgaria for the first time since their extinction nearly 30 years ago
- New portal launched in Serbia to report bird suffering and respond in real-time
- WATCH: Webcam live streams the daily life of a Cinereous Vulture pair nesting in Spain
- More Critically Endangered vultures die in Guinea-Bissau one year following the biggest ever mass vulture mortality event in the world
- One more Bearded Vulture translocated as part of the newest reintroduction project in Maestrazgo
- Research review: New study reveals the importance of feeding sites and carcasses in the wider landscape for Griffon Vultures in Bulgaria and Greece.
- Bearded Vulture chicks keep on hatching in captivity
- Natural disaster in Bulgaria kills the reintroduced and paired Cinereous Vulture Marina
- Poisoned to death: Only remaining Cinereous Vulture breeding colony in the Balkans loses two nesting birds
- Griffon Vultures in the Eastern Rhodopes in Bulgaria reached more than 100 pairs
- The Vulture Conservation Foundation is hiring a Research Officer
- The Spanish Cinereous Vultures arrived in Bulgaria and are already acclimatising to their new home!
- Bearded Vulture breeding progress in Savoie is heading towards a record-high season!
- Portuguese Griffon Vulture returned to nature after surviving illegal shooting and lead poisoning!
- Largest-ever Cinereous Vulture transport starts from Extremadura to Bulgaria to help reintroduce the species
- Egyptian Vulture Fangueiro arrived in the Douro two months after its early return to Europe
- For the first time, we are following the GPS movements of a juvenile wild-hatched Bearded Vulture from Italy
- The Griffon Vulture returns as a breeding species in Morocco after 40 years of absence!
- A peek into the early days of a newly-hatched Griffon Vulture chick in Bulgaria
- WATCH: Documentary recounts the work conducted in the scope of the LIFE Egyptian Vulture project in Italy and the Canary Islands
- Dutch zoo Dierenrijk donates Griffon Vulture to the reintroduction project in Bulgaria!
- Reintroduced in France, electrocuted in Italy: Young Bearded Vulture Palo-Pala meets tragic end
- WATCH: Human keepers and Bearded Vulture mum rear newly hatched captive-bred chick in Andalusia
- The breeding season of reintroduced Griffon Vultures in Bulgaria has already begun with the first incubating pairs observed
- Griffon Vulture population in Cyprus remains stable according to latest census
- Most recent GPS movements of 58 Bearded Vultures across seven important European regions
- Three Griffon Vultures released in Messolonghi symbolic of 1821 Greek liberation
- Bearded Vultures in the Alps are busy with the new breeding season
- Prepare for Cuteness Overload: Introducing Europe’s first Bearded Vulture siblings of this breeding season
- Bolivia has 35 less Andean Condors following suspected mass poisoning incident
- LIFE with Vultures Cyprus objectives for 2021: Tackling vulture threats, improving food availability and restocking threatened population
- First Griffon Vulture equipped with GPS tag as part of an innovative project to track illegal wildlife poisoning across seven Balkan countries
- Most vulture mortality cases in the Douro between 2015-2019 related to illegal wildlife poisoning
- Most recent results from the release techniques of captive-bred Egyptian Vultures in the Eastern Rhodopes
- Progress review of LIFE with Vultures Cyprus
- Meet Europe’s first Bearded Vulture chick of 2021
- At least 34 Critically Endangered vultures recently killed from suspected mass poisoning in India
- Rescuing a young Griffon Vulture and live streaming a pair’s breeding behaviour in the Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria
- Bruma — another Cinereous Vulture rescued, tagged and released in Portugal
- Meet Emslie’s Vulture: The new vulture species identified from fossils in Cuba
- How do we boost Bearded Vulture breeding success in captivity to support conservation projects?
- Wandering Bearded Vulture Pierro continues exploring unusual regions
- French Egyptian Vulture Buoux that spent much of its life in captivity explores African wintering grounds for the first time
- Raising awareness among local communities in North Macedonia to combat illegal wildlife poisoning
- Research review: How scientific research has informed Andean condor conservation in South America
- A Swiss Bearded Vulture resurfaced in Baronnies, France, after nearly two years since last observation
- A record-high number of Griffon Vultures observed overwintering in the Balkan Mountains in Bulgaria
- Bearded Vultures return to Granada, Andalusia, as a breeding species after half a century since their extinction
- Saving Griffon Vultures in Bulgaria: Our partners rescue a wild bird and welcome the first egg of their captive breeding pair over the holidays
- On a collision course: 16 Griffon Vultures killed by wind turbines in Aragon, Spain
- Egyptian Vulture Fangueiro returns to Europe after spending only two months in Africa
- A new president for the VCF: Daniel Hegglin hands over to Hans Pohlmann
- Bearded Vulture “Vigo” is actually “Flysch” from Haute Savoie, and the full history of the bird now published in British Birds
- 2021 — Together let’s work towards a brighter future for the world and vultures
- WATCH: The story of a young Cypriot Griffon Vulture named Kostis
- Overview of Bearded Vulture conservation in 2020
- Overview of Griffon Vulture conservation in 2020
- Overview of Egyptian Vulture conservation in 2020
- Overview of Cinereous Vulture conservation in 2020
- Happy Holidays from the Vulture Conservation Foundation
- Remembering the illegal wildlife poisoning case that could lead to the first conviction of its kind in Croatia!
- One step in the right direction — Hunting licenses suspended in Spanish estate following serious poisoning incident
- VCF officially acknowledged as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI) by Dutch Tax Administration
- Preliminary results from the 2020 International Observation Days for the Bearded Vulture
- GPS and genetic monitoring: Evaluating the connectivity of Bearded Vulture populations between different massifs in France
- VCF’s Alex Llopis receives Tom Cade Award!
- Research Review: Winter movement patterns of the globally endangered Egyptian Vulture in south-western Europe
- Farewell Dama: Bearded Vulture breeding female that produced the second-highest number of chicks in captivity dies at 32 years old
- Meet the Bearded Vultures that flew above seas and travelled vast distances in 2020
- The eighth edition of La Plume du Life, the LIFE GYPCONNECT’s newsletter, released
- Live Meeting: Let’s talk vultures!
- European vulture comeback boosted by new agreement
- Shot Griffon Vulture from Crete operated upon for the chance to fly in the wild again
- Research review: Study demonstrates the high risk of lead poisoning in birds of prey, especially Griffon Vultures, in Spain
- Highest-ever number of roosting Griffon Vultures counted in the Rhodope Mountains
- 2020 Annual Griffon Vulture Census in Sardinia shows a gradual increase of individuals
- The Bearded Vulture egg-laying season in captivity started very early on this time!
- Two Griffon Vultures left Dresden zoo for a new island life in Sardinia
- A successful Kick-off Meeting of the newly launched LIFE project BalkanDetox LIFE
- Kajazo – a human imprinted Bearded Vulture male ‘pairs’ with his human keeper to become a foster parent to a chick
- Arrival of three Griffon Vultures to the most important Bearded Vulture Captive Breeding Centre to help monitor the West Nile Virus threat
- From the Balkans to the Middle East: The vast travels of a wandering Griffon Vulture
- Call for testimony for Dolomie — the reintroduced Bearded Vulture illegally shot and killed in France
- More fallow deer relocated in the Eastern Rhodopes to support vulture conservation and broader rewilding goals
- Bearded Vulture pair built nest in Granada Province for the first time since the reintroduction of the species in Andalusia
- Released Bearded Vulture Sureau that can no longer fly due to injury has a new mission in life
- Kick-off meeting of the BalkanDetox LIFE project
- Research Review: Risk of exposure to diclofenac and other NSAIDs for vultures in Iberia and update on the situation in South Asia
- Pyrenees Bearded Vulture Peraire now flies in Maestrazgo where the species is being reintroduced
- Bearded Vulture reintroduction in Andalusia: a breakup led to two new pair formations, and 2020 welcomes a new territorial pair!
- Please participate in this survey if you observed or attempted to observe Bearded Vulture “Vigo” in the UK
- New study estimates the extinction risk for Cyprus Griffon Vultures and identifies priority actions for their conservation
- From Italy to Mali: Captive-bred and released Egyptian Vultures reach sub-Saharan Africa
- Attempting three new Bearded Vulture pair bondings in the largest specialized breeding centre of the species
- Illegal use of poison baits in the Cypriot countryside killed one-third of the Griffon Vulture population in recent years
- IUCN Vulture Specialist Group’s Guide for attaching harness tracking devices to vultures and condors
- Farmer who used poison baits in Andalusia, killing two Bearded Vultures, CONVICTED at last!
- Incredible efforts to rescue a juvenile weakened Egyptian Vulture in a war zone!
- Celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the first Griffon Vulture releases in the Balkan Mountains, Bulgaria, to reintroduce the species
- Portuguese Cinereous Vulture rescued, rehabilitated, tagged and released in the Douro
- Increase in the number of Griffon Vultures in the Alps with a record number of individuals observed
- Programme of Bearded Vulture Technical Webinar published!
- Possible observation of Bearded Vulture “Vigo” in France
- BalkanDetox LIFE: New project combats illegal wildlife poisoning across Balkan countries
- The Egyptian Vulture Fangueiro finally reaches Africa against all odds!
- The European Green Deal – deception or deed? Vote this week in the European Parliament to confirm the decision to ban lead shot in wetlands will tell!
- Latest newsletter of the IUCN’s Vulture Specialist Group (October 2020)
- Research review: study demonstrates how plastic ingestion by vultures may cause wider impacts
- It is impossible to prove that an animal was poisoned in Bosnia and Herzegovina as there is no toxicological analysis
- Bearded Vulture Technical Webinar: Reviewing conservation and research projects across three continents
- Watch: Achievements of the LIFE GypConnect project
- Vulture Conservation Foundation’s position on the proposal to legalize poison bait use in Bulgaria’s nature
- Book: A Vulture Landscape — Twelve Months in Extremadura
- Cinereous Vulture population in Extremadura is booming, helping support reintroduction efforts in Bulgaria
- Thousands of Africa’s vultures deliberately poisoned and killed – Letter to Science published!
- Surprise GPS data received from Egyptian Vulture Rupis after nearly a year without information
- Carcass filled with lead shot pellets: Young Bearded Vulture reintroduced this summer in the Grands Causses (France) illegally shot and killed
- Bearded vulture in the UK: Speculations are over as genetic analysis reveals origin and sex
- The Vulture Conservation Foundation is hiring a Part-Time Financial Assistant
- World Migratory Bird Day: A closer look into the movements of the Egyptian Vulture — Europe’s only long-distance migratory vulture
- Bearded Vulture resurfaces in Lincolnshire, and we are closer to revealing the bird’s identity
- First study on the conservation status of vultures and raptors in Morocco reveals mortality hotspots
- Pyrenean Bearded Vulture rescued three times and unable to return to the wild becomes part of the captive-breeding programme
- Plumage, bleached feathers and moulting: How we can tell apart Bearded Vultures in the wild
- Pair in Austria signals the start of the new Bearded Vulture breeding season in captivity
- The Ambassador of Spain in Bulgaria visited the Green Balkans as part of the Vultures Back to LIFE project
- Griffon Vulture in Cyprus crashes with a car — the bird’s fate remains a mystery
- The International Bearded Vulture Monitoring Network 2019 Annual Report
- The latest movements of 58 wild Bearded Vultures across seven important European regions
- The first movements of three GPS-tagged Cinereous Vultures in Portugal that recently fledged
- Bearded Vulture “Vigo” left Derbyshire and is heading south — where to now?
- How many Bearded Vultures are currently present in Vercors where the species is being reintroduced?
- Update on Egyptian Vultures released in Italy this year: one reached Africa another needed rescuing
- Upcoming Virtual Vulture Trivia Quizzes — for adults and families
- Vulture watching: Tarifa during bird migration – the European region where you might see six vulture species!
- Four more captive-bred Egyptian Vultures released in Basilicata as part of the restocking efforts in Italy
- International Observation Days: Volunteers needed to help count Bearded Vultures in Europe on Saturday 3 October 2020
- First flights of the first-ever Griffon Vulture fitted with a GPS tag in Mallorca
- Research review: study finds no clear evidence that vultures spread microorganisms to humans and other species, but more likely reduce disease transmission
- Is Cinereous Vulture Carrascalinho a Real Madrid fan?
- 2020 Cinereous Vulture breeding results in Herdade da Contenda — an important colony in Portugal
- 2020 Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting cancelled – but join us for a webinar on Bearded Vultures on November 13th!
- Why we need to protect vultures
- West Nile Virus poses a threat to Bearded Vultures in captivity – and to humans too
- Critical EU vote this Thursday to ban lead shot in wetlands – and that matters to vultures too!
- A Bearded Vulture released in Maestrazgo this year was found dead
- Celebrate the International Vulture Awareness Day on 5 September with us!
- Research review: New study demonstrates prevalence of high lead contamination among raptors, especially scavengers, in Europe
- Egyptian Vultures: the start of autumn migration
- Perfectly preserved Griffon Vulture vulture fossil from the Late Pleistocene found in Italy
- Vulture Scavenger Hunt — an educational activity for children
- Griffon vulture population in Israel reaches a new high
- Electrocution and collision: Good and bad news for vultures in Castile and León, Spain
- One more captive-bred Griffon Vulture ready for life in the Bulgarian wild
- Griffon Vulture chicks jump from nest in Serbia following helicopter disturbance
- Lethal poisoning of 2000+ Critically Endangered vultures in Guinea-Bissau — Update on the toxicology results and criminal investigation
- Bearded Vulture fledges in Picos de Europa for the first time in decades
- The Griffon Vulture colony in the Eastern Alps is increasing and occupying new areas
- Research review: Study shows that painting a single wind turbine blade black reduces bird collision
- ‘Mama drone’ helps feed Griffon Vulture chick in Israel to rescue it
- Vulture Conservation Foundation’s statement on ‘repatriation’ of the Bearded Vulture in the UK
- Taller Cría en Cautividad de Quebrantahuesos en Andalucía (Aplazado)
- Portuguese Cinereous Vulture equipped with GPS tag in the nest
- Report on wildlife poisoning in Spain between 1992-2017
- Rehabilitated captive-bred Bearded Vulture marks the last release for 2020
- Four new Egyptian Vulture territories occupied in the Balkans
- Bearded Vulture pair bonding: choosing the right partner for a selective species
- Evolution of the vulture populations in Sardinia
- Research review: Nocturnal flights by Bearded Vultures detected for the first-time using GPS and accelerometer data
- A morning with Griffons: GPS tagging vultures in the Côa Valley for nature conservation
- First successful nesting of Bearded Vulture in Piedmont since the beginning of the Alpine reintroduction project
- Monograph: The Bearded Vulture in Spain – Breeding population in 2018 and census method
- First-ever Cinereous Vulture nestlings equipped with GPS tags in the Douro
- Bearded Vulture European Endangered Species Programme (EEP) Annual Report 2019
- Illegal wildlife poisoning case reaches court trial in Croatia for the first time
- Second-ever Egyptian Vulture hatched and fledged in Sardinia
- Our Research Officer’s take on the Bearded Vulture in the Peak District, UK
- Research reveals that Andean condors flap wings just 1% of the time
- Egyptian Vulture Fangueiro gets new feathers to be able to fly again in the wild
- More electric poles insulated in the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria to protect vultures
- Genetic analysis reveals the origin of a wandering Bearded Vulture that was rescued, rehabilitated and released in France
- Second record of Bearded Vulture in the UK — why did it travel to the UK, where did it come from and will it return home?
- Participate in the annual Alpine Griffon Vulture count on 22 August 2020
- The final Bearded Vulture release in Andalusia for 2020
- Egyptian Vulture baby hatched in a nest built on a transmission tower — first record in Spain and Europe
- Update on the Bearded Vultures recently released in France
- Fifteen Griffon Vultures found dead in a well in Morocco
- French farmers ask for the removal of vulture eggs from nests due to incidents with cattle – but this is not the solution for an inflated problem!
- Egyptian Vultures in Italy — upcoming releases and movements of released birds
- Ecosystem service provision – what do vultures do for us and the environment?
- From the Grands Causses to the French Pyrenees — the travels of Bearded Vulture Cévennes
- First Griffon Vulture equipped with GPS tag in Mallorca to study the natural colonisation of the species
- A win-win collaboration between livestock breeders and vultures in Kompsatos valley (Greece)
- Vulture Research Update: November 2019 – June 2020
- The Cinereous Vulture Riga has once again travelled to Austria
- Surveying for poison bait use in Albania
- Egyptian Vulture family found dead in the Eastern Rhodopes Mountain in Bulgaria
- Last transportation of Cinereous Vultures from Spain to France for the reintroduction of the species
- How GPS technology is key to securing the future of vultures
- Second observation of a Bearded Vulture in the UK
- Fifteen Cinereous Vultures travel from Extremadura to Bulgaria to be reintroduced
- International Observation Days 2019: The Bearded Vulture population estimates across several European regions
- More Egyptian Vultures poisoned to death in the Canary Islands than previously thought
- Conservation status of Griffon Vultures in Armenia
- Record number of Cinereous Vultures photographed at a LIFE Rupis feeding station in the Douro (Portugal)
- Another young Bearded Vulture released at Parque Natural de Cazorla in Andalusia as part of the reintroduction project
- Poaching in northwestern Italy: Griffon Vulture shot and left in critical condition
- Reintroduced Bearded Vulture Cintu wandered away from Corsica for a brief trip!
- The latest movements of captive-bred and wild-hatched Bearded Vultures across seven important European regions
- Closer to reintroducing Bearded Vultures to the Grands Causses with the latest release of four birds
- Two young Bearded Vultures released in Switzerland as part of the Alpine reintroduction project
- Three active Griffon Vulture nests confirmed in Cyprus
- Newest Bearded Vulture reintroduction project in Tinença de Benifassà (Maestrazgo) released two more young birds
- Status, conservation and captive breeding of Bearded Vultures in Southern Africa
- Two more Cinereous Vultures released at Vrasachi Balkan in Bulgaria
- Ninth record of a Bearded Vulture in Portugal in the last 100 years
- French Egyptian Vulture Buoux returns to the wild after almost a year in recovery
- Tackling illegal wildlife poisoning to preserve the remaining Griffon Vulture population in Greece
- Three additional Bearded Vultures released at Parque Natural de Cazorla in Andalusia!
- A Bearded Vulture cycling jersey combines conservation and sustainability!
- Two young captive-bred Bearded Vultures released in the Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors in the French pre-Alps
- Watch how Cinereous Vultures utilize surrounding landscape for energy efficient soaring flight
- Cinereous Vultures are breeding again in the Iberian System after more than half a century since their extinction
- How are Egyptian Vultures perceived?
- Many chicks hatched this year again in Bulgaria’s only indigenous Griffon Vulture population
- Electrocuted in Turkey: Vultures and other soaring birds under threat
- Two captive-bred Bearded Vultures from Austrian and Czech zoos released in Baronnies
- Poacher shot and killed reintroduced Cinereous Vulture Ultron in Bulgaria
- Sign the petition and help us #StopTheKillings of vultures in Africa
- The only remaining Cinereous Vulture breeding colony in the Balkans
- Watch: Guadalentín — the centre that breeds the most Bearded Vultures
- The reintroduced Cinereous Vulture Sliven met a tragic end in Kharkiv, Ukraine
- Watch two newly hatched Egyptian Vulture siblings in the wild in Israel
- Introducing a schematic sampling protocol for raptor biomonitoring to harmonize procedures across Europe
- Bearded Vulture vagrancy: leaving the mountains to explore the North of France
- The first Cinereous Vultures releases at Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park in Bulgaria
- Will Egyptian Vultures breed in Sardinia again?
- How many Bearded Vultures hatched this breeding season in captivity?
- Watch: Griffon Vulture dad feeding his one-month-old chick at the Green Balkans’ Centre
- Food shortage will not be a problem this summer for our Bearded Vulture breeding centres
- Research review: New study estimates the Bearded Vulture population in the Pyrenees at around 1,000 individuals
- Two Bearded Vulture siblings kick off the 2020 release season in Andalusia
- Over 900 migratory Egyptian Vultures observed in Turkey during one month
- From Bulgaria to Ukraine back to Bulgaria and Ukraine again in 30 days — the travels of Cinereous Vulture Sliven
- Rehabilitating electrocuted vultures is not an easy task
- Birdski: mitigating threats in ski areas to protect Bearded Vultures in the French Alps
- One less Egyptian Vulture pair in the Canary Islands — poisoning killed the pair and left a breeding female in critical condition
- Watch vulture videos and nest cams to feel closer to our feathered friends
- Are vultures really becoming livestock predators? Shedding some light on negative misconceptions and false accusations – new paper
- Research review: The first Pan-Africa study on Hooded Vultures evaluates their movements
- The latest Egyptian Vulture national census in Spain demonstrates that the species population is stable
- Tagging vultures: Why swift field response is essential to save birds and inform conservation actions
- Bearded Vultures try to breed for the first time on the Moncayo Mountains (Easternmost Central Iberian Massif)
- Lords of the Rhodopean Skies — a new online wildlife photography exhibition available for a limited time
- Rare sighting of a juvenile Egyptian Vulture in South Africa — the species is thought to be extinct in the country
- The website of our latest LIFE project in Cyprus, LIFE with Vultures, is now available for the public!
- Research review: new article demonstrates the value of research for effective vulture conservation
- Why, when, where? Rigorous investigation answers important questions about illegal wildlife poisoning in Serbia
- Updates from the reintroduced Cinereous Vultures in Bulgaria
- Earth Day 2020: Why it is more important than ever to preserve our nature and vultures
- Biggest ever vulture mortality event in the world unfolds in Guinea-Bissau: estimates of over 2000 Hooded Vultures poisoned to death due to belief-based use
- The wandering Cinereous Vulture Riga returned home!
- Where did Cinereous Vulture Caparica travel to after its rehabilitation and release?
- Animal carcasses — from a problem to a conservation opportunity
- Touring around Mallorca the Cinereous Vulture way
- Watch: Griffon Vulture chick hatching in Green Balkans’ Centre for the second time in history!
- Research review: recent study describes the movements of Bearded Vultures in the Himalayas
- Together for Bearded Vultures — taking measures to tackle COVID-19 issues
- The actions against illegal wildlife poisoning in Croatia
- Latest newsletter of the IUCN Vulture Specialist Group
- How are the released Griffon Vultures doing in Sardinia?
- Reintroduced Cinereous Vultures form a pair in Bulgaria for the first time since the species extinction
- The Vulture Conservation Foundation is hiring a Bearded Vulture Captive Breeding Assistant
- A new project in Albania nurses poisoned wildlife back to health
- Vulture Island Trilogy: Celebrating vultures through storytelling
- Two Griffon Vultures from Rhodope Mountains embark on a long trip to Saudi Arabia
- Research review: Intensive monitoring reveals interesting parenting behaviours of Egyptian Vultures during the nesting cycle
- Reintroduced Cinereous Vulture Extremadura killed by electrocution in Bulgaria
- Research review: New study illustrates how larger vulture species and older individuals are most dominant when competing at carcasses
- The journey of Cinereous Vulture Brínzola comes to a tragic end after a year of many adventures
- Four Egyptian Vultures are back on our radar – will they migrate back to Europe?
- Bearded Vulture Adonis returned to Grands Causses and paired…with another male
- Watch: From extinction to recolonisation to reproduction – the return of the Cinereous Vulture in Portugal
- Cinereous Vultures started mating in Bulgaria again!
- Bearded Vulture hatches in Picos de Europa for the first time in nearly seven decades
- Watch: The final push – the hatching of a Bearded Vulture chick
- Prevent poisoning: leave lead ammunition to history
- Life, vultures and COVID19 – we live in a brand-new world
- GPS tracking of Griffon Vultures helps prepare a better future for scavenger birds in the Côa Valley
- Operation “Save chick Ryan”: transportation of Bearded Vulture before Spain’s COVID-19 lockdown
- A letter from 1791 takes us back in time to see how the Bearded Vulture was perceived in Switzerland during that period
- Griffon Vultures in Messolonghi, Greece, tagged with GPS transmitters to track their movements and help tackle wildlife poisoning
- IUCN’s Vulture Specialist Group position on the role of vultures in disease transmission
- Research review: A review of secondary pentobarbital poisoning in scavenging wildlife, companion animals and captive carnivores
- Two reintroduced Bearded Vultures observed and identified in the wild again
- Bearded Vulture chicks in Andalucia are hatching both in the wild and in captivity!
- The Cinereous Vulture Barnabie has a new mission in life
- Egyptian Vulture Faia is the first LIFE Rupis bird to safely cross the Strait of Gibraltar on her way back home this spring
- The seventh edition of La Plume du Life, the LIFE GypConnect newsletter, released
- New records for the rare Cinereous Vulture in the Central Balkan and Vrachanski Balkan
- Griffon Vulture with transmitter found dead in the Eastern Rhodopes
- Recent illegal wildlife poisoning in Serbia kills birds and mammals
- Vulture conservation disaster in Guinea Bissau is nearing 1000 vulture fatalities
- Intentional poisoning of wildlife is now a crime in Albania
- #WorldWildlifeDay: Together we can save vultures – how the Bearded Vulture is returning to its former range in Europe
- Get to know Mort – the vulture protagonist of this new children’s book
- Possibly the highest Bearded Vulture nest at almost 5000 metres altitude discovered in the Himalayas
- A vulture conservation disaster: over 600 vultures dead across Guinea-Bissau with death toll continually increasing
- Watch what it takes to breed a Bearded Vulture in captivity
- The VCF at the CoP13 of the Convention for Migratory Species
- The Griffon Vultures in the Eastern Rhodopes reached nearly 100 pairs
- Vulture winter wonderland in the ‘Sinite Kamani’ Nature Park
- The latest addition to the captive Bearded Vulture family – say hello to BG1057
- Research review: New study demonstrates that human-modified landscapes increase mortality risk for Griffon Vultures
- Vulture MsAP Strategic Implementation Plan Launched
- How LIFE GypConnect is reintroducing the Bearded Vulture to Baronnies
- Griffon Vulture pair laid a second egg in Green Balkans’ centre!
- Guidelines for feeding Bearded Vultures in captivity are now also available in Bulgarian and Russian
- Recent wildlife poisoning in Croatia left many animal casualties
- Mass poisoning causes a heavy blow to the largest colony of Griffon Vultures in mainland Greece
- Yet another Portuguese Cinereous Vulture returned to the wild after rescue and rehabilitation
- More fallow deer released in the Eastern Rhodopes to help improve the natural food availability for vultures
- Results from the first Griffon Vulture census of the decade in Cyprus
- The fascinating travels of the young Griffon Vulture T89
- Sign the petition to help protect Egyptian Vultures in Aragon (Spain)
- Watch directly from the nest the Bearded Vulture pair from Valsavarenche during this breeding period
- The Griffon Vultures at the Green Balkans’ Wildlife Rehabilitation and Breeding Centre were given the chance to lay a second egg
- Meet Kobe – the first captive-bred Bearded Vulture chick of the season!
- Griffon Vultures colonised Mallorca and joined the resident Cinereous Vultures – a novel project now studies the consequences of this phenomenon
- Highlights from the Anti-Poisoning and Wildlife Crime in Albania workshop
- Live nest cameras: a peek inside the lives of three Griffon Vulture breeding pairs in Israel
- An unlikely pairing: Rüppell’s Vulture breeding with Griffon Vulture in Spain
- Attracting Cinereous Vulture pairs in Kotel Mountain
- Restoring Bearded Vulture populations in nature requires help from zoos
- Results from the three methods used to release captive-bred Egyptian Vultures in the Eastern Rhodopes in 2019
- The breeding season for the Cinereous Vulture pair in the Green Balkans’ rescue centre has begun
- Missing Cinereous Vulture Bessie found dead after collision against power lines
- Research review: Technical-scientific order for the analysis of the diet of Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in the Douro Canyon
- More Egyptian Vultures tagged with GPS transmitters in Ethiopia and new insights into the threats they face revealed
- Brilliant photograph of an encounter between Bearded Vulture Carmen and Griffon Vulture in Barronies
- Prison, fine and hunting disqualification for a hunter who poisoned four vultures in Spain
- Griffon Vulture pair lays the first clutch of the year in Sardinia
- Bearded Vulture (c) Hansruedi Weyrich
- What duties do Egyptian Vulture pairs share during the breeding period?
- Weak Griffon Vulture rescued in the Var (France)
- Released Egyptian Vulture Kate found dead in Western Sicily after spending only two months on the island
- Necropsy performed on two Griffon Vultures in Bulgaria
- The Stolen Wildlife Campaign just released the second series of awareness photographs
- The GPS movements of the first-ever wild Portuguese Cinereous Vulture tagged stopped. What happened?
- The Bearded Vulture breeding trio in Ecrins laid an egg for the 3rd consecutive year
- Competition: Win a GPS tag – suitable for Griffon or Cinereous Vultures
- Cinereous Vulture in Spain killed by ingesting illegal poisoned bait
- Gulper, ripper and scrapper: anatomy of the neck in three species of vultures
- Five feeding sites built in the Greek part of Rhodope Mountains as part of LIFE Re-Vultures
- Another mass poisoning in Zululand causes alarm for the future of vultures in the region
- Vulture Conservation – 2019 Overview
- Bearded Vulture Conservation – 2019 Overview
- Egyptian Vulture Conservation – 2019 Overview
- Cinereous Vulture Conservation – 2019 Overview
- Griffon Vulture Conservation – 2019 Overview
- Bearded Vulture pairs in captivity started laying eggs
- Der Falke special issue on vultures: Biology – Threats – Conservation
- Are Egyptian Vultures under threat from NSAIDs in Greece?
- Conclusions of the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2019
- Are dogs also vultures’ best friends, too?
- Complicated surgery gives Bearded Vulture Flamadel new hope for his future
- Bearded Vulture Silviano regained her freedom in the heart of the Pyrenees
- Wildlife-human conflict in Greece: wolves, vultures and actions
- LIFE with Vultures: a targeted effort to save the Griffon Vulture in Cyprus
- Griffon Vulture Census results in the Balkans
- Updates from the Vultures Back To LIFE reintroduced Cinereous Vultures
- Bulgaria is about to adopt a national strategy to combat illegal wildlife poisoning
- Vulture Conservation Foundation Film – Together for Vultures
- Grand jubilee for Serbian ornithologists: this year marks the 30th anniversary of the Society for the Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia/BirdLife Serbi
- Rescue and rehabilitation of Cinereous Vulture Barnabie
- One of Switzerland’s first wild-hatched Bearded Vultures is dead
- A Rüppell’s Vulture paid a visit to a LIFE Rupis feeding station in Portugal
- White Bearded Vulture observed in the Alps – a rare sight for the region
- Joint efforts save young Egyptian Vulture Anna
- Mesmerizing footage of a Bearded Vulture bathing
- The second round of interviews to investigate wildlife poisoning in Albania
- How the LIFE GYPCONNECT project is working to limit the use of lead ammunition
- Day two and three of the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2019
- Day one of the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2019
- The Griffon Vulture roosting sites census in the Balkans approaches
- Cinereous Vulture spotted flying over Azraq Wetland Reserve (Jordan) for the first time
- Rapid response prevents mass poisoning in Serbia
- Great international cooperation allows for the release of Egyptian vulture Iberia in Europe’s only wintering area – but the bird had Africa on its mind!
- First confirmed sighting of a Rüppell’s Vulture in Italy
- A happy ending for two juvenile Griffon Vultures in North Macedonia
- Announcing the programme of the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2019
- Vulture Research Update: October 2019
- Another fantastic year for the Bearded Vulture Captive Breeding Network
- How many vultures are there in the Alps?
- Cinereous Vulture Orca ready to be re-released
- The Bearded Vulture breeding season has already started!
- Providing lead-free ammunition to tackle lead poisoning in Croatia
- A train hits and kills 15 vultures in Monzón (Spain)
- Vulture experts to the rescue: trying to save a Griffon Vulture during a field trip of the EVC
- Riga on the move: from the Alps to the Balkans
- Working together to protect vultures in Serbia – an educational workshop to tackle poisoning
- Rescued Griffon Vulture in Cyprus: rehabilitated and ready for release
- LIFE GYPCONNECT Seminar: Food support and sanitary precautions for Bearded Vultures
- The epic migration of the Egyptian Vulture
- Tackling the threat of electrocution in the Eastern Rhodopes to protect vultures
- Join us for the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2019
- An overview of the European Vulture Conference
- Day 2 of the European Vulture Conference
- Day 1 of the European Vulture Conference
- More LIFE Rupis Egyptian Vultures migrated to Africa
- Record number of Bearded Vulture fledglings observed in the Alps
- Dr Orr Spiegel will share his insights on vulture foraging movements during his keynote presentation at the European Vulture Conference
- Rhodopean Cinereous Vulture pair undertakes aerial adventures
- The European Vulture Conference is a week away – what to expect
- Interviewing shepherds to investigate wildlife poisoning in Albania
- Five Griffon Vultures are the new victims of poisoning in Bulgaria
- The Cinereous Vulture population in Mallorca has multiplied by ten in nearly 40 years
- Sara and Tobia returned to Africa
- Crossing the Strait of Gibraltar: Egyptian Vultures Britango and Faia on the move
- Stranded young Griffon Vulture rescued at Episkopi Bay (Cyprus)
- Dr François Sarrazin will give a keynote presentation on the restoration and conservation of scavenger populations during the European Vulture Conference
- New study reveals amazing flexibility of migration among Egyptian Vultures
- Eight captive-bred Egyptian Vultures released in Italy to boost the population
- Get to know Europe’s vultures – key facts and conservation
- The mystery of the Egyptian Vulture in Lamoso feeding station…solved!
- Europe’s 5th vulture species?
- International Observation Days – how many Bearded Vultures did we count in 2018?
- Record of Griffon Vultures breeding in the Eastern Alps
- Bearded Vulture Biès is free to roam the Pyrenees once again!
- The Cinereous Vulture chicks released in Bulgaria have successfully fledged!
- Egyptian Vulture Tizón continues to surprise us with his movements
- Together we can save vultures
- International cooperation returned Griffon Vulture Dobrila home
- Portuguese Action Plan for the Conservation of Necrophagous Birds finally published in Diário da República
- Exchanging knowledge for breeding Cinereous Vultures
- The Bearded Vultures in the Grands Causses are travelling further and further
- Deadly fall of Bearded Vulture Monna from the LIFE GypConnect releases
- Be a conservationist for a day and count Europe’s rarest vulture on International Observation Day 12 October 2019
- Four captive-bred Egyptian Vultures released into the wild in Bulgaria
- André Botha will give a keynote presentation on vulture conservation in Africa during the European Vulture Conference
- Two Cinereous Vultures are the new inhabitants of the Balkan Mountains in Bulgaria
- Continuing our monitoring efforts to understand Egyptian Vulture behaviour in the Douro (Spain-Portugal border)
- Catching up with the Bearded Vultures we released in Maestrazgo
- Recent training to treat poisoning cases at the Albania Anti-poisoning Centre – a project supported by the Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project Small Grants Programme
- Update on summer movements of LIFE Rupis Egyptian Vultures: July 2019
- Announcing the Scientific Programme of the European Vulture Conference
- Monitoring the recently reintroduced Bearded vultures in Maestrazgo: An expert’s account
- Releasing Cinereous vultures on Tuesday 6 August – join us in Kotel, Bulgaria
- Recent separate mass poisonings in Kruger Park (South Africa) and Enugu State (Nigeria) lead to 150+ vulture deaths
- Let’s be clear, objective and factual: Vultures do not normally kill cattle and are very useful for the livestock breeder
- Reintroduced Bearded Vulture Buisson from LIFE GYPCONNECT dies due to electrocution
- Five Griffon Vultures tagged in Western Iberia to reveal feeding behaviour
- 4 Vultures – Photography Contest
- All together for Vultures: Immediate action prevents possible wind turbine collision for Cinereous Vulture Carrascalinho in Spain
- New feeding station in Serbia aims to improve food opportunities for vultures
- How many Bearded Vulture breeding pairs are there currently in the Alps and on Corsica?
- Restoring natural feeding scenarios for Cinereous Vultures in Spain
- Are you cycling at the Tour de France? Keep your eyes open for Bearded Vultures
- Following the movements of yet another Portuguese Cinereous Vulture
- Griffon Vulture Kvarner enjoys his freedom and adventures once again
- California has done it for their condors – Can Europe follow suit and ban lead ammunition for our vultures too?
- Our latest keynote speaker at the European Vulture Conference, Dr Steffen Oppel, will discuss Egyptian Vulture threats and conservation strategies
- LIFE RE-Vultures can now track the movements of two more juvenile Griffon Vultures
- Where did the reintroduced Bulgarian Cinereous Vultures travel next?
- We reintroduced a record of 22 Bearded Vultures into the wild to help boost local populations
- First recorded fatality from lead poisoning for Griffon Vulture in Bulgaria
- The many challenges and adventures of the recently released Egyptian Vultures in Bulgaria
- Thirteen more Griffon Vultures are freed in Sardinia
- Fighting poison in the Balkans – Annoucing the successful projects funded through Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project Small Grants Programme
- Keynote Speaker, Dr Olivier Duriez, will discuss the flight and foraging decision making in Griffon Vultures at the European Vulture Conference
- What have the LIFE GYPCONNECT Bearded Vultures been up to since their release into the wild?
- Egyptian Vultures are losing their reign in the Balkans
- The mystery of the Cinereous Vulture spotted in Latvia
- Catastrophic blow for conservation: 600+ vultures fatally poisoned across Africa within two weeks
- Final releases of Bearded Vultures in the LIFE GYPCONNECT project for 2019
- Latest victims of irresponsible human activities
- Securing the future of vultures in Israel
- Griffon Vulture pays a rare visit to Romania
- New hope for Egyptian Vultures as eggs keep on hatching at the Green Balkans’ Rescue centre
- Mass poisoning kills at least 27 vultures in Zululand
- Wildlife crime expert, Dr Iñigo Fajardo, is giving a keynote presentation at the European Vulture Conference
- Closer to reintroducing Cinereous Vulture population in Bulgaria as the second group arrives
- Two Bearded Vultures released to help boost the population on Corsica
- Two young Bearded Vultures are the new inhabitants of Tinença de Benifassà (Spain)
- Reintroducing Cinereous Vultures to Bulgaria – the second transportation from Spain
- Bearded Vulture returns to the French countryside after a year in recovery
- How do vultures contribute to our environment?
- Vulture Research Update: May 2019
- Griffon Vulture Kupala rescued and released twice
- New project combats illegal vulture body parts trade in Nigeria
- Egyptian vultures Sara and Tobia finally returned to Italy
- Griffon Vulture conservation actions in Sardinia attracted Egyptian Vultures
- First flights of freedom for captive-bred Egyptian Vultures in Bulgaria
- Dr Patricia Mateo-Tomás, a specialist in vulture and human connections, is our latest keynote speaker at the European Vulture Conference
- The mystery of Egyptian Vulture Douro’s lost GPS transmitter
- Second year of releases in the Europe’s latest Bearded Vulture reintroduction project in Spain’s Maestrazgo region
- Report published from our Spanish practical training course supporting Balkan colleagues fight illegal wildlife poisoning
- Harshest wildlife poisoning penalty in Spain’s history
- Two young Bearded Vultures begin their new adventure after being released in the Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors in the French pre-Alps
- Griffon Vulture in Corsica falls victim to severe lead poisoning
- Opportunity to present your work alongside leading vulture conservationists
- Europe’s largest vulture spotted on an epic journey to northern Europe all the way from Spain
- Two Bearded Vultures set to be released into the wild in Andalucia on Thursday 23 May
- Fantastic breeding results for Griffon Vultures in Bulgaria’s Eastern Rhodope Mountains
- Report from ground-breaking Balkan Vultures Anti-Poisoning Workshop published
- Mass poisoning nearly wipes out Griffon Vulture population in Golan Heights
- Bearded Vulture releases continue in LIFE GYPCONNECT project in France on Saturday 18 May
- Prof. Ran Nathan, pioneer of understanding the ecology of vulture movements, is one of our headline speakers at the European Vulture Conference 2019
- The continued adventures of the reintroduced Bulgarian Cinereous Vultures
- Three captive-bred Bearded Vultures released into the wild in France kicking off the 2019 Bearded Vulture Release Season
- Three young Egyptian Vultures are on their way to freedom in Bulgaria
- The Annual Alpine Griffon Vulture count taking place on Saturday 17 August
- Captive-bred Egyptian Vulture Sara continues her travels as she reaches Italy after her first migration
- Latest edition of Alpine Bearded Vulture news bulletin infoGipeto published
- Spanish anti-poison professionals welcome Balkan colleagues for a two day training course
- First Bearded Vulture release on Monday 6 May – join us in France
- Cinereous Vultures on the move across the Balkan Peninsula
- The 2019 Bearded Vulture release season kicks off in France
- First keynote speakers for the European Vulture Conference announced
- Will Captive-bred Egyptian Vulture Sara Cross the Mediterranean from North Africa to Italy?
- Breeding success for ANOTHER pair of Bearded Vultures in the French pre-Pyrenees
- GPS transmitter helps locate and rescue injured Cinereous Vulture in Portugal
- Lots of Bearded Vulture (Easter) eggs this year – a bumper breeding season
- Which Egyptian Vulture won the race back to the Balkans?
- Another Griffon Vulture detained as a ‘spy’ in the Middle East
- Farming for vultures: the results from the LIFE+ Feeding Scavengers project
- Bearded Vulture chicks take flight a little earlier than planned
- Portugal reaffirms its commitment to tackling illegal wildlife poisoning
- The adventures of Croatian Griffon Vulture Kvarner continues
- The silent killer strikes across Greece with multiple vultures reported dead over the last two months
- Spanish and Moroccan ornithologists collaborate for major survey of raptors in Morocco
- Latest edition of France’s Vautours Info published
- The Balkan Vulture Anti-Poisoning Workshop, Serbia, 8-10 April 2019
- Illegal wildlife poisoning in Montenegro kills a pair of breeding Golden Eagles
- Four more Cinereous Vultures released into the wild in historic reintroduction project in Bulgaria
- Five out of five vultures return to the Douro Canyon on Portugal-Spain border from Africa
- The Race for Vultures Champions of the Flyway 24 hour birding race begins
- Ahead of the 2019 Egyptian Vulture breeding season in France let’s look back at the results from the 2018 season
- Second pair of Cinereous Vultures begins nesting in artificial platform in the Douro Canyon
- Report from the International Workshop of Vultures and Veterinary Drugs
- Join us in Portugal for the European Vulture Conference 2019
- First wild born Bearded Vulture in Andalucia returns to the region
- New report highlights the continued threat of illegal killing to vultures in Albania
- Record number of breeding pairs of Griffon Vultures in Bulgaria
- Europe’s Vultures Need You – new job vacancy at the Vulture Conservation Foundation
- Announcing the Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project Small Grants Programme
- Operation AntiTox tackling illegal wildlife poisoning in Spain
- Poisoning incident in North Macedonia tests new protocols to fight the crime
- Griffon Vultures in Bulgaria’s Kresna Gorge continue to make a comeback
- Carrying out a post-mortem is essential in understanding vulture mortality
- Bearded Vulture found dead in Turkey, but what killed this bird?
- The LIFE Rupis International Meeting sharing good practice in Egyptian Vulture conservation
- Cinereous Vulture Ostrava found dead in Greece
- Team VCF need your help to protect Africa’s vultures
- Third wild breeding pair of Bearded Vultures confirmed in Andalucia
- Europe’s Griffon Vultures begin the egg laying in the 2019 breeding season
- Where did the Bearded Vultures that were On The Move end up?
- Record number of young Cinereous Vultures fledge the nest in Andalusia in 2018 for a second year
- Spring migration is underway for LIFE Rupis Egyptian Vultures
- Dating the Cinereous Vulture way – helping captive birds find love
- The International Workshop on Vultures & Veterinary Drugs
- Join in with #GoVultures
- January was a busy month for wild Bearded Vultures in the 2018/19 breeding season
- Announcing the European Vulture Conference, 1-4 October 2019
- New article calls for standardised methods for monitoring vultures
- Updates from the Maestrazgo Bearded Vulture reintroduction project
- Griffon Vultures are on their way to Sardinia from Spain as part of the final transport to restock the threatened population on the island
- Following the migratory Egyptian Vulture from Bulgaria to Ethiopia for Egyptian Vulture New LIFE’s Africa 2019 Workshop
- Hatching of Bearded Vulture eggs in the Captive Breeding network begins
- A 2018 Survey of Griffon Vultures in Andalucía reveals the population continues to grow across the region
- Our work reintroducing Bearded Vultures recognized at the Biodiversity and Society Awards in Valencia
- The adventures of Bulgarian Griffon Vulture Kaya in the Middle East continues
- A bumper year for Egyptian Vultures in the 2018 breeding season in Bulgaria
- Cinereous Vulture fitted with a GPS transmitter released back into the wild in Portugal as part of LIFE Rupis project
- The sixth edition of La Plume du Life, the LIFE GypConnect newsletter, released
- Shocking killing of a rare Cinereous Vulture shot dead in Lebanon
- Wild Bearded Vultures get the 2018/19 breeding season off to an early start
- How did a GPS transmitter from a Cinereous Vulture end up on the beach in St-Tropez?
- More details announced for our Balkan Vultures Anti-Poisoning Workshop in Serbia in April
- Great results from the Bearded Vulture Breeding Season 2017/18 and our exciting plans for releasing birds in 2019
- Fighting illegal wildlife poisoning on the Balkan Peninsula
- Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project: Country in Focus – Serbia
- Introducing Team VCF competing in The Champions of the Flyway 2019
- Portuguese Parliament discusses tomorrow the banning of fatal veterinary medicine diclofenac to protect the nation’s vultures
- A great start to the Bearded Vulture breeding season
- Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project: Country in Focus – Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Abricot, the Great Wanderer, spotted on camera after an absence of two year
- The International Bearded Vulture Monitoring Network 2017 Annual Report
- The most popular vulture conservation stories of 2018
- Bringing partners together in Greece to discuss illegal wildlife poisoning
- Cinereous Vulture Murtigão photographed in southern Portugal
- December newsletter from Bearded Vulture news in the north Pyrenees
- Merry Christmas from the Vulture Conservation Foundation
- Join us in Serbia for the Balkan Vulture Anti-Poisoning Workshop in April 2019
- 11 more Griffon Vultures released in Sardinia helping boost the population
- Bearded Vulture Calandreto travels back to the Massif Central after a summer in the Pyrenees – the connection is one step closer!
- Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project: Country in Focus – Albania
- Griffon Vulture shot in Montenegro: vultures continue to be persecuted
- Results from the Bulgarian experiment testing release methods of captive-bred Egyptian vultures
- First clutch of the bearded vulture breeding season laid by pair in Andalucía
- Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project: Country in Focus – FYR Macedonia
- Two young griffon vultures released back into the wild in Sardinia
- Brilliant video of young Andalucían bearded vulture Gea learning to eat bones
- Survey of Egyptian vultures in FYR Macedonia suggests the population has declined since 2014
- Vulture Research Update: October-November
- Bulgaria’s cinereous vulture Ostrava heads off on winter migration
- Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project: Country in Focus – Croatia
- Conclusions from the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2018
- Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project: Country in Focus – Greece
- Bearded vulture Mia has become the first vulture in the world to have a artificial limb
- Five more cinereous vultures reintroduced in the southern Alps in France
- The 24th Meeting of the French Vulture Network
- Latest news from the Maestrazgo bearded vulture reintroduction project
- New VCF study estimates over 2,300 vultures have died as a result of being poisoned in the Balkan Peninsula over the last 20 years
- New research review reveals the extent of lead contamination in wild vultures.
- A great success for Egyptian vultures breeding in Greece in the 2018 breeding season but threat of poisoning is real
- Griffon vultures Arda and Kaya take a remarkable jounrey south from the Eastern Rhodope Mountains
- New artificial nests built in Eastern Rhodope mountains for cinereous vultures
- Bearded vulture spotted at supplementary feeding station in France with missing talons and digits
- Poison strikes in the Douro canyon, killing adult breeding Egyptian vultures
- Breeding season is under way for the bearded vulture
- Multiple raptors, including vultures, continue to be killed by electrocution
- Field trips for the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2018
- Day Two of the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2018
- Day One of the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2018
- Over 140 delegates have joined us for the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2018 in Cazorla, Spain
- Young cinereous vulture tagged and released back into the wild in the French pre-Pyrenees
- Working to save vultures in the Balearics
- More Bearded Vultures On The Move thanks to your help!
- Remarkable spotting of bearded vulture migrating from Europe across the Bosphorous
- Latest Egyptian vulture census of Albania reveals a new occupied territory
- #Bred4theWild -bearded vulture conservation in South Africa
- Fighting illegal wildlife poisoning in Serbia
- Over 800 Egyptian vultures counted in Turkey on their migration
- Captive-bred Egyptian vultures released in the Balkans reach wintering grounds
- Egyptian vultures Rupis and Douro reached their wintering grounds
- Island hopping and heading east – the latest travels of Bulgaria’s cinereous vultures – updates
- The VCF is looking for two consultants to help us improve internal management processes and our human resources systems
- Results from the 2018 griffon vulture Alpine census – 1873 birds counted
- 22 year old Griffon vulture visits supplementary feeding station in Portugal
- New research article reveals harmful exposure to lead in four avian scavengers in Switzerland
- Join us for the 2018 Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting – Cazorla, Spain
- Bearded vultures on the Move – mission accomplished!
- Latest newsletter of the IUCN Vulture Specialist Group
- Catching up with Spanish bearded vultures Alòs and Amic
- 16 threatened birds- including the bearded and cinereous vultures, have much better chances in Europe now
- First five Bearded Vultures are on the Move
- 2017/2018 bearded vulture breeding season in the Alps – a new record in the number of couples but productivity has decreased
- Understanding and tackling the electrocution and collision threats to vultures – Andalusia seminar
- Two males looking for a new home – 2 bearded vultures on the move who need your help
- The extraordinary 170km flight of Griffon vulture Kvarner
- Riga – one of the 3 cinereous vultures reintroduced in Bulgaria a few weeks ago, made it to Western Greece after a flight across the Balkans
- A pair of young bearded vultures in love and looking for a new home in the Ukraine
- Population of griffon vultures increases in Sardinia – read all about it in the latest LIFE Under Griffon Wings newsletter
- Dead Griffon vulture emphasises the need for proper site selection of wind farms in Thrace, Greece
- Why is #CountingBeardedVultures important?
- Czech Zoo visitors helping to protect Europe’s rarest vulture
- International Observation Days – what we found out from 2017
- POISON KILLS! A new LPO publication helping to fight illegal wildlife poisoning in the French Pyrenees
- What is the Bearded Vulture European Endangered Species Programme?
- Captive-bred Egyptian vultures released in Italy found dead in Sicily and Tunisia during their migration to wintering grounds
- Meet GypHelp BG 973 – a Bearded Vulture On The Move
- Volunteers needed to count Europe’s rarest vulture on International Observation Day Saturday 6 October
- 12 more griffon vultures released in Sardinia to boost the local population
- Help us get BEARDED VULTURES ON THE MOVE with our first ever public fundraising campaign
- Reintroduction of cinereous vultures in Bulgaria – what is happening with the three birds released?
- Captive-bred bearded vultures released in Baronnies doing well
- Happy ending for Portuguese cinereous vulture pair that lost chick to fire last year
- Significant progress for anti-poison work in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Captive-bred Egyptian vultures released in Bulgaria now on the move!
- Vultures at risk from changes to regulations in Spain’s Asturias region
- What killed bearded vulture Palanfré?
- A great breeding season for Balkan Griffon vultures
- Research summary for August
- Visitor to feeding station surprises staff at Monte Velino Reserve
- Egyptian vultures are migrating to Africa!
- One less Egyptian vulture in the Balkans – and what an horrible death!
- Why are vultures important?
- LIFE Re-Vultures – Conserving Griffon and Cinereous vultures in the Balkans
- LIFE Rupis – Conserving Egyptian vultures in Portugal and Spain
- LIFE GYPCONNECT – Connecting bearded vulture populations from the Alps to the Pyrenees
- Vultures Back to LIFE – conserving cinereous vultures in Bulgaria
- Who are the Vulture Conservation Foundation?
- One week to go to International Vulture Awareness Day!
- First Egyptian vulture tagged with a GPS in LIFE Rupis project in the Douro Canyon resurfaces (again)
- Cinereous vulture found dead in the Rhodope Mountains
- Two more Egyptian vultures released in Bulgaria in innovative experiment to test release techniques: hacking
- Reintroduced bearded vultures exploring their new home in Maestrazgo (Spain)
- New study reveals the impact of illegal poisoning in Greece
- Bulgaria’s reintroduced cinereous vultures leave the nest
- Latest edition of the LIFE Re-Vultures newsletter
- Lead ammunition banned from Maestrazgo – significant breakthrough in our most recent bearded vulture reintroduction project
- The amazing wanderings of Griffon vulture F75
- Fighting illegal wildlife poisoning with the Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project
- Second attempt at fostering Egyptian vulture chick in a wild nest
- Another successful season comes to an end in our bearded vulture breeding season
- Wandering cinereous vulture in Bulgaria gives hope to the restoration of the species in the country
- One month to go until International Vulture Awareness Day
- First ever Portuguese cinereous vulture tagged
- Europe’s largest vulture returns to Bulgaria
- Tracking Egyptian vultures in the Douro region of Spain and Portugal
- Two young bearded vultures tagged in Andalucía
- Vulture research update, June-July 2018
- Landmark day for cinereous vulture conservation in the Balkans
- Bearded vulture Rin Ran will be able to see again – thanks to overwhelming public donations
- Griffon vulture star in new children’s book The Revenge of the Servants of the Gods.
- Latest edition of the LIFE GypConnect Newsletter
- Landmark Day for Croatian Griffon Vulture Conservation
- Date Set for Annual Griffon Vulture Count in the Alps
- Egyptian vultures in Oman feature in new short documentary
- Field Report from the Swiss Alps
- Bearded Vulture Fredueli fledges in the Swiss Alps
- The Review of the 2017 Financial Year
- More Griffon Vultures Tagged in Rhodope Mountains
- Helping vultures back to health
- Bearded Vulture Alos fledges in Maestrazgo
- Results from experimental fostering of a captive-bred Egyptian vulture chick in a wild nest in Bulgaria
- Griffon vultures caught feeding at night for first time
- Following Egyptian vultures to Niger
- Updated news: First record of bearded vulture in Portugal in the last 100 years
- Very early fledging of bearded vultures in Italy’s Stelvio National Park
- Fighting illegal poisoning in Europe with LIFE
- Griffon vulture Malvasia flies free again
- Worrying return of poison to Grands Causses killing results in vulture deaths
- Bearded vultures released in Switzerland
- A first in 40 years of captive breeding bearded vultures
- Testing different release techniques of captive-bred Egyptian vultures in Bulgaria: delayed release
- Griffon vulture released in Bulgaria spotted soaring above the French Alps
- A great set of bearded vulture spots for International Observation Day
- Introducing Egyptian Vulture New LIFE
- A brilliant year for the bearded vulture captive breeding network
- Following bearded vulture Calandreto on his travels
- Sadness, hope and resilience in Vanoise National Park
- First bearded vultures released this year in Europe already fledged (in Baronnies), while two more birds released in Austria this weekend
- Croatia is preparing National Action Plan for the Griffon Vulture towards implementing the Vulture MsAP
- First steps into fight against wildlife poisoning in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Balkans Anti-Poisoning Project
- Great progress in Croatia within the Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project
- Andalusia vows to tackle illegal wildlife poisoning
- The silent killer strikes again – at least 3 Griffon vultures found poisoned in Greece
- One step closer to GYPCONNECT – bearded vulture pair present in the Corbières?
- Vulture research update, April-May 2018.
- LIFE Rupis: Investigating the movements of breeding Egyptian vultures in the Douro region.
- Success from the Rehabilitation Centre for Griffon Vultures in Croatia
- Bearded vulture breeding season: Good news from the Alps
- Sara and Tobia are on their way north, will Europe be next?
- First bearded vultures released in new reintroduction programme in Spain
- Two more bearded vultures released in Andalusia
- Another bearded vulture visits Netherlands – Updated news
- Electrocution of Egyptian vulture in Iran highlights this often-overlooked threat to vultures
- Landmark day for vulture conservation in Europe
- Bearded vulture reintroductions in Europe: young bird flies from Bulgaria to Spain
- Black vulture chick doing well in Douro Valley
- Fighting for vultures in the Balkans – Excellent progress in Macedonia within the Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project!
- Egyptian vulture Rupis invades the schools – a day with the LIFE Rupis environmental education programme
- Release season continues with another bearded vulture reintroduction in Andalusia (22nd May)
- Bearded vulture reintroductions: New project in Maestrazgo kicks off in style
- Fighting illegal poisoning of vultures in the Balkans – setting a baseline for anti-poisoning work in Albania
- One more bearded vulture will be released tomorrow in Andalusia
- Celebrating the Egyptian vulture on World Migratory Birds Day, 2018.
- One step closer to bring black vultures back to Bulgaria – 1st black vultures transported from Spain to the Balkans
- Mitigating the threat of electrocution in Iran – the excellent work of the Iran´s Bird and Powerlines Committee
- Helping vultures by reinforcing wild ungulates in Bulgaria – 138 deer have already been translocated to the Eastern Rhodopes as part of the LIFE RE Vultures
- Reintroducing bearded vultures to the wild – release season is starting this Sunday!
- What are the released griffons in Sardinia up to? One of them went to visit the other side of the island – all maps are now on-line
- Breeding bearded vulture dies after colliding with cable in Vanoise – single partner continues to take care of the chick
- Update on Vulture Research
- Working for vultures globally – Multi-species Action Plan to Conserve African-Eurasian Vultures (Vulture MsAP) took centre stage in the Flyways Summit
- Zero mortality of migrating raptors – including thousands of migrating griffon and Egyptian vultures – on a wind farm in Portugal with shut on demand method
- Banning Diclofenac in Portugal – light at the end of the tunnel?
- And Rupis reappears from the darkness – 4 out of 5 Egyptian vultures tagged in the Douro are still transmitting – while Sara is still in Africa
- Do we have a baby bearded vulture in the Écrins National Park (France)?
- 14 griffons successful released in Sardinia to restock the threatened local population
- On the road in Bulgaria tonight
- Financial award for early-career researchers working on vultures
- Cinereous vulture recorded on video in The Gambia – a first for the West Africa country
- Adult bearded vulture seen in Mt. Olympus (mainland Greece)
- One griffon possibly down in Saudi Arabia – while another is held hostage in Iraq
- Tono and Blimunda do it again! Second bearded vulture hatched in the wild in Andalucía this year.
- Vote for Egyptian vultures!
- Fourth newsletter of the LIFE+ GYPCONNECT published – linking bearded vultures from the Alps to the Pyrenees
- Hope and resilience – cinereous vultures resurrect from the ashes in the Douro canyon – Happy Easter!
- 68 (Easter) eggs in the bearded vulture captive breeding season – but number of resulting chicks will be average
- Egyptian vulture in the Western European flyway – experts identify priorities and discuss future collaboration
- New children’s book features a Griffon vulture as one of the main characters
- New Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project kick-offs at the 3rd Adriatic Flyway Conference
- Palanfré – the white bearded vulture was found dead in Piemonte
- Infogipeto – latest newsletter on the bearded vulture reintroduction project in the Alps just published (in Italian)
- Bearded vulture census and symposium in Stelvio National Park (Italy) – celebrating an extraordinary human and conservation adventure!
- Strange taste for food, but immensely beneficial and vulnerable – vultures in Eastern Rhodopes. They are just brilliant! New film
- Italy – bearded vulture symposium and field count in Stelvio will take place this weekend!
- Wandering Tayeh – the Egyptian vulture in Oman. is staying close to home
- Some of the women behind our vulture conservation work
- The most recent newsletter of IUCN´s Vulture Specialist Group published
- Here comes the next one – Egyptian vulture Faia is on her way north!
- Egyptian vultures go into the classroom in the Douro!
- More bad news from Africa – 87 vultures poisoned to death in Mozambique
- Dispatches from the field: 3 pairs of bearded vultures incubating in Vanoise while breeding has been confirmed (at long last!) in the Écrins (Alps)
- New paper: Antibiotics found in carcasses left in vulture supplementary feeding sites in Portugal
- Diary of the migration – the journey of the Egyptian vulture Douro
- Mourning bearded vulture Durzon
- Korea peninsula – cinereous vultures know no borders too!
- The African vulture crisis continues – yet another mass poisoning of vultures (and carnivores) in Tanzania
- Egyptian vulture Douro has now crossed the Atlas Mountains and is around Marrakesh – soon he will be in Gibraltar
- 15 Important facts about the use of poison in Portugal
- Cinereous vulture tagged and released back to the wild in Jordan – in images
- What are Egyptian vultures doing in Oman? – Research and conservation action supported by the VCF
- Somewhere in Oman, there is an Egyptian vulture looking for a name – will you help us choose one?
- Egyptian vulture Douro starts its migration to Europe!
- Bearded vulture Roc Genèse is in Buseu!
- When age does not matter – 48 years old bearded vulture is still breeding
- Cinereous vulture flyway action plan featured in this month´s Quercus magazine
- An update on the bearded vulture captive-breeding season – lots of eggs, chicks hatching now
- Good news from the Alps – early start of the breeding season and already two new pairs of bearded vultures!
- Italy – bearded vulture symposium and field count in Stelvio to be organised in March
- More Andean condors poisoned in Colombia, while Carbofuran confirmed in Argentina
- First for Jordan – cinereous vulture tagged and released back to the wild – He is now wintering in Saudi
- Whooshh! An adult bearded vulture alights near a webcam in the Gran Paradiso National Park
- New vulture book for children (in German) – Geier Georg auf der Flucht
- Bearded vultures – and one of the most remarkable wildlife comeback stories of our times – features in Geographical
- We have a baby! The first bearded vulture of the season hatched in Haringsee (Austria)
- Wild Pyrenean bearded vulture released back to the wild after successful rehabilitation in Vallcalent
- The “silent killer” decimates Andean condors in Argentina – at least 34 poisoned in the mountains of Mendoza
- VOLUNTEER Technical document translation (German – English)
- Bearded vultures in the French Pyrenees safer from disturbance from helicopter overflights
- 39 eggs and counting in the bearded vulture captive breeding network – like this one in La Garenne Zoo
- With more snowstorms coming to the Alps this week, bearded vultures are… breeding!
- An European vulture in Mauritania – and an African one in Spain
- New paper: eggshell thickness from bearded vulture eggs from the Pyrenees decreased abruptly after 2004
- Two cinereous vultures found dead, presumably poisoned, in Thrace (Greece)
- Two griffons born in Amsterdam zoo transported to Sardinia to restock the wild population
- Tagging of Ruppell´s vultures – in Africa and Spain
- The VCF is hiring 3 new staff members!
- Why do foraging Spanish vultures stop at the border with Portugal? Because of different sanitary policies!
- Video: Anti-collision markers put on a high-voltage line with a drone (LIFE GYPHELP)
- 29 eggs and counting – busy period in the bearded vulture captive breeding network!
- Rehabilitated griffons returned to the wild in southern Portugal
- Bearded vultures featured in Le Monde
- 10 year old Spanish griffon vulture found dead in Bulgaria
- The VCF top stories for 2017
- Happy New Year!
- Bulgarian partners visit nest platforms for cinereous vultures in Portugal
- Cinereous Vulture Flyway Action Plan published
- The VCF wishes you a Merry Xmas!
- New book about raptors (and vultures) in Italy
- Another 22 griffon vultures sent from Spain for reintroduction in Bulgaria
- Another NSAID turns out to be lethal to vultures – in the meantime diclofenac is still being sold in Europe!
- Egyptian vulture conservation in Sicily – project LIFE Conrasi
- Black vultures continue to increase in Mallorca – 2017 was again a record breeding year
- Bearded vulture Adonis, the great traveler, is back in the Grands Causses!
- The status of cinereous vultures in Armenia
- One less griffon vulture in Cyprus – only 20 left on the island
- The (happy?) tale of a griffon vulture in Sudan
- Tragic end for a Balkan Egyptian vulture – killed in Niger for bushmeat
- 1st egg of the 2017-2018 breeding season in the Bearded vulture captive breeding network
- Another VCF milestone – final drafts of the European International Species Actions Plans for the bearded vulture and the cinereous vulture produced
- First release of critically endangered captive-bred vultures in Nepal
- Griffon vultures die electrocuted in the Italian Eastern Alps
- New vulture trail and displays just opened in the Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors (French Alps)
- Anti-poisoning dog unit from LIFE Grifone key to first ever judicial prosecution of a large-scale poisoning incident in Sardinia
- The status of Egyptian Vulture in Armenia – 50 + pairs
- Last chance to see the spectacular documentary on our LIFE GYPCONNECT on ARTE
- New bearded vulture captive-breeding centre established in Armenia, with support from the VCF and Pro-Bartgeier
- URGENT REQUEST: document proof reading
- The “silent killer” decimates vultures in the heart of Europe – at least 15 griffons poisoned in the mountains of Granada
- The guirre blues – or the song of the Canary islands Egyptian vulture
- Five out of five! Egyptian vulture Faia re-surfaced in Mali after two months
- Second record of White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus) for Morocco
- Bearded vultures – and the LIFE GYPCONNECT– on the big screen – and in your living room
- Census of roosting griffon vultures in the Balkans – 25th November 2017
- 4 Black vultures – and a potential bearded vulture – crossing the Gibraltar strait to Africa!
- RUPIS project partners discuss the progress on the fight against poison in the Douro canyon
- Egyptian vultures – and our LIFE RUPIS – on this month´s edition of National Geographic Portugal
- The silent killing goes on in Africa – 49 vultures poisoned in Limpopo National Park (Mozambique) close to Kruger National Park
- Indian courts ban multi-dose vials of Diclofenac – another step in the right direction to save Southern Asia vultures from extinction
- Bearded vultures in the Alps – come to Passy (Haute Savoie) next weekend (12th November) to participate in one of several public events
- Finally flying – the harrowing story of the young bearded vulture Mison
- Three captive bearded vultures die because of West Nile virus – a serious threat for the International Bearded Vulture captive breeding program
- Vultures took center stage at the COP12 CMS – more protection for 10 species and the vulture Multispecies Action Plan approved!
- Dispatches from Manila III: More good news for Vultures from the CMS COP12 – ten species of Asian and African vultures uplisted to Appendix 1
- After one month, Egyptian vulture Poiares comes back to LIFE in Senegal
- Dispatches from Manila (CMS COP12) II: Vulture MsAP endorsed for adoption by the CMS!
- Perceptions of vultures in France: a sociological study
- Dispatches from Manila (CMS COP12): a step change for Vulture conservation needed – Vulture MsAP
- Because today is Saturday – Vulture drinks anyone?
- The most recent newsletter of IUCN´s Vulture Specialist Group published
- Great perspectives for vultures in France – 23ème Rencontre du Groupe Vautours
- Adult Egyptian vulture seen in Sardinia
- The saga of bearded vulture Flamadel – a huge veterinary challenge!
- IOD 2017 – a day out in the mountains to count bearded vultures
- Killing of a bearded vulture in Spain – suspects identified!
- Griffon vultures shot in Armenia – parts of the Caucasus and the Middle East continues to be a sink for vultures and other soaring birds
- Egyptian vulture Douro reaches its winter grounds too!
- LIFE killed by poison in Sardinia
- The International bearded vulture observation day is this Saturday (7th October) – last chance for you to join us in the Alps!
- Egyptian vulture Rupis arrived at the wintering area in Mali
- Can´t miss it – the 2017 bearded vulture meeting is coming – 10-12 November, Passy, Haute-Savoie (French Alps)
- An update on griffon vultures in Croatia – 100+ breeding pairs
- Finally Egyptian vulture Poiares goes to Africa too
- Breaking news: Germans voted overwhelmingly for vultures!
- Bearded vulture Lea is flying again in the Alps!
- All about vautours – the French national conference on vultures is coming!
- The International bearded vulture observation day is coming (7-8 October) – join us in the Alps!
- The Africa vulture crisis continues unabated – at least 45 vultures poisoned in Mozambique
- And there goes Rupis!
- Apollo made its way to Tunisia!
- All together for vultures in Extremadura (Spain)
- Interesting observation of a black vulture at the Romanian Black Sea coast
- 360 griffons at Lago di Cornino – a new record for Italy
- Migration time – Egyptian vultures on the move!
- Black vulture seen in Lisbon
- Almost 2500 griffon vultures counted summering in the western Alps in 2017 – an increase of 40% on previous years
- International Vulture Day is today – Post 1 – Griffon vulture – did you know…?
- International Vulture Day is today – Post 2 – Bearded vulture – did you know…?
- International Vulture Day is today – Post 3 – Egyptian vulture – did you know…?
- International Vulture Day is today – Post 4 – European black vulture – did you know…?
- International Vulture Day is today – Post 5 – European vultures – did you know…?
- International Vulture Day is today – Post 6 – vet diclofenac – did you know…?
- And there goes Douro!
- International Vulture Awareness Day is coming – some of our zoo partners are organizing great events!
- Egyptian vulture Faia is already in Africa!
- Three Egyptian vultures tagged in the Douro named – and one of them has already started the migration to Africa.
- Another step towards the adoption of the Vulture MsAP – all together 4 Vultures!
- Mixed results in this year´s experimental release of captive-bred Egyptian vultures in Italy – 1 bird died and 2 had to be recaptured, but Apollo is doing well
- Bearded vulture reintroduction projects 2017 – stories from the field II: Cleo broke her wing just before release but is still flying free above Andalusia
- Bearded vulture reintroduction projects 2017 – stories from the field I: the long flight of Durzon!
- Two bearded vulture chicks fledge in the wild in Andalusia
- International Vulture Awareness Day is already on the 2nd September!
- 85% decline of an urban Hooded Vulture population in Dakar, Senegal, over 50 years – new paper
- Young Egyptian vultures flying everywhere in the Douro canyon
- The beauty of vultures, the extremely important ecosystem services they provide, and the danger of veterinary diclofenac – on tv
- Man faces 1,5 years in prison and a $115,000 fine for killing a California Condor last year
- New paper – southern Africa bearded vultures productivity is decreasing
- Looking back to another successful bearded vulture release season – but two birds unfortunately died
- Bearded vulture seen in Poland
- Vote to name three Egyptian vultures tagged in the Douro
- Griffon breeding colony in Portugal significantly affected by major fire
- Spanish court confirms that an electricity utility should pay a fine of 26,000€ for the electrocution of vultures
- A survey of attitudes towards vulture conservation in the Bulgarian Rodopi regions
- The bearded vulture in the French Pyrenees – 43 pairs last year, 44 this year, and an improvement of productivity after a decade of stagnation
- One more Egyptian vulture has been captured and tagged in the Douro – 5 so far!
- Griffon vultures tagged in Lago di Cornino (Italy) – follow their movements in our home page
- The VCF and four other European nature conservation organizations call for a ban on veterinary diclofenac, a drug that kills vultures
- La VCF e altre organizzazioni europee di conservazione della natura richiedono il divieto dell’uso veterinario del Diclofenac, un farmaco che uccide gli avvolto
- Bearded vultures in the Alps – with 45 territories, another record-breaking breeding season
- Black vulture breeds successfully for the third year in a row in Alentejo (Portugal)
- The Ecosystem services provided by vultures
- Newsletter of the LIFE Re Vultures project is out!
- The 2017 Alpine summering griffon vulture census is coming – 19th August
- EU visits the LIFE Rupis project
- News from the LIFE Re vultures – more griffon vultures from the Rodopes-Dadia area (Bulgaria/Greece) tracked
- The Africa vulture crisis continues unabated – at least 100 vultures poisoned in two separate incidents
- Tomorrow´s Greek vultures will depend on today´s Greek children
- Bearded vultures and lead poisoning – lead-free pilot sites on the cards in the French Pyrenees
- Training of Portuguese partners on tagging vultures with GPS tags
- The adventures of a cinereous vulture in Jordan
- Have you ever seen a pig flying? And a griffon swimming?
- New paper – bearded vulture foraging behaviour in the Pyrenees unaffected by policy-driven carcass management measures
- Even Meerkats detect the decline of African vultures! (paper)
- Help needed for translation of Der Falke magazine from German to English
- All Egyptian vulture’s roads lead to the Douro – or the case of Tizón!
- Unlikely heroes behind the bearded vulture captive breeding programme – Andreas Eder and the animal transport van from Schönbrunn Zoo
- Black vulture shows up in the eastern Alps
- The bearded vulture in Corsica in 2017: 4 pairs and no breeding in the wild, but the young released as part of the restocking programme doing well
- Der Falke special edition on vultures now available to order
- Griffon vultures are breeding again in Cyprus and recolonised area not used for years
- Barcelona Zoo sent 3 captive-bred griffons for the vulture reintroduction project in Bulgaria
- Adult bearded vulture rescued and re-released back to the wild in the French Alps
- Guidelines for feeding bearded vultures in captivity are now also available in French
- Observarribas is here!
- New paper on guidelines for evaluation and treatment of lead poisoning of wild raptors
- Looking for (bearded vulture) Kilian
- Two adult Egyptian vultures have been captured and tagged in the Douro – another great milestone in the LIFE RUPIS project
- What have Jana and Tempestosa, the two griffons tagged in Sardinia, been up to?
- Two more bearded vultures released yesterday in Andalusia
- Saving the bearded vulture in Corsica – Luna and Ercu released last weekend
- Diet of Egyptian vulture in Sicily
- Two young Spanish bearded vultures will be released in the Swiss Mountains today
- 5 more bearded vultures released back into the wild yesterday by VCF and its partners – 2 in Vercors (Pre-Alps), 2 in Corsica and 1 in Andalucia
- Adult Egyptian vulture released in the Douro after being found weakened
- Great news from Andalusia – the two breeding pairs of bearded vulture continue to raise their young in Cazorla!
- 7th bearded vulture of 2017 to be released in Grands Causses tomorrow – 11 still to go!
- Dutch birders get Lucky! Bearded vulture released in Austria last year delights birdwatchers across the Netherlands
- One young bearded vulture was released in Cazorla – the first of six this year
- Help needed for translation of Der Falke magazine from German to English
- New supplementary feeding point established in the LIFE RUPIS project– and almost immediately up to 10 Egyptian vultures fed there!
- A first for Sweden – young, probably wild, bearded vulture seen in the country
- Egyptian vultures also seem to favour mud bathing to gain colour – but why?
- Over 90 vultures poisoned in Africa – sad news on the International Biodiversity Day
- Who is the culprit when a bone falls on your roof?
- Another young bearded vulture in the Netherlands and Germany
- Bearded vultures Leoux & ProNatura released in Baronnies with hundreds of people celebrating one of the most remarkable wildlife comeback stories of our times
- Two more bearded vultures will be released tomorrow in Baronnies – following the first successful release of the season in the Grands Causses on the 2nd of May
- The symbolic representation of vultures across civilizations – a review
- Scattering of black vulture observations in northern France attests to the species increase in the country
- LIFE RUPIS – An analysis of poisoning cases in the Spanish side of the Douro canyon
- Breeding bearded vultures in captivity – in the words of a volunteer
- Bearded vulture Roc Genèse came back to its natal area in the Pre-Pyrenees – his brother Flamadel could not be tagged
- Help needed to transport magazines from Germany to Switzerland
- Egyptian vulture Rupis busy flying around the Douro area – but will probably not breed this year
- The most recent newsletter of IUCN´s Vulture Specialist Group published
- Black vulture Bernardus is back in France!
- Reintroducing bearded vultures to the wild – first release of the Spring this week in the Grands Causses!
- Third newsletter of the LIFE+ GYPCONNECT published – linking bearded vultures from the Alps to the Pyrenees
- Egyptian vultures Tobia and Sara, now on their 3rd year, are still in Africa!
- The VCF is supporting colleagues in South Africa to establish a captive-breeding programme for the bearded vulture
- Ostrava Zoo runs campaign for the VCF – and produces one bearded vulture chick too
- Egyptian Vultures and Bone crushing factories in Uttar Pradesh, India – a curious relationship
- Egyptian vulture Rupis is home!
- 14 pairs of black vulture – in Boumort (Spanish Pyrenees) – 8 are still breeding
- 2016 Report on the black vulture captive breeding network
- Easter eggs? Or how decades of experience contribute to breed bearded vultures in captivity for conservation
- Rupis about to cross the Gibraltar strait!
- Taking a stand for vultures in Albania
- Egyptian vulture Rupis is on the way to Iberia!
- Spectacular aerial duel between bearded vultures in the French Alps results in the death of one of them
- Bearded vultures in the Alps – on course for another record-breaking breeding season
- 31 vultures dead after being hit by a train in India
- Poisoning incident in Kresna Gorge (Bulgaria) gets even bigger – a total of 18 griffon vultures now confirmed dead
- Bearded vulture “Lea” (released in Austria in 2015) has been recovered weakened in Temú (Italy), near National Park Stelvio – probably a victim of collision
- Black vulture Bernardus is on the move again!
- And the survey of breeding Egyptian vultures started in the Douro canyons …
- A poacher kills the last black vulture in Alinyà, Spain
- Young wandering bearded vulture now in northern Germany, on the North Sea.
- Egyptian vulture “falls from the sky” – rare accident kills breeding bird in Portugal
- Massive poisoning incident(s) in Kresna George, Bulgaria, deals a blow to the recovering Balkan griffon vulture population
- Griffons in peril in Cyprus – only 21 birds left and no breeding in the last two years
- New research project on the presence of diclofenac and other anti-inflammatory drugs in avian scavengers in the Iberian Peninsula
- Two pairs – and two chicks – in the bearded vulture reintroduction project in Andalusia!
- Breeding bearded vultures for reintroduction: a tale of a successful adoption of hatchling in Guadalentin
- 2016 bearded vulture captive breeding season annual report just published – record breaking season, 27 young produced & 17 reintroduced back to the wild
- How many bearded vultures are there in the Alps? See results from the 2016 International Observation day (simultaneous census)
- Vultures indirectly regulate the abundance of foxes through limiting their access to carrion – new paper
- LIFE RE-Vultures – news from the Rhodopes at the project annual meeting
- Human persecution still a threat to Himalayan bearded vultures
- 25 griffon Vultures from Extremadura (Spain) on the way to Sardinia (Italy)
- A visitor from Spain in the LIFE Rupis area
- The young bearded vulture is now in the Netherlands…
- Jana and Tempestosa: Two griffon vultures released in Sardinia within LIFE Grifone
- Bearded vultures and lead poisoning – The Cévennes National Park (France) is promoting lead-free hunting practices
- Young wandering bearded vulture still in Germany!
- Infogipeto – latest newsletter on the bearded vulture reintroduction project in the Alps just published (in Italian)
- Portuguese police establishes the first-ever anti-poisoning dog teams in northern Portugal – soon they will start patrolling the LIFE RUPIS area
- Bearded vultures in the Alps – looks like we are having another great breeding season!
- Bearded vulture clutch extracted from a wild nest in Corsica again – part of a plan to save this highly endangered population from extinction
- Frustration – and then hope – with the only black vulture pair in Douro International
- Bernardus has overwintered in Toledo (Spain). Where will she go in Spring?
- Griffon vultures and livestock activities – the French national action plan to decrease potential problems is now available for public consultation
- Three black vultures to be released tomorrow in the Gorges du Verdon (France)
- Bearded Vulture in Western Germany
- Hundreds of vulture experts ask for a global ban of veterinary diclofenac – while the government of Portugal is considering to approve it!
- Bearded vultures and lead poisoning – National Park Hohe Tauern (Austria) is promoting lead-free hunting practices
- One step closer to the Vulture multi-Species Action Plan
- After Andalusia, bearded vultures are also breeding in Picos de Europa
- Two more griffons electrocuted in Andalusia
- And they are out – first two baby bearded vultures of the season hatched in Guadalentin
- New data reveals there are 11-12 pairs of bearded vultures in Armenia
- Good outcomes at the Middle-East regional workshop for the Vulture multi-Species Action Plan
- 10,000 people for vultures!
- Public consultation on the Draft Flyway Action Plan for the Conservation of the Balkan and Central Asian Populations of the Egyptian Vulture (EVFAP)
- New poisoning case in the LIFE RUPIS area – fortunately no vultures dead, but a serious reminder that the silent killer is a real threat
- Bringing Egyptian vultures and LIFE RUPIS to the local school children
- Tono and Blimunda lay an egg again in Andalusia – after the first ever successful breeding in the wild in 2015 following reintroduction, and after a gap in 2016
- New paper on ranging of Pyrenean bearded vultures: supplementary feeding not that important (at least for breeding adults), and half of home ranges outside PAs
- Bearded vulture captive breeding: Old ladies come to the rescue
- News from LIFE RUPIS: Supplementary feeding points ready to receive the Egyptian vultures coming from Africa. And they are helping the local black vultures too!
- Female Egyptian vultures have lower survival and start breeding earlier than males in Central-North Spain
- Egyptian vulture in France in 2016 – a summary: smaller population but average breeding productivity and a good number of young ringed
- An analysis of poisoning cases in the Portuguese side of the Douro canyon
- News from the bearded vulture pairs in Andalusia: Hortelano & Marchena are in fine breeding plumage and going through all the breeding antics (see video)
- Better and better at our bearded vulture captive breeding network – mortality rate decreases significantly while the average age at death increases!
- 135 pairs of Endangered Egyptian vultures in the Douro canyon
- The number of griffon vultures breeding and roosting in Eastern Rhodopes continues to increase
- Girun and Volcaire doing well – and have been celebrated by a Côtes du Rhône wine!
- News from LIFE GYPCONNECT: Bearded vulture Roc Genèse is a male, is now in Spain, and its parents are breeding again
- News from the LIFE Re vultures – griffon and black vultures from the Rodopes-Dadia area (Bulgaria/Greece) tracked
- Tracking bearded vultures in Nepal – new research project by Tulsi Subedi
- Bearded vultures in our captive breeding network kept laying eggs during Xmas and new Year!
- Happy New Year from the VCF – thank you for your support during 2016
- A good end to a sad story – Adult bearded vulture found injured and lead-poisoned in the French Pyrenees successfully rehabilitated and released
- Adonis – the bearded vulture last recorded in Romania, where a beer was named after it, is now back in the French Pre-Alps!
- The Corsican bearded vulture chick extracted from an unproductive nest earlier this year is a female and is doing well!
- Egyptian vulture ringed in France observed in Sicily
- Griffon tagged and released in Sardinia under the Life Under the project Griffon Wings project
- Bearded vultures in the Alps are also breeding!
- News from Rupis: still in Mali
- First bearded vulture in Israel for more than 10 years – and a bounty of black vultures too!
- The Junta de Andalusia handed over to the VCF 7 Black Vultures for the reintroduction project in France
- First eggs of the season in the bearded vulture captive-breeding network!
- Migration bottlenecks of Balkan Egyptian vultures Neophron percnopterus tracked by satellite telemetry
- The bearded vulture breeding season is starting across Europe´s mountain ranges!
- Landscape factors affecting territory occupancy and breeding success of Egyptian Vultures on the Balkan Peninsula: new paper
- “Who tagged this griffon?”
- After failing in the last 4 years, the only bearded vulture pair in Andorra successfully fledged a chick this year – see the incredible images
- Lead poisoning and vultures: new scientific contributions
- Annual bearded vulture meeting 2016 – Conclusions
- Juan José Sánchez Artés (1962-2016) – celebratory video
- Special edition of DER FALKE on vultures just published
- A staggering 750+ Egyptian vultures counted together in Oman last weekend – one of the highest counts ever of this species in the wintering grounds
- Second newsletter of the LIFE+ GYPCONNECT published – linking bearded vultures from the Alps to the Pyrenees
- The incredible story of the griffon trapped inside a horse carcass
- A second bearded vulture territorial pair confirmed in Andalusia
- Juan José Sánchez Artés (1962-2016)
- The 2016 Annual bearded vulture meeting a great success!
- Hello from some urban Egyptian vultures!
- Vultures galore at the European Vulture Multi-species Action Plan Workshop held in Extremadura – and some great conclusions too!
- Nuremberg Zoo has new aviary for their captive bearded vulture pair
- Bernardus goes south again
- New bearded vulture breeding season is just starting!
- Key vulture workshop to be held next week in Monfrague (Spain) – to develop the European Vulture Multi-species Action Plan
- Oldest ever lappet-faced vulture (Torgos tracheliotus) registered in South Africa
- Milestone in the Californian condor project – first chick to fledge in the wild at Pinnacles National Park left its nest
- Cheers for Adonis – Romanian beer company makes a special edition named after the long staying bearded vulture
- Poison surfaces again in key vulture area in Bulgaria
- Rupis is wintering in Mali – very close to Tizón!
- The Africa vulture crisis continues unabated – at least 51 vultures poisoned in Limpopo National Park (Mozambique)
- Esperanza – the first bearded vulture wild born in Andalucía in 30+ years, has been to Gredos
- A first for France – LIFE GYPHELP puts anti-collision markers on a high-voltage line with a drone
- Captive-bred Egyptian vulture Elodie makes it to Africa after Regina and Lom tragically drown in the Med
- International observation day is this weekend – join us! Last year 700 volunteers counted ~190 bearded vultures, or 70% of the estimated Alpine population
- Dark year for bearded vultures in Andalusia – two more birds found poisoned in the last weeks, total for this year 3
- Rupis crossed the Sahara – he is now in Mauritania!
- Release of an injured Griffon in LIFE RUPIS project area
- Black vulture collided with plane landing in Mallorca
- LIFE GYPCONNECT – LIFE14 NAT/FR/000050 – partners meet in Quillan (Aude, France) to evaluate work done and plan next phases of the project
- And suddenly… Egyptian vulture Rupis quickly migrated to Africa
- Tragic news from captive-bred Egyptian vultures Regina and Lom – both drowned while trying to cross the Mediterranean
- Get out – these mountains are mine! Says the bearded vulture to the griffon vulture
- Results of the bearded vulture breeding season in the Alps 2016 – 43 breeding pairs, 25 chicks fledged, best year ever!
- Black vulture shows up in Serbia again
- Kira is no longer flying
- Second captive-bred Egyptian vulture released in Bulgaria is also migrating – Lom follows Regina, while the latter flies south to Cyprus!
- International vulture awareness day – griffons will be released this Saturday in Badajoz
- Regina – the captive-bred Egyptian vulture released in Bulgaria – is now in Turkey on its way south
- 192 black vultures fledged from nests in Andalucía (Spain) – the second best result ever since 1970!
- The International Vulture Awareness Day is today. Let´s all celebrate vultures!
- Three captive-bred Egyptian vultures fledged successfully from their hacking cavity in Bulgaria
- Who will bring the Spring if the Egyptian vultures is extinct? See video
- New paper on a new Gypaetinae vulture fossil species from China
- Breaking news – vulture seen in London!
- Collisions of griffons with commercial aircraft at Madrid airport
- Decline of Indian vultures forced the Parsis to change their traditions and accept cremations as an alternative to sky burial
- How are the three captive-bred Egyptian vultures released in Bulgaria doing? An update from the field
- New film on the release of bearded vultures Lucky and Charlie in Hohe Tauern National Park (Austria)
- Update on the endangered Canary Islands Egyptian vulture (Guirre)
- Bearded vulture Roc Genèse wandering around in the Pyrenees
- The 2016 Alpine summering griffon vulture census is already this weeked (20 August 2016 ) – last chance to participate!
- Update on the efforts to establish captive breeding programme for the Southern Africa bearded vulture
- Three captive-bred Egyptian vultures were released in Northern Bulgaria
- VCF and the Swiss Foundation Pro Bartgeier release new film about the reintroduction of bearded vultures in the Swiss Alps
- Three more captive-bred Egyptian vultures will be released this year in Bulgaria
- After a long tour in Slovakia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Romania, bearded vulture Adonis is coming back
- Egyptian vulture Rupis exploring Spain and Portugal
- Black vulture breeds again successfully in Douro International
- Call for volunteers for the 2016 Alpine summering griffon vulture census – 20 August 2016
- IUCN opens two positions to work on the Bangladesh vulture conservation initiative
- Causes for breeding failure in Balkan Egyptian vultures – new report
- The bearded vulture in Corsica – summary of the current situation
- Remember the Egyptian vultures Tobia and Sara? They are still in Africa!
- Bad news this time: Bearded Vulture Larzac found dead in northern Germany
- First Egyptian vulture captured and tagged in the Douro valley!
- Girun and Volcaire flying high!
- First newsletter of the LIFE+ GYPCONNECT published – linking bearded vultures from the Alps to the Pyrenees
- Luc Hoffmann – a celebration
- The last bearded vulture released last weekend in Andalusia
- Black vulture in Mallorca – new record this breeding season with 25 eggs hatched – but some controversy over access to exclusion areas too
- Bearded vultures released in the Baronnies – a new reintroduction site – finally fledged
- Larzac disappeared in Germany! Where is he?
- The bearded vulture in the French Alps in 2016
- Et voila Cardabelle appears again!
- The bearded vulture in the French Pyrenees in 2016
- Bearded vulture captive breeding for conservation – 2015 report published
- Bearded vulture captive breeding season is over – so birds are now being transferred across Europe
- Young bearded vulture released in the Grands Causses dies due to viper bite
- Larzac is still up north – now in northern Germany!
- Vultures galore in the Douro
- Griffons in northern Denmark – including a Spanish one!
- Another bearded vulture wandering in northern Europe – Adonis is now in Belarus!
- Where is Larzac?
- All together for the Egyptian vulture in the Douro valley
- Two young bearded vultures to be released tomorrow in the Hohe Tauern National Park (Austria)
- Another bearded vulture in Holland – this time a young reintroduced last year in the Grands Causses (Massif Central, France)
- How bearded vultures get their orange colour in the wild?
- Another great bearded vulture release in Andalucia
- Griffon born in captivity in Holland and released in Bulgaria seen in… Poland!
- Immature bearded vulture in the Eastern Italian Alps (Friuli)
- The 6th bearded vulture to be released in Andalucía this year will be put on the hacking platform today
- Abricot the great voyager
- Egyptian vultures are starting to hatch in Douro
- New manual on how to fight poisoning published by the Junta de Andalusia
- Carbofuran named as the poison killer of griffon vultures in Cyprus
- More than 200 people saw Girun and Volcaire being released in the Baronnies – a new site in our project to re-establish bearded vultures across Europe
- The griffon vulture that likes the Netherlands
- Three supplementary feeding sites targeting the Egyptian vulture reactivated in the Douro
- Linking bearded vultures from the Alps to the Pyrenees: two young bearded vultures will be released tomorrow in a new site in the Baronnies
- Roc Genèse fledged from its wild nest in the French Pyrenees
- Restoring bearded vultures across Europe – two more birds released in the Swiss Alps
- Two more young bearded vultures released in Lozère
- Tizón is back in Europe!
- Good & bad news from Andalusia: while two more bearded vultures will be released today in Castril, one bird was found dead– poisoned, elsewhere in the province
- Vagrancy season: two young bearded vultures flying around northern Europe (UK and Denmark)
- LIFE RUPIS website now online
- Two young bearded vultures will be released tomorrow in the Grands Causses
- Demonstrating the fitting of tags to bearded vultures using Marie-Antoinette
- Cimatella and Muntagnolu equipped with satellite tags
- Young bearded vulture seen in the UK!
- New paper suggests that nest guarding and supplementary feeding failed to increase productivity and survival of Egyptian Vultures in the Balkans
- Young bearded vulture seen in Belgium
- First bearded vultures hatched in captivity in Bulgaria feature in National Geographic!
- Three bearded vultures successfully released in Andalucía
- Captive breeding of Egyptian vultures – results from 2015
- First three bearded vultures to be released in Andalucía this year put on the hacking platform today
- Cimatella and Muntagnolu – two young bearded vultures – released yesterday in Corsica
- Message from His Serene Highness the Prince Albert II of Monaco to celebrate the release of two young bearded vultures in Corsica today
- Two bearded vultures to be released tomorrow in Corse – for the first time ever
- Reintroducing bearded vultures to the wild – release season is starting soon!
- Bearded vulture in Europe – summary of the 2015 breeding season
- Bernardus the black vulture decided to visit our… Egyptian vulture project site in Portugal-Spain!
- Breeding black vultures in captivity for conservation – 2015 report
- Wild bearded vulture nestling tagged in the French pre-Pyrenees
- Captive-bred black vulture “Bernardus” released in Verdon is now in Portugal
- Working high above the Rhine towards international species action plans
- New paper vindicates VCF methods – release of captive-bred bearded vultures the best method to restore populations
- The VCF visited Bulgaria
- Bearded vultures hatched again in the Balkans
- Preparations underway for the first ever release of Bearded vultures in Baronnies
- From Vienna to Tallinn and back – 20 hours on the road for bearded vulture conservation
- Egyptian vultures eluded us at the Douro
- Dead bearded vulture found last year in Switzerland had been released in Vercors in 2012
- The VCF is recruiting two part-time staff members…
- The little Altore has been successfully adopted!
- One altore across Europe – or how a Corsican bearded vultures chick flew from Bastia to Madrid to be adopted by a captive pair
- The black vulture in France in 2015 – summary
- Drones and vultures – a curse or a blessing?
- One step closer to link bearded vulture populations in the Alps and the Pyrenees
- Two of the four pairs of bearded vultures nesting in the Parc National de la Vanoise (Alps, France) have been successful
- Our own Easter egg has hatched – Corsican bearded vulture chick hatches in the lab, a first in the world!
- Vote for the bearded vulture – Nature 2000 awards
- New vulture exhibition at the Allwetterzoo in Münster
- The Egyptian vulture in France: 88 pairs, but a very bad breeding year
- New VCF protocol on bleaching bearded vulture feathers
- Bearded vulture egg extracted from nest in Corsica – first step to save this highly endangered population from extinction
- 22th national vulture conference – France this weekend
- 21 chicks and counting – good breeding season in the bearded vulture captive breeding network – and a surprising and rare third clutch
- Vultures killed – probably poisoned – in Cyprus. This incident is a blow to the efforts to recover the endangered island population of griffon vultures
- A wild bearded vulture found dead in the French Pyrenees – and a whole network of people mobilizes to find out what killed him!
- Poison continues to kill masses of vultures in Africa and Asia – while at the same time their value is highlighted in yet another study
- Update on Roman & Herculis, the bearded vultures released last year in Alpi Marittime: Herculis lost its transmitter but is alive! Roman is now in Vanoise
- Do animals recognise their disabilities? Some evidence from bearded vulture Kirma
- Egyptian vultures increasing in Catalonia
- One more wintering Egyptian vulture caught and tagged in Extremadura
- New paper on a case study on black vultures and windfarms: High mortality and a novel tool for EIAs and SEAs on new plans
- New project for the conservation of black and griffon vultures in the Rhodope mountains (Bulgaria-Greece) launched
- The Egyptian vulture Tizón is spending its second summer in Mauritania
- Bearded vultures in the Alps – Update on the breeding season 2015/2016: lots of new pairs established!
- New species for the Netherlands – the bearded vulture!
- New bearded vulture pairs in the French Alps
- Bearded Vultures lay an egg in Bulgaria for the first time in 60 years – in captivity, but a good omen for the future
- Egyptian vulture research and monitoring in Oman
- One step closer to link bearded vulture populations in the Alps and Pyrenees – LIFE+ GYPCONNECT
- Black vultures arrived well and safe in France
- A new breeding pair of bearded vultures in Savoie (French Alps)
- Seven more black vultures on the way to France
- Bearded vulture captive breeding (for conservation): 47 eggs and counting – and the first chicks!
- American black vultures used to identify rubbish concentrations in Lima, Peru
- The Junta de Andalusia handed over today 3 Eurasian Black Vultures to the VCF for the reintroduction projects and the captivity-breeding programme
- Two black vultures in China´s biggest city – and some reflections on China´s vultures
- A rare case of cooperation in the Middle-East: Griffon vulture returned from Lebanon to Israel
- The structure of bearded vulture shells and implications for conservation
- Effectiveness of the canine units in the fight against poison in Greece – report
- Vultures Back to LIFE – the dream goes on. New LIFE project for the reintroduction of the black vulture to Bulgaria starts!
- And yet again in Zimbabwe – 41 critically endangered white-backed vultures poisoned to death
- More good news from Andalucia – second bearded vulture pair exhibiting breeding behavior
- And the silent killing continues in Africa – more vultures poisoned in Kenya
- Conclusions and presentations of the seminar on lead poisoning and bearded vultures published
- Great Audio-book for children on the bearded vulture (in French)
- First results of the census of summering griffons in the Alps – at least 1700 birds present
- Annual bearded vulture meeting, November 2015 – the conclusions are now out!
- Restoring vulture populations in the Balkans – from griffon vultures to black vultures…
- New paper shows that vultures in Asia are still being killed by diclofenac – years after the ban. Another vet drug (Nimesulide) is also a potential threat
- How many bearded vultures are there in the Alps? First results from the 2015 International Observation day (simultaneous census)
- New paper details dispersion and movements of bearded vultures Gypaetus barbatus from Corsica to Sardinia
- New year, another breeding season – 28 eggs so far in the bearded vulture captive breeding network!
- The highlights of the VCF year
- Bernardus the black vulture is in Doñana National Parc
- Where are Herculis and Roman?
- After Fresnedosa and Jara last winter – four more overwintering Egyptian vultures captured and tagged yesterday in Extremadura (Spain)
- Bearded vultures in the Alps 2015
- The 16 species of Old World Vultures in a sensible evolutionary order – drawing by Katja Wolfram
- Another massive poisoning of vultures in Africa – this time in Senegal, where there were no previous reports of widespread poisoning
- The bearded vulture breeding season is starting!
- Best practice in the work of the specialized anti-poison dog units in Spain – conference today
- More Spanish black vultures will soon be on the way to France
- Interesting observations of black vultures in the Balkans
- 1st egg of the breeding season in the Bearded vulture captive breeding network
- Africa vulture declines linked with elephant poaching for Ivory: new paper
- Removal of eggs or chicks has considerable impact in the Pyrenean population of bearded vultures – new paper
- Four years later… justice at last! Suspect convicted of poisoning a bearded vulture in Andalucía
- The Egyptian vulture Tizón is back to Mali
- Working together to update the international species action plan for the bearded vulture (LIFE EUROSAP)
- Black vulture Bernardus goes south in Spain
- Bearded vultures are flying to Corsica this weekend
- Captive-bred black vulture “Bernardus” released in Verdon is now in Spain
- LIFE+ GYPCONNECT starts – linking bearded vultures from the Alps to the Pyrenees
- Griffon folklore – where did 2 young griffons born in captivity and released in the eastern Alps end up?
- New guidelines for feeding Bearded Vultures in captivity have been published by the VCF
- Black vulture population continues to increase in Andalucía – 360 pairs in 2015
- From the Massif Central to the Alps – bearded vultures on the move in France
- Iran bans veterinary diclofenac – in the meanwhile, the EU drags its feet and continues to threaten Europe’s vultures – sign the petition!
- More black and griffon vultures die near the Avila waste treatment centre (Spain)
- Black (cinereous) vulture seen in Macedonia – first observation in the last 10 years
- Esperanza continues to give us hope
- Africa vulture crisis confirmed – six of Africa´s 11 species of vultures have seen their global status worsen in the latest update of the bird red data list
- Wildlife disease and intoxication with heavy metals and toxic compounds from agriculture/veterinarian practices do not seem to be a significant threat to the Eg
- Genetics explain why vultures are such good scavengers: new paper
- One man´s passion for Spanish griffons – and the diclofenac threat pending over them – video
- LIFE GYPHELP newsletter is out!
- Wild Bearded Vulture “Jacques” released in the French Pyrenees after successful rehabilitation
- The Egyptian vulture in Algeria
- Bearded vulture collage – happy Sunday everyone!
- Halloween at Parc des Oiseaux with bearded vultures!
- The Bearded Vulture EEP: a continuously increasing conservation program: Nikolaev zoo (Ukraine) one of the most recent partners
- Last preparations for the new bearded vulture breeding season
- Thank you to all the volunteers who have joined us for the International Bearded Vulture Observation Days!
- Bearded vulture exhibition & other events in Haute-Savoie (France)
- The International alpine bearded vulture observation day is this Saturday – come and count bearded vultures with us in the Alps!
- Come and count bearded vultures in the Alps with us – International bearded vulture observation day is on the 10th October!
- New hope for the Egyptian vulture in the Douro canyon (Portugal-Spain)
- Mixed news from the captive-bred Egyptian vultures released in Italy – Aneta drowned in the Med, while Tobia is now in Algeria, and Carmen and Karel prepare to
- Lead poisoning and bearded vultures in the French Alps –significant progress in the seminar this week at Annecy
- The VCF will be tomorrow in Annecy co-leading a seminar on lead poisoning and bearded vultures
- And he made it to Libya – Tobia the Egyptian vulture had already survived a night in Malta, now he landed in Misurata
- Tobia the Egyptian vulture made it to Malta – and survived the ordeal, after having been guarded all night long by conservationists and the police!
- The story of IFP – or how vulture conservation is really a transnational affair
- The VCF was present in the meeting on Mediterranean Raptors held recently in Italy
- Sara made it to the winter grounds – she is in Niger!
- Seminar on lead poisoning and bearded vultures – Annecy (Haute Savoie, France), 28 September 2015
- Egyptian Vultures wintering in Extremadura (Spain): a summary
- One more griffon vulture shot in Lebanon – the Middle East continues to be a sink for vultures and other soaring birds
- Sara made it to Libya!
- Good breeding season for bearded vultures in the Alps – more pairs (34) and one more wild born chicks fledged (20) than last year
- Agata drowns in the Mediterranean while Sara has crossed the Messina strait to Sicily – in the meantime 4 other captive bred Egyptian vultures were released in
- New paper published on the role of supplementary feeding on the conservation of Egyptian vultures in France
- Today it is the International Vulture Awareness Day, and VCF has a message – Ban killer drug diclofenac or Europe’s vultures may face extinction!
- Spreading the word – vultures are beautiful, necessary and endangered! International Vulture Awareness Day, 5th September
- Help spread awareness on vultures – share your vulture pictures with National Geographic!
- News on the two captive bred Egyptian vultures released last week in Italy
- Two captive bred Egyptian vultures released in Italy
- The first baby Griffon Vulture born in the Balkan Mountains for almost a century baptized as Michel – a deserved celebration of one of VCF´s mentors
- Vultures in West and Central Africa threatened by trade for bushmeat and fetish
- Egyptian Vultures found breeding in Niger
- New paper discusses supplementary feeding programs for European vultures, and makes recommendations for the management of vulture feeding sites
- New paper published on risks of anti-parasitic veterinary products to bearded vultures
- At least six black vultures found dead near waste treatment plant in central Spain
- Fly Esperanza fly!
- Bearded vultures in Corsica and in Crete – an update
- Call for volunteers for the 2015 Alpine summering griffon vulture census – 22 August 2015
- Another Egyptian vulture poisoned in Greece
- New paper published on feather moult in bearded vultures
- The bearded vulture in the French Pyrenees in 2014
- Griffon with tongue protruding from the neck observed in France
- The first wild bearded vulture chick to be born in southern Spain in the last 30 years already has a name: Esperanza (Hope)
- Tizón is spending its first summer in Mauritania
- Bearded vulture seen in Corfu- rare observation of this species in the Balkan Peninsula, where it is extinct
- And it makes 15! Last young bearded vulture of the year to be released tomorrow in Andalucía
- Name the first wild bearded vulture chick to be born in southern Spain in the last 30 years!
- Proposed status changes for six species of African vulture
- Poison and lead are the main cause of vulture deaths in the French Pyrenees
- The view from the other VCF office
- First black vulture chick hatched in the wild in southern Portugal for more than 40 years ringed and tagged
- Captive breeding in the Egyptian vulture – a relevant conservation tool for future reintroduction or restocking projects?
- Declaration from the workshop to develop a flyway action plan for the Egyptian vulture populations in the Balkans, Turkey, Central Asia & the Caucasus published
- Restoring the bearded vulture across Europe – another great season! Most of the released young have now fledged
- First bearded vulture to be born in the wild in Andalusia in the 21st century marked with GPS and rings
- Planning towards safeguarding Egyptian vultures across the eastern Flyway (Balkans, Turkey & Central Asia, Middle East and Africa)
- New success in captive breeding of the endangered Canary Islands Egyptian vulture (Guirre)
- Schils is back at home – or how bearded vultures promote excellent international cooperation!
- And it is born! Black vulture chick hatches in Southern Portugal, the first such occurrence for more than 40 years in the region
- Six griffon vultures released back to nature in Croatia
- Bearded vultures released in Alpi Marittime got GPS tags – and a visit by an old gentleman!
- Fourteen released, one to go! One young bearded vulture released this weekend in Andalusia
- A scatter of bearded vultures in northern Europe!
- New study published yesterday shows that African vultures are declining at a critical rate, and heading towards extinction
- The problem of poisoning in the Balkans and its impact on vulture conservation debated at a workshop
- Vultures INDEED return! First successful breeding of griffon vulture in the Central Balkan Mountains for more than 70 years!
- The bearded vulture greets the cyclists in the Critérium du Dauphiné
- Four more young bearded vultures will be released this weekend – two in Andalucía and two in the Italian Alps
- Three young bearded vultures will be released tomorrow in the Swiss Alps
- The status of the griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Italy in 2014: population further increased to 135 breeding pairs
- Two young bearded vultures will be released Thursday in the Hohe Tauern National Park (Austria)
- Release of bearded vultures in Cazorla a huge success!
- Two young bearded vultures will be released tomorrow in the Grands Causses
- Unique footage of the first wild bearded vulture in Andalusia for more than 30 years – today two more young were released in the reintroduction project there
- Two bearded vultures will be released tomorrow in Andalucía
- Young bearded vulture still in Northwest Germany
- Restoration of the bearded vulture in Europe – this year’s releases will start soon!
- The silent killer strikes again – this time in Portugal and with a big conservation impact
- Bearded vulture breeding season in the Alps – an update
- Young bearded vulture first seen in Holland continuing its journey through Europe – now in northern Germany
- Tizón & western Mali – a love affair
- Young bearded vulture observed in the Netherlands!
- Not quite the royal baby, but cute nonetheless – Baby griffon born in Israel from Cretan vultures
- The VCF boards met at Parc des Oiseaux
- Two permanently wounded griffons travel from Portugal to France for captive breeding
- African vulture seen in Switzerland!
- And in the end, there is the sacred bearded vulture!
- One adult bearded vulture found dead in the French Alps – and another one shot at (and seriously wounded) in the French Pyrenees
- Noel-Leya is flying again – the young bearded vulture was re-released successfuly in the Swiss Alps
- Eurasian black vultures from Spain arrived well in Verdon & Baronnies (France) and are already in the acclimatisation aviaries
- Vulture conservation in action! VCF is transporting this weekend black vultures from Spain to France
- From Vallcalent to Ostrava Zoo, via Vienna – the adventures of a bearded vulture chick in the bearded vulture reintroduction project
- Bearded vulture chick hatches in Cazorla – another milestone in this fantastic project to restore the species in Andalucia
- Eurasian black vultures nesting again in southern Portugal after an absence of 40 years
- Famous Egyptian vulture Igdir found dead in Ethiopia after flying 60,000 km in three years
- 22nd census of the Stelvio National Park: 14 bearded vultures & 66 golden eagles counted
- 14 gipeti e 66 aquile reali: un resoconto del 22 censimento del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio
- 25 and counting – 2015 could be the best season ever in the bearded vulture captive breeding network!
- Injured wild bearded vulture recovered successfully at the Vallcalent rehabilitation center (Catalonia)
- Egyptian vultures that have wintered in Extremadura still in the region
- News from the bearded vulture captive breeding network
- Tizón is still in western Mali
- The silent killer strikes again – this time in Israel. Four griffon and two black vultures found poisoned in a rare case in the country
- Captive breeding of Egyptian vultures – results from 2014
- Another chick born in the bearded vulture captive breeding network –and with it days of intensive work start!
- Prominent Serbian vulture researcher launches today book about griffon vultures
- Another mass poisoning of vultures in Asia – at least 20 Himalayan griffon vultures dead in India
- Egyptian vultures still hanging on in Cape Verde! VCF, CIBIO and University of Cape Verde started a survey of the rare species in the archipelago
- Italian experts and conservation managers discussed the pros and cons of feeding stations for scavenger bird species
- Come and meet the VCF at this weekend´s FIO (International Birdwatching Fair) (Monfrague, Spain)
- VCF and Junta de Extremadura start a new project to monitor a unique wintering population of Egyptian Vulture in Iberia
- The miracle of LIFE in the bearded vulture captive breeding network
- Breeding season 2015 – and another chick hatched in Tierpark Goldau
- GYPAS project: 12 more griffon vultures released last week to restock the endangered population in Cyprus
- Hatching bearded vultures – busy times at the captive breeding network!
- Breaking news – the pair of bearded vultures that has built a nest in Cazorla (Andalucia) has now laid eggs!
- On Kirma and commitment to a cause – how intensive care and a lot of expertise rehabilitated a severely injured bearded vulture back into breeding
- End of an era – one of the most prolific bearded vultures in our captive breeding network died on the same day his last chick hatched.
- Bearded Vulture monitoring report for the French Alps – Life GypHelp
- The VCF and prominent Spanish scientists alert to a new threat to Iberian vultures – the proposal to eliminate all by-products of hunted wild ungulates
- Vultures die of old age too – female bearded vulture left us at age 49!
- Tizón and Mali – a love affair
- The Junta de Andalusia gives 13 Eurasian Black Vultures for the reintroduction projects and the captivity-breeding programme (EEP)
- The silent killer strikes again – at least 5 cinereous vultures (Aegypius monachus) and 3 griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) poisoned in eastern Turkey
- New study on the diet of the Egyptian vulture in the Balkans suggests that breeding productivity is not related to food
- The mystery of the orange colour in bearded vultures. What benefits do birds get from bathing in iron oxid-rich mud?
- Tizón is back to western Mali
- New papers on bearded vulture home ranges in the Pyrenees and Southern Africa
- Good news from Algeria – bearded vultures seem to hang on in the country!
- Taking care of precious eggs – the next generation of wild bearded vultures
- Annual simultaneous survey of griffon vultures in Cyprus: 15 birds counted
- VCF´s new advisory service to the bearded vulture captive breeding network produces first results – several aviaries have been significantly improved!
- Happy New Year Tizón!
- Bearded vulture makes Xmas appearance in Madrid
- Tizón is spending Xmas in Senegal!
- Father Xmas brought some great presents – fist eggs laid in the bearded vulture captive breeding network!
- Record year for black vultures in Mallorca – 25 pairs and 16 young fledged. Species has recovered from almost extinction in the early 80s
- EMA says veterinary diclofenac does pose a risk to European vultures, and suggests a number of solutions, including a ban of the drug – what next?
- Have you ever seen a pig flying? Or a griffon with a bell?
- Egyptian vulture tagged in Eastern Turkey overwinters in Kenya
- Scientific community suggest that weak environmental assessments of veterinary drugs undermine regulations and can cause a vulture ecological disaster
- Burkina Faso? No thanks – let me go back to my preferred spot in Mali – or the incredible voyage of Tizón, the young Egyptian vulture
- On vultures, rotting food, and nasty germs – new research on the bacteria living on vultures
- 34 griffon vultures are on their way from Extremadura (Spain) to Bulgaria, to be released in the Stara Planina Mountains
- Vultures need you – please write to your MEPs about veterinary diclofenac
- Tizón does a left turn – he is now on the border with Burkina Faso!
- New paper makes recommendations regarding the management of vulture feeding stations to benefit endangered species
- Vultures (and other things!) galore at Turkey feeding station
- One step closer to ban vet diclofenac in the EU – CMS makes landmark political decision on the matter and recommends its prohibition
- Tizón moves further south – he is now close to Bamako
- Breaking news – Pair of bearded vultures build nest in Cazorla, 30 years after the last nesting in the wild
- Record year in the bearded vulture alpine reintroduction project: 31 territories and 19 young fledged in the wild, the highest ever
- Tizón has been enjoying Mali
- Bearded vulture captive breeding network – busy times preparing the next breeding season! Prague Zoo has just received a new adult pair
- New paper highlights the importance of Afar region in Ethiopia for wintering Egyptian vultures
- Thank you to all volunteers that have joined us in the International Bearded Vulture Observation Days!
- The Middle-East – a sink for vultures
- Nature´s editorial: Europe must act to stop livestock drugs from wiping out its vulture populations
- Significant contributions to document the impact of the trade in vulture parts for traditional medicine in Africa published
- Project buseu – how vultures are helping recover an abandoned village
- NATURE reports on diclofenac, other veterinary drugs and vultures
- Ouf – still alive! Tizón the Egyptian vulture is already in Mali!
- New study shows that African bearded vulture populations have reduced genetic variability and have little interpopulation variability
- VCF and Generalitat of Catalonia sign important agreement for the conservation of Bearded Vultures
- New paper published with first reported case of a griffon vulture being killed by a veterinary drug in Spain
- VCF submits reasoned opinion for the public consultation on veterinary diclofenac
- Veterinary diclofenac in Europe – we know what it did to India´s vultures & there is an alternative – so WHY?
- Vultures in Europe – a future foretold?
- Tizón, the young Egyptian vulture released in Extremadura, is already in Southern Morocco
- The Alps International Bearded Vulture Observation Days are coming – join us & 600 other volunteers on 10-19 October!
- Great year for bearded vultures in Crete – five young from five breeding pairs!
- Young Egyptian vulture released last week in Extremadura is already in central Morocco
- The International Bearded Vulture Observation Days are coming: 10-19 October. Join us!
- Significant breakthrough in the battle to ban veterinary diclofenac – Europe announces a Public Consultation.
- New review article on the effects of lead on wildlife published. Lead poisoning is a significant threat to vultures – VCF is working on the matter
- Misterious vulture from southern Spain is after all a Rueppell´s
- Good news on the International Vulture Awareness Day: Junta de Extremadura reveals that the black vulture population has increased
- Two captive-bred black vultures will be released this weekend in France – when the world celebrates International Vulture Awareness Day
- African white-backed vulture seen in Portugal
- New LIFE project on bearded vulture in the French Alps will be launched on the International Vulture Awareness Day
- International Vulture Awareness Day is this weekend. Let´s all celebrate vultures!
- Poison – the silent killer. Unseen, undetected and underreported, poison is nevertheless here, as some figures recently released in Spain show
- One more Egyptian vulture found poisoned in France
- Bearded vulture and hydropower in the Swiss Alps – a good vote!
- Vet diclofenac in Europe- While the EU Commission drags its feet; the issue remains very much alive in the minds of Europeans.
- Breeding population of Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus in Serbia slowly increasing
- Five Rueppell´s vultures observed together in Portugal
- Three new bearded vulture pairs in the French Pyrenees!
- Now online: information and guidelines about the european black vulture captive breeding network (EEP)
- Bearded vulture reintroduction projects in Europe: 9 young released this year in 4 sites in Austria, Switzerland, France and Spain
- Bearded vulture uplisted from Least Concern to Near Threatened at global level in the 2014 IUCN bird red list update
- Corsica: Juvenile bearded vulture tagged successfully for the second consecutive year
- VCF new poster – griffon vulture reintroduction in the Balkans
- Vultures & diclofenac in today´s Tages Anzeiger (in German)
- Bearded vultures in Stelvio National Park and the Ötztal Alps (Italy)
- IUCN Director-General adds her voice to the VCF campaign to ban veterinary diclofenac
- Egyptian vulture – decline in the Balkans continuing
- Two more Egyptian vultures tagged in Eastern Turkey in a VCF-supported project
- Well known vulture and raptor traders imprisoned
- Casseur d´os – twenty years old and going strong
- Schils and Noel-Leya are getting independent
- New significant breeding nucleus of Egyptian Vultures found in Turkey
- Thousands of French farmers, livestock breeders and hunters protest in the Pyrenees against the rewilding of the mountains
- Tagged Egyptian vulture killed for the traditional medicine trade in West Africa
- New paper published on the spatial ecology of the endangered Egyptian vulture in Spain
- New improved guidelines for captive breeding of bearded vultures have just been published by the VCF
- And here we go to a new life – bearded vultures released in the Grands Causses fledged!
- Indian vulture conservationist makes emotive plea to FATRO – please stop manufacturing diclofenac!
- Two more Egyptian vultures tagged in Eastern Turkey in a VCF supported project
- The Wildlife Conservation Society, the Society for Conservation Biology & the British Veterinary Zoological Society all alert to the dangers of diclofenac
- Three new papers published recently on bearded vultures worldwide – New data confirms worrying declines in Southern Africa and the Himalayas
- One more massive vulture poisoning incident reported from Africa: 92 vultures died in Botswana
- African Raptors Newsletter #4
- New evidence published today shows that veterinary diclofenac kills eagles too
- New VCF film on the bearded vulture reintroduction project in the Alps
- Breeding season in the bearded vulture captive breeding network finished – results mixed, but releases into the wild about to star
- Listen to an interview with the VCF on diclofenac on Radio New Zealand
- 120 black vultures at the feeding station in Turkey
- Bearded Vultures seen in Extremadura (Western Spain)
- New film: Commissioner Borg, please ban veterinary diclofenac!
- Three adopted bearded vulture chicks growing well in Austria – see the video
- VCF is supporting Turkey´s only regularly functioning vulture feeding station
- Diclofenac in Europe – the battle rages on!
- Junta de Andalucia and VCF organise workshop on the African vultures poison crisis
- Breaking News: Research suggests that Egyptian vultures may also be susceptible to Diclofenac
- VCF participates in a training course on police and forensic investigation of poising incidents in nature
- New paper – Egyptian vultures & human disturbance
- Diclofenac in Europe – update. Where are we?
- New film – bearded vulture chick from Ostrava Zoo is adopted by the pair at Schönbrunn (Vienna)
- Good news from Armenia – Bearded Vultures in Yerevan Zoo are breeding!
- Bearded vulture captive breeding: hatching time at Vallcalent
- Bearded Vulture breeding season: life and death in the captive breeding network (on video)
- European vultures severely threatened by legal approval of Diclofenac in Europe
- First bearded vulture hatchling in Guadalentin
- Good news from northern Spain – bearded vulture pair showing signs of territoriality
- VCF´s Jovan Andevski talks about Vultures to the Macedonian TV
- Exciting news from the Andalusia bearded vulture reintroduction project – first mating in the wild observed recently
- The 2013 annual report for the bearded vulture EEP (Endangered Species Programme) is out!
- Egyptian vultures tagged in Turkey still sending valuable information – soon they will be starting their return journey
- Important publication on vultures and their food now available for free download
- In 2007 an important seminar was organised to discuss the conflicts and the controversies related with vulture feeding and foraging behaviours, artificial feeding of vultures, and the impact of the new EU sanitary regulations on vultures. Those were times when the new EU laws imposed to deal with the mad cow and the foot and mouth diseases, requiring compulsory removal of all carcasses from the fields, and their incineration, were causing a dramatic change in age-old traditions in Iberia of leaving dead cattle in “muladares”. Things have improved since, with new regulations allowing for carcasses to be left on the ground in some areas and/or in some special conditions, but the papers gathered in this seminar still constitute some of the best science ever on this important topic. The publication – a 500 page volume both in Spanish and English – can now be freely downloaded from here
- VCF plans the future releases of bearded vulture young in the Alpine-Grands Causses-Andalusia reintroduction projects for the period 2014-2016
- Good news from the New World: Key property and habitat for the Andean condor purchased in Ecuador
- Film: Vultures from Ostrava Zoo help griffon vulture restocking project in Bulgaria and the bearded vulture alpine reintroduction project
- Bearded vulture breeding season: First chick! See the video
- Watch the bearded vultures in Vanoise National Park live
- Tamarán, the first ever Canarian Egyptian vulture bred in captivity, flies strong in Fuerteventura
- Croatian griffon vultures fly far and wide
- Update on the Black vulture reintroduction project in Catalunya – 7 pairs, three fledglings, and 30 individuals in 2013
- The end of an era – historical bearded vulture pair in Alpenzoo Innsbruck – Tirol (Austria) died
- VCF adds its voice to conservationists in Southern Africa that ask for a serious evaluation of impacts of pre-approved wind farm in Lesotho
- Great start of the year at La Garenne Zoo
- Lead still threatening the Californian condor… and the bearded vultures in the Alps!
- Black vultures reach historical record in Extremadura
- International Bearded Vulture observation days – first results
- VCF in the New Year – 3 great successes and 3 challenges for the future
- 46 cape griffon vultures found poisoned in South Africa. Latest in a string of poisoning incidents that proves that this threat is decimating vultures across the African continent
- Spanish bearded vulture researcher gets prize from University of Berne
- New film online
- First Griffon vultures released yesterday in Cyprus to restock the small island population. The last batch of griffon vultures had arrived from Crete two weeks ago
- First-ever captive breeding of the endangered Canary Islands Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus majorensis
- Griffon vulture released in Bulgaria shows up in France
- Another mass poisoning of vultures in Africa – 37 white-backed vultures dead in Zululand, South Africa
- Young Egyptian vultures from the Balkans suffer high loss during their first migration – would they fare differently if they travelled with adults? Data suggests that the overland route
- Bearded vulture shot and killed in the French Pyrénées Atlantiques
- The bearded vulture breeding season has just started!
- New scientific paper uncovers significant decline in Southern Africa’s bearded vultures
- VCF and Junta de Andalucía work together to help the griffon restocking project in Bulgaria
- Black vulture shot in Lebanon. Middle East continues to be a sink for vultures and other soaring birds
- Celebrating the comeback of the mountain king in the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting
- The 2013 annual bearded vulture meeting in Aosta was a great success
- VCF in the news – Spanish black vultures going to France (in Spanish)
- Spain gives 6 more black vultures to the French reintroduction project VCF organised the logistics and the transport
- Summer is just over – but for bearded vultures the breeding season is now starting!
- Black Vulture reintroduction project in France register more successes – first breeding in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region!
- SEO/BirdLife develops precious tool in the fight against poison
- More Rüppell’s Vultures Gyps rueppellii seen in Portugal
- VCF founder receives Dutch Royal distinction
- The Egyptian vulture population in Andalusia stabilizes at 25 pairs
- Results of the annual census of summering Griffon Vultures in the Alps are out: 1800+ birds!
- Zoo de Lille and Éspace Rambouillet organize fundraising events for the VCF
- Longevity record for wild griffon vultures broken
- Tagged Ruppel´s vulture moves from Portugal to France
- Eurasian Black Vulture chick raised successfully in Antwerp Zoo
- Egyptian Vultures bred again in Malaga province (Spain)
- Egyptian Vultures using tools – new photos
- Massive poisoning of vultures reported from Africa
- Live the challenges that the Egyptian vulture has to face through a new computer game!
- Expedition to Albania finds only 8 pairs of Egyptian Vulture
- More and more Black Vultures are appearing in the Italian Eastern Alps
- Importance of Protected Areas for the reintroduction of bearded vultures in the Alps – poster
- Two new residents in the Vercors
- Rüppel’s Griffon Vulture wing tagged in Portugal
- After an incredible voyage through middle Europe, Bernd the bearded vulture decides to go alone…
- Baby in the cave – follow the new born Egyptian vulture through the nest webcam!
- Aschka and Kalandraka released in the Swiss Alps
- Young bearded vultures released in Cazorla (Andalucía), Spain
- VCF publishes landmark compilation on the Balkan vultures
- Glocknerlady released in National Park Hohe Tauern on 5th May
- A Black Vulture in Eastern Balkan Mountains for a first time in more than thirty years!
- Bearded vulture breeding season: First egg!
- Poison kills Egyptian vultures in Greece
- VCF and BirdLife International send joint letter to European and Greek authorities about recent poisoning incident in Greece
- Griffon Vultures lay an egg in the Eastern Balkan Mountains for a second year in a row
- International Conference on the Protection of Griffon Vultures in Cyprus
- VCF facilitated the international workshop for the development of the Species Action Plan for the Egyptian vulture in Greece
- Successfull annual bearded vulture meeting 2012
- Announcement: Annual bearded vulture meeting 2012
- The International Vulture Awarness Day is on the 1. Sept. 2012
- Lead poisoning – still a major thread for the Californian Condor
- News from satellite tagged bearded vultures